Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PlayStation 2)

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A Vice City three times larger, with all new gameplay, customization and gang warfare. This has got to be good.


NOTE: This is a preview of a game not yet released, based solely on pre-release information.

So far, I must have read 30 gaming magazines and I am still finding out new information about the much-awaited GTA San Andreas. Unfortunately, Xbox gamers will have to wait longer, but for PS2 fanatics, October 11th is the date in which this latest sequel is released.

I have a few points to make about the game, none of which are confirmed yet, but this will give you a taste of what this new GTA will deliver. Apparently, even better than Vice City, this game will be appealing and awesome! Here is some information about the game that the magazines have told me. There is plenty more, but I won't ruin the surprises for you guys!

- San Andreas is about four times the size of the entire Vice City map.
- Police now have motorbikes and can grab onto your car in high speed pursuits to catch you.
- Now you can use push bikes as a means of transportion.
- You can customize your character by giving him haircuts, etc.
- You have to feed your character or he becomes weak; but feed him too much and he will become fat.
- Gang rivals are in the game too.
- The game is set in the 90's.
- You are called CJ (Carl Johnson) and have arrived at San Andreas to resolve your haunted past.
- The highest object in the game is a mountain that is half a mile high. Helicopters take several minutes to reach the top, but it takes too long to walk or go by bike. Once you get to a certain altitude, you will be able to see clouds.

Personally, the GTA series are the best games ever made. They give big titles a run for their money and I'll bet that anyone who was satisfied with Vice City will be addicted to this new best ever GTA! You can pre-order it fairly cheap now, so that's what I suggest if you want to play it as soon as it is released. I certainly am, no doubt about it.

When I heard of the new GTA coming out, I thought it couldn't get any better than Vice City. The drugs, violence, crime, business, and missions were all great ingredients for the perfect game. Now, after looking at screen shots and gameplay descriptions, I take back what I thought.

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