

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveB
Replay ValueC-

Pros and Cons

  • Decent graphics
  • Decent sound
  • Weird story line
  • Not enough different kinds of races

Need for Speed Carbon: Own the City (PlayStation Portable)

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This game was pretty dissapointing. I didn't like the story line or anything.



Well, when you turn it on it goes right into a story. It's really kind of weird. This girl comes to you in the hospital talking about how you crashed and that your brother Mick is dead. You were racing and somebody crashed him.

Then you start racing in different sites on your map. If you win, the team you beat tells you what they know about Mick's death. You also have wingmen who have different abilities like drafting and assassin. The map is one big city and you go from place to place on the map if you win. You get to name your team and choose colors. When you win you also get some money. With that you can buy better cars and car parts after you unlock them.

Eventually you make it to the last site on the map and you have one final race. If you win they tell you the last bit of info on your brother Mick. By then you should have a lot of money and decent cars.

Also, if you want you can do just a single race. At any time you can quit the story mode and do a single race. You can race with the cars you have unlocked and bought in single races, but if you didn't do anything in story mode you have to race with the slower cars they already give you.

The graphics are pretty good and the cars look decently realistic. When they do the story the people you see are basically drawings. They are not like real people that move their mouths. You just see their pictures and hear their voices.

The sound in it is also pretty good. The cars do sound realistic and there are cool sound effects when they tell parts of the story. You can hear the people talking well too.

Overall I just thought the whole story was weird and unnecessary. They could have added more to the map and more racing.

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