
Topic   Diablo

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 26-Oct-2019(#1)
Damn you targeted Facebook advertising. For the love of God I hope this is true. D2 remastered? Holy fudge yes!
Bronze Good Trader Gold Global Trader (14)
I would definitely check it out. If I can ever get a current spec/gaming laptop.

300 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I'd love a Diablo 2 remastered, as long as it's more of a graphical update with maybe some modern quality of life improvements, but not if it would be a complete overhaul to make the gameplay feel like Diablo 3. I love action-RPGs but I really didn't enjoy D3 at all. It felt way too simplified for my tastes.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Wonder if this is an attempt to save face from all the controversy with their Chinese Overlords.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Guess you don't know, Tencent, a Chinese government owned company owns like 40% of Blizzard, some pro tour person for Hearthstone showed support of the Hong Kong protests. Chinese Overlords make Blizzard ban the guy, guy eventually gets unbanned and winnings back. It's been mayhem since.
Double Gold Good Trader
* 27-Oct-2019(#6)
Earlier this month, Blitzchung won the Hearthstone Grandmasters Tournament, and after his victory, the casters gave him an opportunity to offer a closing statement and he said "Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our time/age." (slight variation depending on the translation)
After that, Blizzard:
a) Revoked Blitzchung's Grandmaster status
b) Stripped him of his $10,000 prize money
c) Banned him from all pro-play for a year
d) Permanently blacklisted the casters from ever participating at a Blizzard event again.

In response to this, the internet went fudging nuts and everyone from reddit to US Congresspeople across the political spectrum were condemning Blizzard for their actions, and the internet being what it is, started memeing. Blizzard was prioritizing the Chinese market over human rights and so people turned Mei from Overwatch into a Pro-Hong Kong symbol in an attempt to get Blizzard banned in China (sadly, didn't work) and after a few days, they issued a statement saying, paraphrased, "we jumped the gun and overreacted, our bad." and gave Blitzchung his money and title back and reduced the sentence on both him and the casters to six months.

After that, a lot of the buzz settled down but since then, they've banned (last I checked) an additional 3 people for supporting Hong Kong so they very obviously haven't changed their views. I've personally uninstalled all Blizzard games,, and cancelled all existing subscriptions, but I understand some people don't feel as strongly about it.

That said, Tencent only owns 5% of Activision-Blizzard, so what they did was done out of pure greed in an attempt to satisfy China. While I won't defend it, Riot is 100% owned by Tencent so it's at least a little bit more understandable why they chat-restricted anything relating to Hong Kong during Worlds this year.

About Blitzchung's ban

Blizzard's Statement

Example of Mei memes

The reason for the statement which was recently killed after 7 months of protests in Hong Kong.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Yeah, I think it's Epic that's 40% Tencent owned. Either way, fudge Blizzard.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Kommie wrote:
> Guess you don't know, Tencent, a Chinese government owned company owns like 40% of
> Blizzard, some pro tour person for Hearthstone showed support of the Hong Kong protests.
> Chinese Overlords make Blizzard ban the guy, guy eventually gets unbanned and winnings
> back. It's been mayhem since.

Ah, I read basics here, didn't understand the Chinese relation. Interesting.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
@SpaceVentura - great synopsis, thanks!
Double Gold Good Trader
* 27-Oct-2019(#10)
No problem! I've got a buddy from Hong Kong who's parents have been basically forced indoors for the past half year due to the protests, so I want to at least raise awareness for what's going on over there. It's been escalating a lot the past month or two with increased police violence and it's really spooky.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
Honestly, I don't care enough to uninstall any Blizzard game. I am having to much fun with WoW Classic as it's the only game my sister plays and have been having a blast when she is on... it's really the only time we get to just talk and have fun since she lives so far away... But I totally respect your decision and issues in Hong Kong obviously hit closer to home for you.

These are also not so much a save face announcement as they have been rumored for a number of years now. I know it's something the Diablo community has been asking for for years! (the remaster)....

The one thing I don't get really is all the hate that D3 got. I put in probably 300 hours of game play in on the PC version and what seemed to be forever on the PS4 (it was a grind to get the Plat for sure) and while it's been a number of years I did play the snot out of D2 also, even bought the CE. Out side of a few differences it seemed like more of the same. Maybe I have to really go back and play D2 to get more of a feel... but I just never understood the hate.


The D2 lovers-D3 haters often describe D3 as dumbed down or simplified and dislike the lack of strategy and challenge that results. Now I enjoy both games (I am easy to please lol) but I can kind of see their point.

Remember in D2, you were the one who had to assign stats and skill points when leveling up. Skill points were limited in number too . You basically have to commit to your build or start over. In D3, you eventually get all skills and can mix,match, and change them as you please.

Challenge wise, sets in D2 were far weaker and the really powerful items (cough* runes for runeword items) were really hard to get legit. I remember the higher difficulty levels in D2 being harder. In D3, once you get a complete set you can pretty much blow through higher torment levels.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
someone on 4Chan who leaked some Blizzard info on Overwatch 2 and WoW back in June also leaked some Diablo 4 info, it's a first person shooter in the Overwatch engine, that's intended to be a "Destiny killer". Yeah, they totally know how to please Diablo fans.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

This is a summary of the leaks, this was in June and the stuff involving WoW Races and Overwatch 2 happened.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Kommie wrote:
> someone on 4Chan who leaked some Blizzard info on Overwatch 2 and WoW back in June
> also leaked some Diablo 4 info, it's a first person shooter in the Overwatch engine,
> that's intended to be a "Destiny killer". Yeah, they totally know how to please Diablo
> fans.

That sounds awesome!
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Can't tell if you're serious, the idea seems cool but don't call it Diablo. But they will for name recognition.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Definitely serious but doubt it'd happen. Also, this:

Is Diablo mobile still happening?
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Laughs in Path of Exile
Triple Gold Good Trader
Uppercat wrote:
> Laughs in Path of Exile

Idk. Couldn’t get into it. Loved d2 back in the day but POE felt so dull. Yeah you could make crazy builds but it just wasn’t fun and felt super dated for me. D3 on the other hand has been a blast whenever I play it. The think I disliked about d2 anyways was being locked into a sucky build and you couldn’t really experiment unless you were okay grinding a new character if it ended up sucking
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
The problem with Path of Exile is you have to meticulously plan out your build. There's no re-spec from what I remember.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader
DefaultGen wrote:
> Kommie wrote:
>> The problem with Path of Exile is you have to meticulously plan out your build.
> There's
>> no re-spec from what I remember.
> There's a respec currency that drops pretty regularly (way, way more than you would
> ever need especially if you pre-plan builds). POE's main problem is that it sucks
> for first time players, I didn't really start enjoying it at least until I played
> through the game once. The currency and skill systems are overwhelming. Trading is
> mostly done through third party tools. Item drops make no sense until you install
> an item filter. You literally need to learn to ignore 99.9% of drops because it's
> all useless and there's no "GP" type currency you can sell vendor trash for. It's
> counterintuitive if you're a hoarder and want to try to sell everything.
> Most isometric action RPGs are essentially Diablo clones so you already understand
> progression and drops before you start playing, POE is really different.

Never played POE, but I think I have it in my Steam library. Why are so many of the drops useless?

