

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveB
Replay ValueC-

Pros and Cons

  • Would be worth renting, but not buying
  • Car crashes and damages look cool
  • Good voice actors
  • Graphics are lacking and choppy
  • Atari could of done better
  • Horrible dialog
  • Lags a lot
  • Boring repetitive missions
  • Police spend more time against walls than chasing
  • Not worth $49.99

TOCA Race Driver 3 (Xbox)

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With all it's hype, it looked to be great, but it turned out to be a total letdown.


Driver 3, while it looked to be great, turned out to be almost a total letdown. so much so that I just bought, and then returned this game within 12 hours after I got it.

Graphics: There definitely are better looking Xbox racers than this, but it's still good overall. At times I found that the graphics were severely choppy and lacking in some instances. The crashes and car damage looked realistic and kinda cool though. So, aside from chopping issues, I give it a 7 of 10.

Gameplay: Now here is where everything gets ugly. First off, the missions are boring and get repetitively frustrating. The framerate was so choppy and laggy at times, it was equivalent to something like trying to play Far Cry on a Pentium II computer with 64 MB of RAM. Now onto more aggravating issues. As for the AI, the police basically refuse to get out of their cars to pursue you on foot except for on rare occasions, such as when they pull up in their cars right against you or when when they almost run you over then fly out of the car like they had 007 ejector seats.

I often found myself stuck in the car as the framerate sometimes causes you to lag and wind up in a traffic light pole and then you often find the police jammed against you and shoving your car inside a wall. Sometimes even the police cars themselves just get stuck against walls and keep spinning out almost as if the game is trying to make them drive through a crack or something. I give the gameplay a 4 of 10.

Sound: The character voice acting was good, and while they have decently known actors, the dialog just plain sucked. As to the music, you'll get tired of it fast. I'll give the sound 6 of 10....at least they hired some known actors.

The Story: Simply put, it is pretty damn boring. there is just nothing here to keep you excited or drawn in. I'll give the Story a 3 of 10.

Value: Definitely not worth $49.99, and those who do find some joy out of the game will only find such in free roaming levels. And trust me that gets lame fast. I'll give the Value a 5 of 10.

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