
Topic   Random thoughts....

Triple Gold Good Trader
* 2-Mar-2022(#1)
This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

Post your random thoughts, questions, ideas here... I'll start

1) Have you ever watched America's Funniest Videos and wonder why the winning video is almost NEVER funny AT ALL?? We were watching some older episodes on Disney Plus and the final 3 videos are always stupid and not funny, and the worst one ALWAYS wins.. WTF..

2) How have cereal bags NOT been made with zip lock technology??

3) They need to make a container that can keep to-go french fries from getting soggy...
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 30-May-2023(#241)
Tony wrote:
> nonamesleft wrote:
>> HybridCRoW wrote:
> |>> After eating about 1/4 of my food from Buffalo Wild Wings, I started feeling
> like I can't eat anymore... that's when I started thinking "I'm going to start eating
> |>> like a rabbit now and just eat veggies," but then I thought "Wait a minute...
> I've seen quite a few fat rabbits in the wild.... HOW are they fat rabbits if they
> only eat veggies?"
>> Ha. Maybe their bodies process veggies in a different way and they're able to
> gain weight from vegetables much more easily than compared to if a person were to
> eat carrots and celery?
> Gorillas are vegetarian and you never see one working out.
There muscles are made like that. The issue is as a result, they need more calories and eat more. Humans on the other hand can change muscle mass overtime. Also vegetables can be high in fat and calories at times.

Well didn't know that Steam releases new games at 11AM instead of midnight. Kind of find it odd they do that or is that title to title.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
HybridCRoW wrote:
> After eating about 1/4 of my food from Buffalo Wild Wings, I started feeling like
> I can't eat anymore... that's when I started thinking "I'm going to start eating
> like a rabbit now and just eat veggies," but then I thought "Wait a minute... I've
> seen quite a few fat rabbits in the wild.... HOW are they fat rabbits if they only
> eat veggies?"

I'm a fat (-ish) vegetarian. It can be done pretty easily. smile

Oreos are vegan. 🤷‍♀️
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
I’m diabetic. That was a diagnosis today, but I’ve thought it was going on for awhile. The constant thirst, the need to pee every couple of hours, random napping that I found wasn’t so random but it was happening after I ate. I have a circle thing on my arm and I need to scan it every whenever, apparently. Oh and I get to shoot myself in the ab once a day.

I have a lot of food and drinks that aren’t diabetic friendly. This will be fun, except for the part where I actually have fun. It’ll be a whole lot of change awfully fast, but I need to do it. If anyone has tips let me know.

Maybe I can eat carrots and ranch from B Dubs and be alright.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
John wrote:
> Oreos are vegan. 🤷‍♀️

Oreos are just sugar and vegetable oil pressed into a cookie like shape.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Well, yes, I know. My point was that it is easy to eat vegetarian ("like a bunny") and still end up fat. smile
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
BucketofJustice wrote:
> I’m diabetic. That was a diagnosis today, but I’ve thought it was going on for
> awhile. The constant thirst, the need to pee every couple of hours, random napping
> that I found wasn’t so random but it was happening after I ate. I have a circle
> thing on my arm and I need to scan it every whenever, apparently. Oh and I get to
> shoot myself in the ab once a day.
> I have a lot of food and drinks that aren’t diabetic friendly. This will be fun,
> except for the part where I actually have fun. It’ll be a whole lot of change awfully
> fast, but I need to do it. If anyone has tips let me know.
> Maybe I can eat carrots and ranch from B Dubs and be alright.

I use a Libre sensor as well... I like it because I type a lot so less painful with my fingers.

I'm on once weekly injection and 2 oral medications right now. I've been losing weight for the past 2 years... I'm now no longer able to drink alcohol, even though I rarely drink alcohol anyways but due to medications, have to avoid alcohol now.