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader
That's horrible.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Diablo 4 gameplay released, it's not a FPS like was said earlier in this topic.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
AHHHHHH, so excited! Fudge yeah!
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Cinematic trailer, as if people play Diablo or any Blizzard game for story.
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I don't necessarily play them for the story, but I DO like their cinematics because I've played Blizz games for years. I thought the cinematics in Diablo 3 were great, as an example.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
I actually really enjoy how Blizzard tells a story. I really enjoyed WoW for that, though apparently the last two expansions it really went downhill (never played em).

Diablo 4 looks awesome, is it also releasing on consoles? I D3 on both and actually preferred the console versions.

Triple Gold Good Trader 7 year anniversary at Game Trading Zone today!
Yep! Diablo 4 is confirmed for PS4 and Xbox One.

Finn wrote:
> I actually really enjoy how Blizzard tells a story. I really enjoyed WoW for that,
> though apparently the last two expansions it really went downhill (never played em).
> Diablo 4 looks awesome, is it also releasing on consoles? I D3 on both and actually
> preferred the console versions.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Did they actually announce Diablo 2 remaster?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Kommie wrote:
> Did they actually announce Diablo 2 remaster?

Doesn't look like it:
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
I thought they announced an original diablo remaster awhile back, it looks like there was one (kind of) but it's a partnership with GoG. Apparently the game is released exactly the same way it was in 1996... bot really a remaster but tweaked to work on Windows 10 PC's. I could have sworn they announced an official remaster of the original though.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Diablo Immortal update. Was stoked about it last year when everyone cried. Still excited for it now! Finally a mobile game worth the time!
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
No mobile game is worth playing, IMO.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Diablo 2 remaster cancelled rumored, from fear of Diablo 4 sales being bad from the D2 remaster.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 11-Nov-2019(#38)
Finn wrote:
> I thought they announced an original diablo remaster awhile back, it looks like there
> was one (kind of) but it's a partnership with GoG. Apparently the game is released
> exactly the same way it was in 1996... bot really a remaster but tweaked to work
> on Windows 10 PC's. I could have sworn they announced an official remaster of the
> original though.

Nah, this is it. Really quality port though, scales to high definition very, very well. Did my first two playthroughs on the GoG release, it was amazing. Still haven't beaten it with a mage though.

I'd be fine with a GoG upscale on D2 myself, I don't need a remaster of all these games, just make them playable on newer rigs.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Looks like Immortal is getting some good press. Pretty excited about this.
Triple Gold Good Trader 7 year anniversary at Game Trading Zone today!
Challenge accepted. 1) I like playing really old RPGs on my phone. I actually beat Final Fantasy IV on mobile this year. It looked great, and it made the grind way more tolerable because I could just play a few fights here and there and there was an auto battle option. 2) There are some awesome slow burn roguelikes on mobile. I’m playing Pirate Outlaws right now (card-based, similar to Slay the Spire), and the touch controls make it easier and more fun to play on mobile. Both of the aforementioned games were also super cheap.

Kommie wrote:
> No mobile game is worth playing, IMO.
Double Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
sweet, i'm down for sure.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Have you guys heard about Hearthstone?


With Blizzard's recent going ons, replace Hearthstone with Diablo Immortal.

It's gonna be an ATM machine game.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
haha @Kommie - well, at least it's not going to be pay to win, like they tried to do with D3 at the start.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 28-Feb-2021(#44)
So recent news is amazing! So excited for D2 remastered. One of my all time favorite games. Will absolutely play cross platform between PC and Switch (travel).

I haven't yet watched anything for D4, not sure I want to see anything prior to release.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
Cross progression is nice, but it be great if Cross play was enabled. I will be getting it regardless. Probably PS5, PC crap the bed and I can't find a damn RTX 3060 to save my life. It's the only thing holding me back on a PC build.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Kinda surprise that no cross play exists, odd. Wonder if that'll happen at a later time.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
They are saying it could come later... But it's wierd that Cross progression is there at the start but cross play is not there. Wonder if it's balancing issues between console and PC?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I mean you can cross play between PC and console for FPS and PC is clearly more dominant (typically). Not as big of a gap with Diablo.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Immortal is potentially coming out June 30th.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Immortal coming out June 30th
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 25-Apr-2022(#53)
Looks like June 2nd is the new date. I've yet to get totally into a mobile game but this... I will play.
Triple Gold Good Trader
MrBean wrote:
> Looks like June 2nd is the new date. I've yet to get totally into a mobile game but
> this... I will play.

They also announced the pc version which will launch as a beta at the same time with cross save and play. Seems cool
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I just came to post about PC, hell yeah!!!
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 14 Reviews
Guess Blizzard thought it was too risky to keep Diablo Immortal a mobile-only "spin-off" title, that it was better to officially bring it into-the-fold with a PC release?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
RainMoN wrote:
> Guess Blizzard thought it was too risky to keep Diablo Immortal a mobile-only "spin-off"
> title, that it was better to officially bring it into-the-fold with a PC release?

Microsoft may have had an influence here.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Don't they have phones? Jesus
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
So Immortals came out ... yet, still not playable on PC? It was supposed to be ready to play today.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 2-Jun-2022(#60)
might not be up until "patch time", 10, but that's now. Or it may just not be up until evening
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
So it's basically Hearthstone?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Nice, it's up, checking it out now!
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Kommie wrote:
> So it's basically Hearthstone?

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
So far ... better than expected. It's actually a game that plays very well on mobile. I've play on both now and while it's clearly built for mobile, plays solid on PC (could be much better obviously).

Problem is though, my mobile character isn't sync'ing to PC and PC character isn't sync'ing to mobile.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
It is, just really confusing and obnoxious. It automatically throws you onto a new data server when you log in with a new platform, you have to select the server you made the original character on to see them. Got me too.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
DarkFact wrote:
> It is, just really confusing and obnoxious. It automatically throws you onto a new
> data server when you log in with a new platform, you have to select the server you
> made the original character on to see them. Got me too.

Yah, figured this out yesterday, not the best UI for this. So now I need to restart my characters, not a big deal, only put a couple hours into it. No way I'll remember what server and the server selector that says "character" does not show that I have characters there. This is not WoW, how did D2/D3 get by without needing various server selections? Silly.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Outsourced. This is what you get! :)
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Got my first Legendary drop


Can't wait until level 58 to get 2% on that skill, if I'm still using it! I must say, I'm pretty appalled at the time gating for in-game currency purchases with hilts and such. One legendary crest a month, you're gonna have to live to 385 before you get all decked out at that rate. I don't think I'll be playing much once I max level, if at all.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
As somebody who's in the afterglow of Diablo II Resurrected, I'm curious to try this out, but all the talk about requiring currency to get decent "Magic Find" rates when obtaining loot already bums me out.

GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
All the magic find in the world won't save you from starving for legendary gems
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 6-Jun-2022(#71)
One of my friends has a good theory on Diablo Immortal's release woes, I mentioned that after looking at the trailer from three years ago and the game as it is now, it's basically almost identical, other than some shader changes, like, beat for beat, I've killed three bosses in that trailer and the mechanics looked the same, character actions look VERY much the same. He said he wouldn't be surprised if after Microsoft came in and bought them out, they looked at the devs sitting on their hands, looked at this unfinished mobile game sitting in limbo since 2018 and said "Release a game or you're all fired" and we got Diablo Immortal to little fanfare or hype because it was as ready as it was going to be. Even though the monetization issues are SO fudging bad.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Bronze Good Trader Has Written 9 Reviews
Diablo Immortal is fun. I spent .99 and I won't spend another penny. After 6 epic drops, it nerfs your drop chance.
Bronze Good Trader Has Written 9 Reviews
* 12-Jun-2022(#74)
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
lol. I got two legendaries grinding two hours of rifts, I felt like I got awful lucky (other than the fact that they were both irrelevant weapon drops). Can't imagine playing long enough to get six.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Ending was lame To Be Continued crap (no it won't), endgame is really stupid with a LOT of waiting unless you PVP which is REALLY REALLY stupid unless you're paying to win. Not a great game!
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I still haven't gone back to Immortals but I keep hearing bad... I question if I should even bother at this point.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
nah. D3's a better game, D2's a way better game, D1 is the brainy best game, Torchlight 1 and 2 are better, PoE is the superior free choice. Can't play it on the crapter but Immortal feels worse than any of those. So.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Man that's so disappointing to hear. I tapped out on D2R after a big binge. Haven't touched D3 in years. May revisit.

I miss Torchlight. Have they announced if a new one will happen?
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 16-Jun-2022(#80)
After TL3, not sure I care either way. They retooled some other games to be a Torchlight title, and it's not great
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Ha, well, news to me ... I played TL1 and 2, didn't even know there was a third.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 16-Jun-2022(#82)
It wasn't really advertised because It wasn't really supposed to be TL3 at all; at some point they scrapped their work on TL3, retooled this game to be TL-like and that's what it is now. TL-like TL3. It was heavily discounted very early (discounted right now in fact)
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
DarkFact wrote:
> Ending was lame To Be Continued crap (no it won't), endgame is really stupid with
> a LOT of waiting unless you PVP which is REALLY REALLY stupid unless you're paying
> to win. Not a great game!

So, there's a legitimate campaign with a final boss and such?

GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 16-Jun-2022(#84)
Yeah, there's only one problem,

it's fudging called diablo and the campaign is just one massive cocktease and waste of fudging time

and I'm a big baby and have standards that aren't met. So basically even if you were pretty "meh" on D3's story and gameplay, suddenly it's gonna feel like some real deep crap. Because this was made to extract $25 from you while you're on the crapter at work and puts in the bare minimum to try and trick you into thinking this might be Diablo-like. There's just so many better choices in 2022, and most of them are very old. Old and better.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Haha @DarkFact is my hero reading these posts and ultimately giving me confidence to stay away from this turd factory (as I drunkenly launch it on my phone after not touching since release)
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 16-Jun-2022(#86)
I bet if you're heavily intoxicated you might get more out of it actually. And you can blame yourself instead of the crap UI

Just don't slip and trip on that buy button after the first dungeon, it's an 800% value for ONLY a dollar! You'd be a fool NOT to buy it! Right??????? please dont break the dam
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
I was going to play, but I would rather not participate in a pay to win. I will wait for D4.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
You really don't think D4 will be heavily pay to win?
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
But, but, they said the money shop will be anchored around cosmetics and eventually expansions! basically everything short of saying "I mean, no, you can't buy power in the cash shop" for some reason!
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
So many butt hurt gamers.

The D2, and basically every single MMOish ever, 3rd party market is on fire (and always has been). Blizzard caught flak with D3 for the RMAH, and feels like they can't shake it.

I made several thousand dollars off D2 back in the Day as a teenager, as did I on FFXIV and WoW. Everyone is cashing in, so why does Blizz get flak for it?

Many gamers are old, have kids and jobs, ultimately with little to no time that want to enjoy their random hour here and there. If I can spend a few bucks to cut down on dozens of hours of grind, absofudgeinlutely.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 19-Jun-2022(#91)
I'd rather I wasn't getting my chicken kicked around in PVP because someone wanted to flex their wallet on me. Call me weird. Busy Dad just seems like an excuse to me. He's enabling degenerate behavior, I'd kindly ask that he keeps his ass away from my videogames, but he makes Blizzard more money so I guess fudge me for wanting to buy a game once and be done with it, huh? I'm just butthurt :p

This is why I'm upset with how gaming is going man. Bad decisions affect everyone and set precedent.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
> This is why I'm upset with how gaming is going man. Bad decisions affect everyone
> and set precedent.

You do know that. Um. Well. This may be a shocker. You don't have to play these games meant for pure monetization. Right?
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 19-Jun-2022(#93)
@Kommie This is infecting everything, that's my point lol. When was Diablo about opening your wallet
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Times are changing, old man. There is still the option to not play it.

I remember seeing Diablo on PC in Hastings back in the day.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I mean I don't have to do anything, I can just sit in a chair and stare at a wall
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
* 19-Jun-2022(#97)
Kommie wrote:
> You really don't think D4 will be heavily pay to win?

I don't. The Console/PC versions have never been that way. This pay to win is typically with mobile games, and Diablo Immortal while can be played on a PC is primarily a mobile game. I mean pay to win. I don't mind cosmetics,

I know D3 had a RMAU but at least you could make money and spend it... I remember spending money but only from what I sold, none was out of pocket. I never got the crap they took for by it. I am Soley against the pay to win and that's why I won't play. Games that put it in can get fudgeed.

Unless D4 goes live service I don't see it follow a mobile game modle. There will be hell to pay if you have to shell out $60 for a game that is pay to win.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
DarkFact wrote:
> @Kommie This is infecting everything, that's my point lol. When was Diablo about
> opening your wallet

I mean in fairness, even in the original D2 days, eBay was huge for D2 paying to win. I made quite a bit of money back then. Basically any online game that has items you can buy/sell/trade, there's a market.

Hell, Edlen Ring has a big market!
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
It felt less insideous when the company wasn't designing the game to be paid into.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
MrBean wrote:
> DarkFact wrote:
>> @Kommie This is infecting everything, that's my point lol. When was Diablo about
>> opening your wallet
> I mean in fairness, even in the original D2 days, eBay was huge for D2 paying to
> win. I made quite a bit of money back then. Basically any online game that has items
> you can buy/sell/trade, there's a market.
> Hell, Edlen Ring has a big market!

But you also had to deal with duping. Had a few buddies that bought items went to collect and got duped... There was no recourse.

Act/Bliz have ever. Patented a way for players to be put in situations against pay to win players and encourage them to spend...

That is just crapty no matter how you slice it. if you are going to have pay to win then it needs to be separated from players that don't want to or make the odd transaction to support a game.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Oh totally agreed, but there's no stopping it. I don't know of a single MMO that doesn't have an in game or 3rd party market. They exist because there is a demand. Whether it's average Joe, a sweat shop, full time gamer, or the publisher... Someone is gonna make money off these games, forever.

I'm not ashamed to say that I spent money on in game crap/service on several MMO/MMORPGs in my time. I wish I had an abundance of time to play, but I don't. If spending a few bucks avoids hours or days of tedious bullcrap grind? Game on.

These games will never do away the need to grind and farm, so it's a never ending vicious cycle no matter what.

Still, I haven't seen enough of Immortal to understand the current beef. It sounds like it's legit, more of a paywall than a pay to win - which agreed, that's some crap.

