

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveB
Replay ValueC-

Pros and Cons

  • Table-top gaming realism using turn-based battles
  • Create a party of varied class/race adventurers
  • 3rd Edition rules apply, and accurately portrayed
  • Learn spells, skills, and feats
  • Professional gamers/roleplayers will find it hard!

Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder (Game Boy Advance)

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Based on D&D's Forgotten Realms setting, Eye of the Beholder uses a 1st person perspective until engaged in combat when turn-based strategy begins. A party adventure where you solve puzzles, riddles, and find secret passages in this classic dungeon crawl.



This game can keep you busy for hours, days, weeks, and in my case, months. You command a party of adventurers through a massive multi-leveled labyrinth. Your hearty crew has hundreds of traps to uncover, puzzles to solve, secret passages to find, and monsters to defeat.

As with all spelunking adventures, the constant treasure trove of new items, armor, and weapons, will keep you constantly upgrading your equipment and swapping items between members of your party. Inventory control is simple and easy to navigate, which is important since you do so much of it. Equipping, un-equipping, and swapping items from one party member to another is also a breeze.

A handy feature is the ability to change the order in which your group walks or stands in combat; like putting the spell casters in the back and the fighters up front, for instance. Combatants are numerous and they will catch you unaware, so be ready for unexpected battles around corners, down corridors, in ambush locations, and wide-open caverns. Strategy will play a huge part in each battle, from start to end.

The realistic Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition rules and game mechanics outweigh the limited graphic appeal. The mazes of the dungeon are navigated in first person perspective. The turn-based strategic battles are waged from an isometric over-head view.

Be ready for a long, very difficult adventure. Secret passages are numerous and sometimes impossible to find without luck. Instead of logic or reason, finding these hidden passages often requires the trial-and-error approach. Walk into solid walls and eventually you'll walk straight through one - as if it were an illusion. This gets rather tedious and frustrating.

All in all, this game conforms to the traditional role-playing adventure style, and the classic D&D ruleset. For the die-hard strategist, and D&D enthusiast, this game will make a hearty addition to your gaming repertoire. If you're looking for a quick simple RPG however, move on, because this baby takes a long time, and a patient person to master.

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