Food-wise I also struggle, but I have been limiting to HOW MUCH I eat and it has helped with blood sugars. You're going to feel like crap for awhile when your sugar levels go down, so just push through it. I struggle on the food because I'm single, live alone, and every time I get fruits and veggies, it all goes bad before I have a chance to use it all... Also, I'm not consistent on my eating habits such as I'm not a breakfast person, so I don't have a meal in the morning... and it's difficult to have my breaks and lunch meal at work because of how they keep making all these rules and crap.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
HybridCRoW wrote:
> I use a Libre sensor as well... I like it because I type a lot so less painful with
> my fingers.
> I'm on once weekly injection and 2 oral medications right now. I've been losing
> weight for the past 2 years... I'm now no longer able to drink alcohol, even though
> I rarely drink alcohol anyways but due to medications, have to avoid alcohol now.
> Food-wise I also struggle, but I have been limiting to HOW MUCH I eat and it has
> helped with blood sugars. You're going to feel like crap for awhile when your sugar
> levels go down, so just push through it. I struggle on the food because I'm single,
> live alone, and every time I get fruits and veggies, it all goes bad before I have
> a chance to use it all... Also, I'm not consistent on my eating habits such as I'm
> not a breakfast person, so I don't have a meal in the morning... and it's difficult
> to have my breaks and lunch meal at work because of how they keep making all these
> rules and crap.

I’m pretty much in the same situation. Single, but with a roommate. We have separate food setups and refrigerators and stuff, so I pretty much get to do what I want and that hasn’t been great for me food wise… with pretty much the same issues as you seem to have. I’m with once daily injections and some pill I have to take once a day with food. I just went grocery shopping yesterday and I apparently have a bunch of crap I shouldn’t eat. That is a problem I never thought I’d have. I’ll do what you’re saying though and limit how much I eat, since I haven’t been doing that ever.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
When LED light bulbs came onto the market many years ago, my wife and I were excited and converted over to using them in many places in the house. Years later, I ended up unhappy with a couple situations using a dimmer that LEDs didn't work great for. The other day, I went to the store to find some incandescent bulbs and I couldn't find any. Eventually, I realized they are basically illegal now. *pout*
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Yea, Easy Bake Oven lovers are in the same boat.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
I believe that dimmable LEDs have come a long way though -- so you can get those now and they seem to be decent?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
* 2-Jun-2023(#251)
I did get some new dimmable ones, but I haven't tried them yet. Previous dimmables have had issues (e.g. they are inconsistent and low-light levels), so I'm not expecting much. Maybe it has been years though and they are great now. I will try again.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
So, I can safely say that I've had Popeye's Chicken and I'm sad to say that it is NOT the shiznit. It's not bad, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's "the shiznit."
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
HybridCRoW wrote:
> So, I can safely say that I've had Popeye's Chicken and I'm sad to say that it is
> NOT the shiznit. It's not bad, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's "the shiznit."

Popeye's quality REALLY varies by location. The one near me is awful, but the one in Evansville is pretty decent

Triple Gold Good Trader
benstylus wrote:
> HybridCRoW wrote:
>> So, I can safely say that I've had Popeye's Chicken and I'm sad to say that it is NOT the shiznit. It's not bad, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's "the shiznit."
> Popeye's quality REALLY varies by location. The one near me is awful, but the one in Evansville is pretty decent

Quality in all fast food restaurants varies greatly between locations and even within the same restaurant. If my most recent experiences at McDonald's, BK, and Wendy's were my first time, I would not return to any of them. Most of the time I order the Quarter Pounder from McDonald's because it is the only item they make to order. The last several visits to both Qdobas in my city have been so poor that I won't be going back for awhile. For my tastes, Popeye's is one of the better fast food restaurants. I've never gotten lukewarm food in a Popeye's meal. In my opinion, the red beans and rice is one of the best side dishes available at any fast food place. When I use coupons or the "free two piece snack" deal from completing the survey, it is one of the best values available today. The only complaint I've had with Popeye's is that sometimes the pieces are pretty small, but often I'm given three small pieces in a "two piece meal" without asking.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
* 4-Jun-2023(#255)
Popeyes is inconsistent as crap. There’s a few here in OKC and none some are good and some are not. Some that were good, aren’t the next time and vice versa. They all look like their building could use a good washing, too.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Remember when people were buying a ton of the chicken sandwiches and putting them on ebay?? I mean, yeah, the sandwich is pretty good, but people went INSANE for them...
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
I find that hilarious as the Popeye's that used to be in my area was so bad...I had a friend who was a notorious cheapskate and even HE threw his sandwich away because it was so bad.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Yeah the Popeye's near my spot is absolutely awful. McDonald's may be terrible for you, but at least the food tastes alright. My Popeye's absolutely doesn't.
Double Gold Good Trader
* 6-Jun-2023(#259)
Raspberries are part of the rose family. I wonder if there are as many colored raspberries as there are roses.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 7-Jun-2023(#260)
You guys hear about this David Grusch fellow? Apparently a whistleblower from one of the highest military ranks who alleges that the military has a "UFO retrieval program" and that they have an intact "non-human craft". I haven't looked too deep into it yet so I'm not sure if this is all nonsense but he apparently plans to have an interview on Sunday. Some lawmakers are urging info from the Pentagon who are, of course, denying it.