Yet if it's kept in check, on a quality game that has no upfront or monthly cost, it's only fair as they aren't working for free. Developers are in demand more than ever, and they're yielding insane salaries. Gotta keep the workforce content to keep making more content.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
* 19-Jun-2022(#102)
You have people spending 50-100k on there accounts, yes it's there money and if they are dumb enough to spend that then I guess it's there money. I just don't care for the divide it causes. If someone enjoys PVP unless they have ungodly amounts of money to toss away they have no chance. I loved PVP in WoW, but never had an issue with 3rd party markets though most of there hear for PVP could not be bought unless you used a non PVP weapon or paid someone to farm it for you. But all the good stuff in wow at least was BoP and not BoE. But you could get it yourself if you put in the work, and they did make it easier as the game went on... In Immortal there are items you need to buy gear that you litterally cannot farm and have to buy. I largely stopped playing mobile games because they just so shady.. I just play PoGo now and spend a bit on a event pass now and then to support the game I play. If there is going to be pay to win, they need to be seperated from the others. A very small portion of gamers have the ability to spend 10k + on a game and these clowns the d to ruin the experience for others. That's why I stopped mobile gaming.

But I do see what your saying. Everything you can buy (except cosmetics) should be able to be had via in game grinding. I don't mind the grind, just don't make it insaneley difficult or locked behind a paywall.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I was a mad man with the grind (D2, FFXIV, WoW)... When I was young and had the time. No way that's possible now a day's.

I agree that you shouldn't be able to buy for PvP oriented stuff (if possible). Yet most games, don't think thats easily controllable. When they can control it per your WoW comment... People also pay sweat shops to simply log in and gear up their toon.

There's no way to stop it, and honestly, I wouldn't want them to. We all live different lives, to each their own in how they spend money and find joy in their free time.

Also, they've made $24 million already, supposedly? Holy crap!!!
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 19-Jun-2022(#104)
It gets super crapty. Even if you get a few grand in upgrading one of your gems up to rank 8 of 10, what you're not aware of is that you are NOW.... halfway done dumping gems into this one gem to upgrade it. Going rank 8 to 9 takes something like a THOUSAND gems, I don't even know what it takes to go from 9 to 10. But once you're there, they know they've got you... NOW you can slot gems INSIDE these gems. And rank those I'm assuming. But only specific gems insert into these "maxed" gems! The monetization for this game is so fudging slimeball.

And of course that's just one gem upgrade. So, probably best to just ignore PVP, you're just going to be feeding whales, and beat the story mode and fudge around in paragon for a bit and then call it good, it takes half a year free to play to get the same rewards a $25 rift run will get you in three minutes.
Triple Gold Good Trader
MrBean wrote:
> So many butt hurt gamers.
> The D2, and basically every single MMOish ever, 3rd party market is on fire (and
> always has been). Blizzard caught flak with D3 for the RMAH, and feels like they
> can't shake it.
> I made several thousand dollars off D2 back in the Day as a teenager, as did I on
> FFXIV and WoW. Everyone is cashing in, so why does Blizz get flak for it?
> Many gamers are old, have kids and jobs, ultimately with little to no time that want
> to enjoy their random hour here and there. If I can spend a few bucks to cut down
> on dozens of hours of grind, absofudgeinlutely.

That’s the issue though. The game then gets designed around getting you to spend that money. That’s why drop rates were to terrible at the start for d3 and the game suffered for it.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Shane12m wrote:
> MrBean wrote:
>> So many butt hurt gamers.
>> The D2, and basically every single MMOish ever, 3rd party market is on fire (and
>> always has been). Blizzard caught flak with D3 for the RMAH, and feels like they
>> can't shake it.
>> I made several thousand dollars off D2 back in the Day as a teenager, as did I
> on
>> FFXIV and WoW. Everyone is cashing in, so why does Blizz get flak for it?
>> Many gamers are old, have kids and jobs, ultimately with little to no time that
> want
>> to enjoy their random hour here and there. If I can spend a few bucks to cut down
>> on dozens of hours of grind, absofudgeinlutely.
> That’s the issue though. The game then gets designed around getting you to spend
> that money. That’s why drop rates were to terrible at the start for d3 and the game
> suffered for it.

Fersrue but look at D2's drop rates ... They're even worse.

In the end, the consumer is always gonna get dicked over one way or another.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 19-Jun-2022(#107)
Stingy drop rates versus actually removing drop rates until you pay cash isn't in the same ballpark, it's not even the same sport. Pretty please with honey and sugar on top, do not equate the two or normalize this behavior.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
DarkFact wrote:
> Stingy drop rates versus actually removing drop rates until you pay cash isn't in
> the same ballpark, it's not even the same sport. Pretty please with honey and sugar
> on top, do not equate the two or normalize this behavior.

Yah this sounds like a crapty ass pay wall then, f that, I will just skip it all together until/if they relax the stupidity. Plenty of other games to play.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Triple Gold Good Trader 7 year anniversary at Game Trading Zone today!
That’s awesome! I love the Diablo games.

MrBean wrote:
> Possibly a date for D4 soon...
Double Gold Good Trader
Probably have to tack a year on to that date until the game hits its sweet spot after content updates/balance patches. I still wish they would throw console D3 on PC as a separate game. I love playing it with a controller, and it would be way more convenient to play on PC.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

"Ultimately, Diablo 4 feels like a massively plussed-up version of Diablo 2" This made my week.
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Yeah everything i've been hearing is that Diablo 4 is far more like D2 then D3 which makes me excited. Still no way im buying it at launch, will wait and see reactions.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I'm definitely buying at launch! Hoping for a Collectors Edition.
Triple Gold Good Trader 7 year anniversary at Game Trading Zone today!
Yeah. I’m buying this at launch as well. I love every Diablo game, and 2 was my favorite.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
6.6.23 release date
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
should have delayed it til 2066 so it would be 6/6/66
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Prebuys with perks available... Tempting, but hoping for a CE (have my D2 and d3 ce's).
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
* 9-Dec-2022(#119)
MrBean wrote:
> 6.6.23 release date

I looked at it as 6/6/(2*3)=6

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
brian9824 wrote:
> should have delayed it til 2066 so it would be 6/6/66

They thought of you with the date chosen, 6/6/23

(2x3) =

They expect you to buy that many copies now.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
They're showing this statue on the live stream right now and gdamn does it look amazing ...

So tempting.
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
That $600 statue is awesome looking but dang I can think of a ton of things if rather spend that much money on...

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 4-Mar-2023(#124)
Greedy AF. I really wanted this till I saw the price.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Beta this weekend!
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I bought my chicken sandwich.
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Heh i'll be playing the beta but if anyone happens to order KFC and gets a code they don't need I got a friend who isn't pre-ordering until he can try the beta
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
FYI - Beta is available for pre-install
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Sadly no Necro or druid available until next week so ill be doing a Sorc this week and necro next week
Triple Gold Good Trader
Such a shame blizzard is insistent on their lame launcher. This would be an amazing game to have on the steam deck
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Sweet ... went to login, 90 min queue, fun!
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Yeah hopefully by the time im home from work things are stabilized
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
2 hours later ... got to watch the opening movie (AWESOME!) then the game crashed.

Now back to another 90 minute wait.

500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
On the plus side you can watch the opening movie twice...
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 17-Mar-2023(#135)
How, in 2023, are we still not prepared for this kind of stuff? Jesus christ, now it's a 2+ hour queue to get in.

What a joke.

GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I got in, it took about half as long as it said it would. Still obnoxious, this is literally all Blizzard does now, online services. This is a joke nearly three decades in.

