Maniac Mansion (Famicom)

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An early port of Maniac Mansion to the Japanese Famicom(NES) by Jaleco, it's a very similar game to the one you know and love.



This elusive version of Maniac Mansion started life in 1988 when the Maniac Mansion license was sold to Jaleco Japan in order to create a version of the classic adventure game for the Japanese market, aimed toward owners of the Japanese Nintendo Entertainment System named the Famicom. This strictly Japanese game is nearly identical to its more technologically advanced multi-lingual NES counterpart, released worldwide.

The game's storyline is completely identical, so expect three kids on a rescue mission facing tentacles, mad scientists, weird nurses, and psychotic commando kids to either aid or damage your quest to destroy a meteor and rescue your beautiful girlfriend Sandy from its clutches.

Don't expect beautiful graphics, or even graphics similar to that of the NES game or the C64 game. This version was re-written entirely in-house by Jaleco, and doesn't bear any similarity in graphics or sound.
Jaleco also re-wrote the game's engine instead of using the well-known Lucasfilm SCUMM engine used in the other ports of this game, which means there will also be minor gameplay differences, like the lack of screen scrolling and a long password to save games.

This game is a must-have for any hardcore Maniac Mansion fan, but is only really recommended if you know Japanese, or have the patience to work out the a scheme for remembering the commands and items.
Or you know Maniac Mansion like the back of your hand and have plenty of patience to boot.

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