Pretty fun stuff, real or not. Will be interesting to see what he says in the interview if it really happens.
Double Gold Good Trader
Years ago I lent Sword of Mana and Children of Mana to a friend of mine. We used to lend each other games. I remember borrowing Oracle of Ages from him. I was pretty bad at the game. Couldn't figure stuff out.

Never got the Mana games back. Every so often I wonder if he still has the games. No idea if I'll get them back. Would be cool if I did though. You never know.

Haven't seen this guy in years. I think he moved to England. Had some great times with this friend. I wonder what he's up to.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
nonamesleft wrote:
>I wonder what he's up to.

He's somewhere in England... playing your Mana games.
Double Gold Good Trader
* 7-Jun-2023(#263)
BloodPuppetX wrote:
> nonamesleft wrote:
> |>I wonder what he's up to.
> He's somewhere in England... playing your Mana games.
Ha. Made me laugh.

He was a good friend though, so I hope he's at least enjoying the games.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
* 8-Jun-2023(#264)
theJaw wrote:
> You guys hear about this David Grusch fellow? Apparently a whistleblower from one
> of the highest military ranks who alleges that the military has a "UFO retrieval
> program" and that they have an intact "non-human craft". I haven't looked too deep
> into it yet so I'm not sure if this is all nonsense but he apparently plans to have
> an interview on Sunday. Some lawmakers are urging info from the Pentagon who are,
> of course, denying it.
> Pretty fun stuff, real or not. Will be interesting to see what he says in the interview
> if it really happens.

I have heard about it. There is some hope that this is one of the better "whistleblower" situations. The problem right now is that everything he has is what he has heard from others. He has no direct contact/sight on anything that he's talking about, unfortunately. It is all "I have a high-up friend who told me..." stuff.

That being said, because of him, there are OTHERS that are allegedly going to come forward who DID have direct sight on these alleged objects. So, that will be the "real" story if we get that far. Everything else is basically hearsay.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Yeah, all I've been able to gather from this particular story so far is that, for once, the UFO community seem to actually be on board with what this guy's saying and aren't immediately poo-pooing it, which is apparently the common way these things pan out. Why that is, I have no idea, but it's interesting nonetheless.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
* 8-Jun-2023(#266)
I agree. This seems more "hopeful" even for many of the skeptics than in the past. It's kinda neat. We'll see what comes of it. yes
Double Gold Good Trader
I don't understand something about ads in middle of videos. If I'm watching an episode of a show, and there are a bunch of ads, when the ads start playing, I do something else. I typically don't stay for the ads, nor am I interested in them. Who are the ads targeting?

Superbowl ads can be fun, but that's different.

Your typical everyday ad. I don't get it.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Yeah, I don't understand how advertising is profitable. Everyone seems to hate ads and skip them whenever possible. I'm more likely to NOT buy something if I'm forced to watch their ad too many times.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Ads have been around through ages... The companies pay other companies to place their ads where they place them. Then it becomes a whole psychological thing, sublminal messages, whatever you want to call it to get you to buy products and that's how companies make their money back and then some.

If it's a product by the same company you're watching the videos from, could be another division of the company, kind of like how the tobacco companies and the snack companies are actually one company.
Triple Gold Good Trader
What gets me about advertising is how much profit a company has to be making in order to pay for running a commercial. Does a commercial, in a particular time slot, really increase sales sufficiently to pay for itself and generate additional revenue? A 30 second commercial time slot during the Super Bowl costs over a million dollars. Budweiser probably pays about a million to get a Super Bowl worthy commercial made. How many additional cans of beer do they have to sell to pay to pay for the commercial and the one Super Bowl time slot? How many cans would they have sold without that commercial?