Anyways. Getting really weird performance issues on PC, at 1440p it'll go from 125fps rock solid down to 33fps with constant frame hitching forever. 1080p is more playable but instead it will literally just spike and hitch nonstop instead. So your "average" is over 100fps but you're hitching so much it's hard to enjoy. This is a 6600, certainly has enough beef to play the game but obviously they didn't give a crap about optimizing for AMD and AMD hasn't come up with drivers for it yet. Interested to see how the 6700XT does when it comes in tomorrow, I'm still expecting problems.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I only rock a laptop 3070, and getting some random stutter issues. My cousin is on a 4080, he's getting similar. I guess kinda expected for a beta ...

Level 12, it's growing on me. I was hoping for more D2 influence, but it feels like a D3.5 honestly.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Man, have been playing for a solid 2 hours straight ... left a random dungeon, locked up. Now back to the queue, gahhh!
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 18-Mar-2023(#139)
Hit level 20, enjoying this more than I did D3 ... so far.

Am I mistaken, or is there no chest to store crap in?
Double Gold Good Trader
I played about 30 minutes of sorcerer, seemed fun. Gonna give necro a try next weekend
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
MrBean wrote:
> Hit level 20, enjoying this more than I did D3 ... so far.
> Am I mistaken, or is there no chest to store crap in?

I saw a stash on the map in the upper part of the first town.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
MrBean wrote:
> I only rock a laptop 3070, and getting some random stutter issues. My cousin is on
> a 4080, he's getting similar. I guess kinda expected for a beta ...
> Level 12, it's growing on me. I was hoping for more D2 influence, but it feels like
> a D3.5 honestly.

In general it reminds me of PoE, but the open world crap reminds me a lot of Lost Ark. Not super flattering but it is what it is
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
We tried to kill the world boss, it did not go well, got it down to about 1/2 health. Then again we were all under leveled and under geared
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I waited for 15 mins after world boss spawn time and bailed, clearly he was stuck in the queue.

What time did if finally pop?
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I was going to skip the Beta but I'll give it a shot this afternoon.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Finished the beta with a Sorc, had a great time overall. Had a hard time following the story ...

Gonna play with Barb for a bit before the beta ends.
Triple Gold Good Trader
MrBean wrote:
> Finished the beta with a Sorc, had a great time overall. Had a hard time following
> the story ...
> Gonna play with Barb for a bit before the beta ends.

How does the gameplay compare to 2 and 3?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Shane12m wrote:
> How does the gameplay compare to 2 and 3?

Much more like 3 than 2 ... unfortunately. It works, and it works well.

It's been years since I played D3 (and I played a ton of it), but D2R was more recent, and will always be my (and many others) favorite.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Stayed up till 2am to do the world boss since I screwed up last one (was an hour early based on original times I found, whoops).

Was fun! Sadly, none of the legendary drops were upgrades.

I foresee lots of hours spent on this come retail.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
The queue times got much shorter, but I wasn't able to play for any meaningful amount of time. The game disconnected after the first cutscene, then instantly, then after a minute of killing Wargs.

I'll try again when I can. The character creator is nice, though a bit limited.

GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Renaissance2K wrote:
> The queue times got much shorter, but I wasn't able to play for any meaningful amount
> of time. The game disconnected after the first cutscene, then instantly, then after
> a minute of killing Wargs.
> I'll try again when I can. The character creator is nice, though a bit limited.

Are you on PC or console? The last two days so far have been more or less flawless on PC for me.

Overall, feel for this is a mix of PoE and Diablo 3 with a touch of ...that Amazon ARPG I forgot the name of already. It's not bad but I'm not running out to spend $70 on it either. It can wait for a sale, which is not really a very flattering thing for me to say about a new Blizzard game, but it is par for the course lately so whatever.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I'm on PC.

600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Read that if you get to level 20 during the beta you get a few rewards in the Game when it comes out one being the Wolf Pack.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 19-Mar-2023(#154)
Groo wrote:
> Read that if you get to level 20 during the beta you get a few rewards in the Game
> when it comes out one being the Wolf Pack.

Oh nice. Thought there was just a title. After finish everything with Sorc, second toon is super fast to level (largely from skipping story).

Rogue is pretty badass. Didn't realize it was a mix between Amazon and Assassin.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Rogue was okay, doesn't really feel like you can dish out as much damage as you need to (I'm on Difficulty 2 Hardcore, I found Butcher and I ran my ASS off. There was a 0% chance I was gonna even get him to drop pots, I've never gone mid dungeon to entrance like that in my life, and he was on my ass all the way to the door, I was two hits from losing a level 14 character). I liked Whirlwind Barb tho!
Triple Gold Good Trader
Barb felt pretty weak (at least through the early levels). I really enjoyed the rogue as well!
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Sorcerer is broken as fudge. It's not even close, that's gonna get tuned down before launch. One right click pretty much shreds an entire pack of mobs, a boss that took me like two and a half minutes on my barb took under a minute on the sorcerer
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Sorcerer has always been pretty OP in this series.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 20-Mar-2023(#159)
Let me elaborate a bit: Sorcerer is OP at level 3. The other classes fall off immediately and are half as effective as one right mouse button press from Sorcerer. Literally went from a 2.5 minute fight with Barb to under 50 seconds on Sorcerer, it was kinda gross. I played the crap out of D2/D3, never went from normal to ultra easy in two levels before. Huge power spike. The other classes need to pick it up.
Triple Gold Good Trader 7 year anniversary at Game Trading Zone today!
* 24-Mar-2023(#160)
I love Diablo games, so I avoided the beta and planned to go in blind when it comes out. Apparently, I was supposed to have access with my Best Buy pre-order, and they couldn’t provide it, so they sent me a $10 gift card to make up for it. That couldn’t have worked out better!
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I wanted to go in blind too. But... but... but... puppy backpack...

GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
They had server issues with limited people on the dates for those that just pre-ordered. Now its available to the world for everyone. Good luck to anyone trying to login and attempt to play the beta today.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I made two attempts to play this morning. 30+ minute queues to log in, and I got disconnected as I waited. Looks like I may not be adopting a wolf puppy after all, unless things improve.

500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
The queue was basically gone by saturday morning last week.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Necro is ... very op'd.

Also, my Lilith statue needs a buddy! Jesus christ

GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Downloaded on Xbox to see what all the fuss is about. Been waiting about 20 minutes to login. Game says 22 minutes to go in queue still. I don't care enough to wait any longer. What a joke. Not even sure why I'm bothering. Blizzard is such a crapty company. I remember my PC account was hacked a month after 3 came out and they banned me for life. Because my account was hacked. No refund, nothing. Said I was a cheater, end of story. Paid $60 for a game and then a month later its just gone, forever. Fudge them.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 24-Mar-2023(#167)
I mean, it is a beta, and they did state to expect server issues.

The hacked account thing sucks though.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Sorc and Necro at 25. I'd love to keep grinding and doing every little thing left ... but it just feels like a waste being that they're gonna axed in 2 days.

Time to wait for launch.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
I need a series x for posterity at some point. May grab one if it’s not stupid impossible.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I'd totally get this if I didn't have the Halo XSX. I have a feeling this is gonna be badass!
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
The leaked image is just the standard black Xbox Series X. It may just be a nice box with a digital copy of the game included.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Renaissance2K wrote:
> The leaked image is just the standard black Xbox Series X. It may just be a nice
> box with a digital copy of the game included.

