

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveC
Replay ValueA+

Pros and Cons

  • 5 Games!!
  • Amazing Graphics
  • Team Fortress 2 = Amazing online fun
  • Portal: Enough said.
  • Half Life 2, plus Eps. 1 and 2.
  • Team Fortress 2 is online only
  • The Half Life games are harrrrd.

The Orange Box (PlayStation 3)

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The Orange Box consists of 5 games and has almost endless replay value.



The Orange Box.

This game is among one of the best you can purchase for any system. I'll do a simple breakdown of the major aspects (graphics and gameplay) of the game, smaller details (sound and replay value), plus a summary of the five individual games, and a conclusion or sorts.


Half Life 2 + Episodes 1 and 2.
Replay the classic PC adventures of Dr. Gordan Freeman, plus its two quasi-sequels, Episodes 1 and 2.

Play through hours of addictive puzzle fun by using guns to make portals on walls you can go through to end up somewhere else to traverse many tricky levels. Makes excellent use of physics.

Team Fortress 2.
Old-fashioned online shooting fun. Master all of the classes to maximize your versatility in any situation. Classes include the agile shotgun-wielding scout, the lethal spy, the destructive heavy weapons man, and more which all come into use in different situations. (ONLINE ONLY)


The Orange Box's graphics are some of the best in first person shooters all around. The Half Life games have been polished and sharpened to look their best in full 1080p Hi-Def. Portal has an ethereal, surrealistic look to it that while simple, is enthralling in its own respects. The shocker here is Team Fortress 2, which has cartoony graphics that look surprisingly good on a nice sized television, and the gory explosions are a nice contrast to the kiddy exterior.


This is where every game in The Orange Box shines. Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of playing the Half Life 2 series before will feel right at home with a smooth, nearly flawless transition to the PS3. The only hiccup is the frequent load times you will encounter, though this doesn't detract from the gameplay in any way. Portal's simplistic gameplay is highly addicting due to the ingenious ways it sets up puzzles, and it can literally make your brain hurt, but once you crack the solution, you'll feel like a dumbass for not seeing it earlier, which is how you know a puzzle game is done right. The most fun experience in the Box though is Team Fortress 2. Hours can be whittled away mastering each of the character classes and trying to beat previous records. The only drawback to this game is that if you dont have Playstation Network, your out of luck, as it is online only.


The sounds of Half Life have all been brought over the the PS3, and previous players will relish of hearing the witty dialogue of Dr. Gordon again, and the eerie voices of the "police" are here in full effect as well. Other minor details like the squirming noises of non human enemies can really get under your skin and put you on the tips of your toes while traversing some of the games darker areas. Portal has a constant commentary running on your actions, by an unseen female announcer. The speech is clear and amusing, riddled with cynical humor and blunt observations. Team Fortress 2 has fairly run of the mill dialogue, but it is all executed so well and stylistically, hearing the screams of your dying comrades has never been more amusing.

Replay value:
The main replay value of The Orange Box comes from Portal and Team Fortress 2, as it is very fun to trace back over Portal's levels and try to find new solutions you may have missed the first time around. Fortress is pure old fashioned arcade fun, and it almost never gets old going out and trying a new character class and mastering it's individual nooks and quirks.

If you're looking for some fun FPS action with a little puzzles and gore thrown in for good measure, you can't go wrong with The Orange Box, though you'll need an internet connection to get the most out of this box.

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