

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveA+
Replay ValueA-

Pros and Cons

  • Bonus Level
  • Can go back and play any level
  • New Enemies
  • Sound Improvements
  • New Locations

Tomb Raider II Gold: The Golden Mask (PC)

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The Golden Mask is the bonus gold levels for Tomb Raider II.



In these Gold levels of Tomb Raider II, Lara Croft is in search of the Golden Mask, a treasure that is sure to add prestige to her already amazing collection.

I am in the process of playing ALL the Tomb Raider games back to back, in order, and I think the most interesting thing about doing this is seeing how much progress has been made from the first game to the later ones. The advancements in graphics, sound, and everything else is really interesting to witness this way, not too mention finding out more about our heroine, Lara Croft.

The original Tomb Raider II does not need to be loaded in order to play this expansion. There are 4 levels, and a bonus 5th level. In order to play the 5th and bonus level (Nightmare in Vegas), Lara must find ALL the secrets in the first 4 levels.

There is also another great feature at the end of the regular levels once the credits roll. After the credits, you can go back to the red passbook, and there should be the 4 gold levels listed. This allows Lara to go back and play any of these levels, but keep in mind that she will be put back into these levels with very little equipment. But I did not see that as a problem - in fact I found it an excellent feature and it provided a great challenge.

This expansion also offers new enemies such as sasquatchs and snowmobile riding thugs. There are also new locations to explore like the Aleutian Islands and the Monk's Palace.

The sound seemed to be improved in this expansion. There is more music in the background and even some noticeable sound effect improvements.

Other than that, most of the game's other qualities remained the same. For that reason, I am going to refrain from going over them all separately and refer you to the Tomb Raider II review that I have already written here.


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