That would be super lame, I hope that's not the reality. It's a great oppurtunity with the acquisition of Blizz by MSFT (hopefully) to make a kickass new Xbox for the release.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
"Unfortunately, this bundle doesn't include any special Diablo IV artwork on the console or on its included controller. You are just getting the console, the game, the in-game items and that's it."

Well, that's just stupid, but I'm also relieved that I don't have to find a way to come up an excuse on why I need to buy it raspberry
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Yeah I’ll just get it digitally on ps5 since it will tank in value with the inevitable 3 expansions and ultimate evil edition.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
They're offering it for prebuy to MSFT employees at a minor discount ... I would have been so tempted if it was properly skinned.

Seems really short sited. Such a big name, and with the TotK SWOLED announcement. This absolutely could helped to push some consoles.

Oh well.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
MrBean wrote:
> They're offering it for prebuy to MSFT employees at a minor discount ... I would
> have been so tempted if it was properly skinned.
> Seems really short sited. Such a big name, and with the TotK SWOLED announcement.
> This absolutely could helped to push some consoles.
> Oh well.

I absolutely would have bought it / tried for it.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
MrBean wrote:
> Well, that's just stupid, but I'm also relieved that I don't have to find a way to
> come up an excuse on why I need to buy it raspberry

I think there's still some supply chain stuff getting in the way of console variants, and Microsoft didn't have the foresight to make their shell replaceable like the PS5's plates.

But yeah, I'm in the same boat as you. Disappointed it doesn't exist, but happy I won't be tempted to buy it.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I think this may turn out quite good
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 10-May-2023(#180)
Server Slam opens on Friday. I wanted to do it to get whatever one time thing they're giving away, but same day as Zelda!? ugh
Gold Good Trader
MrBean wrote:
> Server Slam opens on Friday. I wanted to do it to get whatever one time thing they're
> giving away, but same day as Zelda!? ugh
I'm sure you can spare a 30 minute break from Tears of the Kingdom in order to play Diablo wince
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Just play Zelda while you're waiting hours for a Diablo server to connect!
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Basically, a premium battle pass, more money.
Double Gold Good Trader
"With each Season comes a new Battle Pass for you to earn rewards from, containing 27 Free Tiers and 63 Premium Tiers. Overall, there are three versions of the Battle Pass available. The Free Battle Pass, simply called Battle Pass, the Premium Battle Pass, which will cost 1,000 Platinum (equivalent of $9.99 USD), and the Accelerated Battle Pass, which includes all perks of the Premium Battle Pass, 20 Tier Skips, the Wings of the Creator Emote, and will cost 2,800 Platinum (equivalent of $24.99 USD)."

I hate everything about what I just quoted, but it sounds like it's just cosmetics so far.
Triple Gold Good Trader
That sucks. Battle passes don’t belong in a $60 game IMO
Double Gold Good Trader
They don't, but the genie's out of the bottle now.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Orlandu wrote:
> They don't, but the genie's out of the bottle now.

Yup, they know it’s extra revenue for them that people will pay for.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Server Slam is good. Playing on PS5 though and running into some issues with my character not moving sometimes or getting stuck besides that it is good.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
One week to go!

Ugh, to pause on TotK and play this or not ... The decisions!
Double Gold Good Trader
The first week will probably be a bit frustrating with server issues, so you can probably wait at least a little while.
Triple Gold Good Trader 7 year anniversary at Game Trading Zone today!
* 26-May-2023(#191)
Everything I’m doing gets put aside when Diablo IV comes out. Diablo and Baldur’s Gate are my two favorite game franchises, and we get an entry from both this year. Between those, the PSVR2, and FF XVI, this might very well end up being my favorite year of gaming ever.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 29-May-2023(#192)
I'll pick it up on sale. Absolutely no rush, I've got TotK to finish, and waiting in the wings is Metroid Prime and Xenoblade Chronicles DE. I'm swamped!

This'll give them time to balance the classes, there's still too many Druids in denial that it's okay that they clear bosses at a third of the speed of every other class in the game and I think they're all developers.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
* 29-May-2023(#193)
No one has ever got a Druid right in any game. It’s just the red headed step child of fantasy classes.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Feeb wrote:
> No one has ever got a Druid right in any game. It’s just the red headed step child
> of fantasy classes.

No one you say? Oh ho, but are you SURE?

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Pre-load available, 85gb! Wow.

500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I'll have to pre-load it tonight

I made a thread here if anyone wants to leave their names for teaming up when it goes live -
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Ah, looks like the 85gb is with the 4k textures ... half the size if you're not playing on Ultra (which I won't be on my 3070).
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
I was kinda hoping the the Load times on the PS5 would be better. Since there is Cross platform I suppose they had to keep it the same... faster load times may give an advantage. I will end up getting this at some point maybe in July... I really need to knock out a few games before adding another.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
I was considering the deluxe for early access. Who am I kidding, I won’t touch this for weeks.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Feeb wrote:
> I was considering the deluxe for early access. Who am I kidding, I won’t touch
> this for weeks.

I said the same thing but Diablo is a great "play during downtime at work" game for me smile.

I think I'm gonna shelf Zelda (ugh, I know), in favor of Diablo + Final Fantasy.

Zelda will become a play during paternity leave game I think.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
MrBean wrote:
> Ah, looks like the 85gb is with the 4k textures ... half the size if you're not playing
> on Ultra (which I won't be on my 3070).

Why not? ...Oh, 4K lol. I was like I was doing 120fps at 1440p Ultra on my 6700XT
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
* 1-Jun-2023(#203)
I wasn't going to buy this. I didn't play either beta tests. Although I tried to play the first one but couldn't due to the wait times. And today I logged into my xbox, which has become my main console due to issues with my PS5. And on the store it had one of those new Just for You personalized sales they are doing now (not sure when this started, some time this year I think). It was for the Ultimate version of Diablo 4. Normally these things are like 15-25% off. And its based on games you've played/bought recently. Poissibly even the amount of money you've been spending. Not fully sure how these are setup. But this one makes no sense for it to be targeted at me. And the fact it was 50% off is really bizarre. This made it cheaper than the standard version. $49.99. So like the chump I am, I bought it. So I'll be playing this later tonight, even though I had no intention of doing so. Targeted sales 1, me 0.

And now that I've bought this, its giving me a Just for You sale of F1 2023 at 19% off. Which makes more sense. I've played F1 games on this system before. I've never played a Diablo or a Diablo like game on xbox before. Actually that is wrong. I downloaded that first beta test on Xbox. But never was able to connect to play it as the wait times were over an hour every time I loaded it up.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
I’ve seen that going around Twitter.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Feeb wrote:
> I’ve seen that going around Twitter.

Yeah, I was just looking around on reddit and apparently this is a common thing happening. So now I don't feel so special, lol.

People also saying they pre-orderd the standard edition, and it showing them the Ultimate edition upgrade for $20. Which saves them $10. Not as big of a thing. But that one seems to be more common. Some people also saying they had Microsoft cancel their original pre-order. Then buy the Ultimate edition showing for $20. I wonder how that is going to pan out for them. Amazing if they get the full thing for $20. But I have a feeling it wont work out like.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
PSN goes down at launch. I’m guessing hacked.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Fix for ps users who get license error. “Redeem” any free game add on or demo and then relaunch the game. Game will work after. Strange but many reporting it works.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
I’m locked out of all digital. Can play my discs.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
I really like how you can refund your skills for free up to level 8. It lets you test all the early base skills to see what type of build you like before committing. And you aren't punished by having to pay a lot of gold for it early in the game.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Feeb wrote:
> I’m locked out of all digital. Can play my discs.