I never noticed a difference, but when I worked at McDonald's the manager told me that he could see a difference in sales of whatever product was being promoted in the current commercials.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
I sold radio advertising as my first job. It works. The constant of any message over longer periods of time is going to increase sales. And at some point...a LACK of advertising will hurt sales. Out of sight, out of mind.

If you don't believe you can be affected by constant messaging: those old enough...think about your own politically charged feelings now versus 15 years ago. Advertising IS trying to create or keep an 'agenda' and we all fall prey to it.
Bronze Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review
Yep. It matters. It makes a difference. I used to write the scripts for commercials for local advertising.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
hahaha...weak minded neg just proves my point
GameTZ Subscriber Bronze Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 12-Jun-2023(#274)
This is late to the tipping discussion. But I don't think it is feasible for the restaurants to pay a living wage without raising the prices to where the couldn't compete with the other restaurants. I have two jobs one as a bartender and one as a manager at a fast casual restaurant with counter service, where tips are pooled and split between everyone working on the shift, those that cooked the food and did the dishes as well as the person who took your order. Why are people against tipping a barista pouring them a coffee but will gladly tip a bartender for pouring them a beer, other than that it is the culturally accepted norm in the United States? In other countries where tips are not the norm you don't get as good service in my experience, and every time someone doesn't tip it feels like a personal insult because it is now becoming normal to tip at a counter restaurant or coffee shop. The restaurant industry is underpaid but those that make a career out of it are passionate about it, and / or are unable to hold down any other job due to mental health issues etc and deserve a living wage which is currently gotten via tips
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
I think it's all the 'new' entries to WHO put out the expectations of tips and the concern that companies are claiming to pay X+ "you get tips" when in reality; you aren't going to get tips.

That is putting the burden of offering good pay directly on us: the consumer.

And for me, the tipping automatically before any tip-worthy service has happened is becoming a problem. I was at an Everbowl last week and and as soon as the big screen that says what to tip came and gone (and I tipped 20%); the person who was serving me (NOT the one who made the 2 bowls I order) IMMEDIATELY stopped doing things. She was putting the lid on my bowl and stopped and turned around and went into the kitchen the second I was off the tip screen and it was given. If the other person wasn't so nice and did a great job with our two bowls: I would have probably called corporate. But I knew the good one was splitting it with Ms. Lazy; so I just let it go.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Tipping is meant to be a gratuity, not a requirement. When you have the services like DoorDash and such requiring the tips up front and then the person delivering your food doesn't deliver as expected, such as handing it to you, or communicate that you've arrived, or whatever it is that they did wrong.. you're rewarding them for bad service? That's essentially "participation trophy," and "entitlement."

I'm not against tipping, I'm just against mandatory tips. I've worked a job as a teenager where I got tips and I didn't know I was going to potentially get them. I appreciated them when I got them because it proved I was doing a great job and it pushed me to do better every time. I never expected them either and still pushed myself to do a better job in any way I can.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Tips wouldn't have to be mandatory if restaurants actually paid a living wage.

Also Doordash and similar companies often pocket much of the tips you "give" through the apps. I just give people tips in cash instead whenever I can.
Double Gold Good Trader
* 15-Jun-2023(#278)
Why does tofu have a semi bad reputation? It doesn't have a bad taste, and is a great addition to things like soups. But I've rarely heard anyone get excited for a tofu based dish. Well, except for the guy in the recent ad I saw. He claims to use tofu in a certain dish. (And then a woman says that she gets a hummus wrap for lunch, something like that.) The ad wasn't even selling a product. It was saying to eat more veggies.

Can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'm actually going to look for the ad. Yeah, you read that right. I'm purposely looking for an ad. I'm curious what the dish was that the guy made. Some sort of tofu veggie stew.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
I've actually had fried tofu before... it was YUMMAY!!! At least I think it was fried... there was also some kind of spicy sauce involved as well... kind of gave it a sweetness moreso than spicy.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Tofu stir fry is awesome
Double Gold Good Trader
@rayzor6 @HybridCRoW

Two people who have good things to say about tofu. Nice.

Aside from not seeing tofu served that often, I hardly see it on menus either. Occasionally you spot a dish or two, but that's it. Maybe it's just that it's more known/widely used in Asian cultures?

Topic   Random thoughts....