

Pros and Cons

  • Songwriting continues to improve as they become more confident in their sound.
  • Limited edition comes with DVD, containing live performances from Lollapalooza and Other Live Shows.
  • Original Bassist Dirk Lance left after 2001's "Morning View"

Crow Left of the Murder, A -- Limited Edition (Incubus)

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This album is a great follow up to "Morning View", Mike Einzinger's sound has matured and new bassist Ben Kenney does what he can to fill Dirk Lance's shoes. The album is pretty soft, but they haven't completely abandoned their funk/metal roots.


I bought this album on it's release day after becoming a fan during the "Make Yourself" days. It's hard to say whether "A Crow left of the Murder" or "Morning View" is a better album because they are so different. The sound on "A Crow left of the Murder" is a little cleaner, and their songwriting continues to Improve. However, If you are a big fan of "Science", you may not like this album as much because it is softer. Their sound has evolved and surely will continue to, but on songs like "Pistola", you can hear their hard rock roots showing through. With the departure of Bassist Dirk Lance, Ben Kenney is expected to fill some pretty big shoes. There is less of a funk element involved in his style, but more of a hip-hop influence from his days playing in "The Roots". Without a doubt, any Incubus fan should add this CD to their collection.

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