Try going to Settings > Users and Accounts > Other > Restore Licenses > Restore
See if that works for you. I've had to do that a few times on PS4 and PS5 after PSN has had issues.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Archer wrote:
> Feeb wrote:
>> I’m locked out of all digital. Can play my discs.
> Try going to Settings > Users and Accounts > Other > Restore Licenses > Restore
> See if that works for you. I've had to do that a few times on PS4 and PS5 after PSN
> has had issues.

I got them back by doing the disconnect/ reconnect internet then restart. Unless it was coincidence and it’s just back up.
Triple Gold Good Trader
What class you all roll with first. I went sorcerer. Thinking of just making each character for the first 8 levels to see which I like the most.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
* 2-Jun-2023(#213)
Shane12m wrote:
> What class you all roll with first. I went sorcerer. Thinking of just making each
> character for the first 8 levels to see which I like the most.

This is what I did last night. And I still don't know which one I want to do first/main.

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
* 2-Jun-2023(#214)
I want to play Druid- but it’s prolly bad. Sorcerer was most fun D3 for me so I’ll probably spend the most time with it. I plan on getting all the trophies so I’ll likely max a normal of each class.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Feeb wrote:
> I want to play Druid- but it’s prolly bad. Sorcerer was most fun D3 for me so I’ll
> probably spend the most time with it. I plan on getting all the trophies so I’ll
> likely max a normal of each class.

Why do you think the Druid is bad?
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
* 2-Jun-2023(#216)
Shane12m wrote:
> Feeb wrote:
>> I want to play Druid- but it’s prolly bad. Sorcerer was most fun D3 for me so
> I’ll
>> probably spend the most time with it. I plan on getting all the trophies so I’ll
>> likely max a normal of each class.
> Why do you think the Druid is bad?

It always is. Or was in D 2 - I didn’t do much with it there because it was dlc. Wasn’t it worst in DPS charts too?
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 2-Jun-2023(#217)
Druid apologists said it's fine that every other class clears content three times faster than them because once you get full legendary sets and set pieces they really start to do acceptable damage before they die in scaled content. Who cares if a sorc two-bangs the same boss? We finally have a class with a body type I can identify with. And that's the important part
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
D3 was all about not getting hit and killing fast. I haven’t played iv at all- but hundreds of hours in 3 proved you gotta dodge and blast. I’m not interested in slogging out a low DPS class- I’d rather be a glass cannon. More on this after I spend hundreds of hours I guess.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
* 2-Jun-2023(#219)
Guess sorcerer is not the same class as 3? It was called wizard last outing.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
So now that I've spent some time getting sorc and druid to level 12. I'm dumping druid. Holy crap does it drop off bad as it levels. Sorc main it is.

I was going to do the same with rouge and possibly necro, but that would just be wasting more time instead of playing. Its just far more powerful than anything else. Like by a long distance. People claming the barb is the most powerful are out of their minds. And its actually far more fun playing with the spell synergy. Mixing ice and lightening is amazing. The druid is a one trick pony no matter how you spec your skills. And it doesn't level dps very well at all. You feel more powerful early. And as you level you start to feel very under leveled to the enemies. Which is the same problem I was having with necro as well, all be it far sooner. Barb just felt meh out the gate. The only other class that might compete with sorc overall is the rouge. But the bow stuff just turns me off.
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I'm planning a more defensive oriented barb for teaming, and a sorc for solo. Being able to group up enemies, tank em and keep aggro with barb is nice
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 2-Jun-2023(#222)
Archer wrote:
> So now that I've spent some time getting sorc and druid to level 12. I'm dumping
> druid. Holy crap does it drop off bad as it levels. Sorc main it is.
> I was going to do the same with rouge and possibly necro, but that would just be
> wasting more time instead of playing. Its just far more powerful than anything else.
> Like by a long distance. People claming the barb is the most powerful are out of
> their minds. And its actually far more fun playing with the spell synergy. Mixing
> ice and lightening is amazing. The druid is a one trick pony no matter how you spec
> your skills. And it doesn't level dps very well at all. You feel more powerful early.
> And as you level you start to feel very under leveled to the enemies. Which is the
> same problem I was having with necro as well, all be it far sooner. Barb just felt
> meh out the gate. The only other class that might compete with sorc overall is the
> rouge. But the bow stuff just turns me off.

I'm made a druid. I'm lvl 31 and am destroying stuff on world lvl I. I have to disagree with you on the one trick pony. My build is set up where I don't transform into any animal at all. I'm doing a storm/companion build. I have my wolves following me, the poison vines, and soon I will have the ravens as well. I have a gear piece that gives me +1 to all my companions, so I get extra of each one. And I do the storm attack mixed with tornado and it straight up slaps crap.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
SilverOwl wrote:
> Archer wrote:
>> So now that I've spent some time getting sorc and druid to level 12. I'm dumping
>> druid. Holy crap does it drop off bad as it levels. Sorc main it is.
>> I was going to do the same with rouge and possibly necro, but that would just
> be
>> wasting more time instead of playing. Its just far more powerful than anything
> else.
>> Like by a long distance. People claming the barb is the most powerful are out
> of
>> their minds. And its actually far more fun playing with the spell synergy. Mixing
>> ice and lightening is amazing. The druid is a one trick pony no matter how you
> spec
>> your skills. And it doesn't level dps very well at all. You feel more powerful
> early.
>> And as you level you start to feel very under leveled to the enemies. Which is
> the
>> same problem I was having with necro as well, all be it far sooner. Barb just
> felt
>> meh out the gate. The only other class that might compete with sorc overall is
> the
>> rouge. But the bow stuff just turns me off.
> I'm made a druid. I'm lvl 31 and am destroying stuff on world lvl I. I have to
> disagree with you on the one trick pony. My build is set up where I don't transform
> into any animal at all. I'm doing a storm/companion build. I have my wolves following
> me, the poison vines, and soon I will have the ravens as well. I have a gear piece
> that gives me +1 to all my companions, so I get extra of each one. And I do the
> storm attack mixed with tornado and it straight up slaps crap.

The lightening storm is the one trick pony I'm talking about. Yes its powerful, but its the only thing that is. Its the only core skill that does any real damage. Everything else is pretty weak. And doesn't really scale up well. So you get stuck in an never ending loop of using a basic skill to get your ball of what ever its called filled up, and then hold the button for a few seconds to spend it to actually kill something. Rinse and repeat. The druid seemed good and versatile until I started leveling it up.

If you are having fun with it, more power to you. I'm not saying you shouldn't have fun playing it. I'm just saying its not great compared to the other classes. It also has the weakest DPS at level 12 of the three I have now tested. Rouge and Sorcerer blow it out of the water. I'm sure barbarian does as well. The only that probably doesn't is necro as that one is pretty weak too.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Well I decided to try out sorc and it does seem to be able to erase enemies pretty fast.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
My only worry is that sorc scales poorly in endgame, so far the top tier classes all around seem to be dagger rogues and barbarians.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
DarkFact wrote:
> My only worry is that sorc scales poorly in endgame, so far the top tier classes
> all around seem to be dagger rogues and barbarians.

