

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveB+
Replay ValueB+

Pros and Cons

  • Excellent graphics and gameplay
  • Realistic sounds
  • Game interface is easy to use
  • Difficulty level can be adjusted for any mission
  • Harder settings give you more objectives and gold
  • Some monsters seemed unstoppable
  • Some objectives had to be done in certain order
  • Training mission was too short

Thief: The Dark Project (PC)

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Thief is an action/adventure game that will shape you into a rogue using shadows and stealth to unlock mysteries while fattening your purse



"Thief: The Dark Project" is a unique game that challenges you every step of the way. It's a game that will have you mastering your ability to use stealth and trickery to accomplish your objectives and fatten your purse...

You play a master thief by the name of Garrett, who is sent on missions that range anywhere from robbing a noble-mans mansion to getting lost treasures from underground caverns. Along the way, you uncover a plot to unleash evil creatures into the city above and are thrown into the role of savior instead of just a Thief looking for his next cache of loot

Each mission has three different difficulty settings (you can set this setting before each mission) letting you play each mission at any difficulty level. A concept I thought was a unique and excellent idea. The settings are Normal, Hard, and Expert. As you might expect, the higher settings offer more objectives to complete, and more loot to acquire

Your weapons are the typical things you might expect a "Rogue" or Thief to use, they include bow and arrow (with many different kinds of arrows to be able to use, from water arrows to fire arrows), blackjack (which is similar to a club or night stick), swords, and mines.

You NEVER wear any armor, and the only things you will be picking up in the game world are arrows, food, mines (bombs), or gold (which can be anything from cups to coins)
In total, I think there was about 13 or 14 missions, and if you get the GOLD edition, you get even more missions.

Graphics and sound were VERY good in this game. Although it was pretty much dark ALL through the game, it should be expected from a game like this where you actually need darkness in order to survive in it

Replay ability is excellent, mainly because you are given different objectives for each difficulty setting, therefore you are naturally curious to see what you may have access too on other settings...

I think the main reason I DID NOT give this game as high of a rating as I have with others, is because NO MATTER what difficulty level I choose, it seemed that doing well in the game was hard. I spent a lot of time loading my previous save positions, and I would much rather spend more time playing the game instead of waiting for a saved game to load.

Some of the creatures seemed to be almost invulnerable to anything I had to throw at them, and this left you with only one option, RUN!!!!!!! Although I do appreciate a challenge every once in awhile, I DO NOT like it when it seems like you have no chance at all to finish a particular mission. I admit, at times with this game, I blurted out a few NOT so nice words…

I know some of this frustration came from never playing a game like this before and not being too familiar with having to act more like a "Rogue" than a sword-wielding knight, but still if the monsters had been a little easier to deal with, than I probably would have enjoyed it more

I think the only other gripe I have with this game is that there were certain missions were you had to do things in a certain order, and if you did not know this, and just accomplished things anyway you could (like I did) at times, you could not progress thru the rest of the mission. You were forced to restart the whole mission, which was really annoying... Most of the time it was because you did not have a particular lever or you had not pulled the right switch.

In general, the game was still good and the story was entertaining; I still want to get the sequels.

This is the type of game that with more practice on it, I am sure it will become easier to finish

I would recommend it, and once I play the sequels, I will be writing a review for them as well

Your Fellow Gamer

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