

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveA-
Replay ValueA-

Pros and Cons

  • Awesome Music
  • Great Gameplay
  • Graphics are nice
  • Some dungeons can be a little hard

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Super Nintendo)

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One of the best in the series. A must play for all Legend Of Zelda fans.



One of my favorite Zelda games ever, this game withstands the test of time and is still very enjoyable to play even today.

Story: Link sets out on yet another quest to stop the evil Ganon. The light world in which Link lives has been taken over by the wizard Agahnim with his magic... and now the people have turned against Link under the spell of the wizard.. The princess has also been kidnapped and taken into the dark world. Link must travel to the dark world, where Ganon must be destroyed with the master sword to stop the spell on Zelda!.. But will Link succeed? It just depends if you're good at playing Zelda games .

Graphics: I Personally favor the graphics in this game. Sure it's not the best the SNES has to offer, but for one of the older SNES games, the graphics are great, even more so if you have an S-Video output for your system.

Music: The music in this game is the pinnacle for the series. It has all the catchy tunes you will find in newer games like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Minish Cap. Anyways, you will not be disappointed, becuase the music is top-notch in this game. The sound effects are average.

Gameplay: The gameplay is really what makes the game so great! You will be playing this game for many, many hours as you get stuck with the tricky puzzles that lay within the dungeons. Not only are the dugeons hard, but for some of them, just being able to get in the dungeon is hard enough! Having to switch through times (dark being the past, and light being present) and beating dungeons in both times made the game even longer, but still didn't make repetitive as many things are different between the two realms.. Also, a thing that made things very hard to figure out was having to change one thing in a certain place that would affect the other world.

Summary: If you have never played this game and you enjoy the Zelda series in general, go get it and don't miss out on this game. Just think about it if this game wasn't made, what would the famous Ocarina of Time been like. I love all the Zelda games
but if i had to decide on three of them to play, it would be Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask and Link to the Past .To me these are the best and I have played all the Zelda games and enjoyed them all.

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