Spin to win Barbs are mostly what I'm running into in the open world. I don't see too many people. But the majority of them are barbs. And they are all using whirlwind.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Happy cake day @SilverOwl
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 3-Jun-2023(#228)
Whirlwind's so much fun. Favorite crap in D3.

Right now I'm doing an AOE Rogue build, we'll see if I get any gear that makes me change course. All the theorycrafters are propping up Barbs as "must haves" for parties, downside is of course if everyone's playing the needed class for content clear, nobody needs a barbarian anymore. Also so far the game's really easy? So it's hard to say you NEED anything. It's like saying Ret Paladin in WoW Classic is a waste, it's like the content is so simple, who cares?
Triple Gold Good Trader
Archer wrote:
> SilverOwl wrote:
>> Archer wrote:
> |>> So now that I've spent some time getting sorc and druid to level 12. I'm dumping
> |>> druid. Holy crap does it drop off bad as it levels. Sorc main it is.
> |>>
> |>> I was going to do the same with rouge and possibly necro, but that would just
>> be
> |>> wasting more time instead of playing. Its just far more powerful than anything
>> else.
> |>> Like by a long distance. People claming the barb is the most powerful are out
>> of
> |>> their minds. And its actually far more fun playing with the spell synergy. Mixing
> |>> ice and lightening is amazing. The druid is a one trick pony no matter how you
>> spec
> |>> your skills. And it doesn't level dps very well at all. You feel more powerful
>> early.
> |>> And as you level you start to feel very under leveled to the enemies. Which is
>> the
> |>> same problem I was having with necro as well, all be it far sooner. Barb just
>> felt
> |>> meh out the gate. The only other class that might compete with sorc overall is
>> the
> |>> rouge. But the bow stuff just turns me off.
>> I'm made a druid. I'm lvl 31 and am destroying stuff on world lvl I. I have
> to
>> disagree with you on the one trick pony. My build is set up where I don't transform
>> into any animal at all. I'm doing a storm/companion build. I have my wolves
> following
>> me, the poison vines, and soon I will have the ravens as well. I have a gear
> piece
>> that gives me +1 to all my companions, so I get extra of each one. And I do the
>> storm attack mixed with tornado and it straight up slaps crap.
> The lightening storm is the one trick pony I'm talking about. Yes its powerful, but
> its the only thing that is. Its the only core skill that does any real damage. Everything
> else is pretty weak. And doesn't really scale up well. So you get stuck in an never
> ending loop of using a basic skill to get your ball of what ever its called filled
> up, and then hold the button for a few seconds to spend it to actually kill something.
> Rinse and repeat. The druid seemed good and versatile until I started leveling it
> up.
> If you are having fun with it, more power to you. I'm not saying you shouldn't have
> fun playing it. I'm just saying its not great compared to the other classes. It also
> has the weakest DPS at level 12 of the three I have now tested. Rouge and Sorcerer
> blow it out of the water. I'm sure barbarian does as well. The only that probably
> doesn't is necro as that one is pretty weak too.

Not every class is going to be balanced totally during leveling up. Some will be stronger at other levels. That’s part of a game like this with a lot to customize
Double Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Once I get online and start reading peoples stats/their builds/whats trash/what isnt, then it jacks me all up, lol. I'm just going to avoid it on this one and play whatever I work out to be most enjoyable. I'm Druid level 29, and pretty much opposite of the other poster, I have just a raven but my build is based on werebear/werewolf, and I'm loving it. I did Druid during open beta, then Necro during the server slam, and I loved Druid then more, and still do now. Haven't tried any of the other classes on this particular game yet, but Druid is dope IMO.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I think some people just enjoy misery. Starting with Barbarian and Rogue, and seeing what Sorcerer was doing, playing a Druid was unbearable, no pun intended. Everything took 3 times longer to kill because my damage output was so low that if I didn't actively engage in mechanic avoidance (losing even more damage) I would DEFINITELY die before the bosses did, where every other class basically had to move twice and the boss was dead and they ported out.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Can you store loot to pass to other toons as in previous games? This is how I tried to make miserable leveling classes tolerable before. Some of them were a sleepwalk.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Feeb wrote:
> Can you store loot to pass to other toons as in previous games? This is how I tried
> to make miserable leveling classes tolerable before. Some of them were a sleepwalk.

Yep the storage is accessible to all chars in that realm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
My biggest complaint being later into the game now, is that they removed the gem bag. Gems taking up your limited inventory space again like in the second game is annoying.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
* 4-Jun-2023(#235)
Oh man, just saw they made a bunch of balance changes last night/this morning. And they completely nerfed the sorc build I was using. I haven't logged in yet, but I bet its not great now based on the patch notes. Every class got big nerfs, but druid and necro got some buffs. I'm also not in end game yet so I have no idea about the paragon stuff. But those are huge reductions on that stuff.

Patch notes:
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
No idea how they can get this far down the road and still have glaringly obvious early level balance issues. Fix it first or leave it alone.
Triple Gold Good Trader
I hate nerfs. Just buff other things or classes instead
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 5-Jun-2023(#238)
Archer wrote:
> Oh man, just saw they made a bunch of balance changes last night/this morning. And
> they completely nerfed the sorc build I was using. I haven't logged in yet, but I
> bet its not great now based on the patch notes. Every class got big nerfs, but druid
> and necro got some buffs. I'm also not in end game yet so I have no idea about the
> paragon stuff. But those are huge reductions on that stuff.

Druid also got a few nerfs, as if something on the Druid toolkit was overperforming...

Luckily Flurry's untouched on Rogues for the moment. I was planning on doing Twisting Blades once I hit max, but nevermind!
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
The story is pretty good in this one. I'm liking it.

I got nostalgic for Diablo 1 last night and looked up some game play videos. That game has not aged well. But that is to be expected of a game that came out in 1996/97. I no longer wanting to play it again. Just hearing Decard Cain say "stay a while and listen" was good enough.
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I have a Fire sorc but tempted to respec. Not really digging the whole burn thing, doesn't really do enough IMO.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
brian9824 wrote:
> I have a Fire sorc but tempted to respec. Not really digging the whole burn thing,
> doesn't really do enough IMO.

The ice/lightening combo is very good. I recommend checking that out. If you are not too high a level already, re-sepcing isn't that expensive.
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I'm around level 40, the cost isn't bad at all even at my level. Going to run a few dungeons tonight and unlock some useful aspects for ice/lightning before I respec.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Diablo 3 got to the point in which legendary sets dictated the build instead of Vice versa. I learned lots of different styles playing that way.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
End bit of Act 1 got to me a bit. The Penance armor had some 40K vibes
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader
Lightning/Ice sorcerer is very nice. It was a beast in the beta. They nerfed it slightly since then, but it's still a solid build.

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
I’ll be picking up my ps4/5 and steelbook in am. Not sure when I’ll get to it.
Triple Gold Good Trader 7 year anniversary at Game Trading Zone today!
* 5-Jun-2023(#247)
Looks like mine isn’t shipping until tomorrow and probably won’t be here before I have to go out of town, so I won’t be able to play this until next week. The wait is killing me. I loved the previous Diablo games.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader
For those trying to make sense of the new systems in the game:

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Steelbook easy. Just walked in and asked. He didn’t check receipt at all.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Feeb wrote:
> Steelbook easy. Just walked in and asked. He didn’t check receipt at all.

eh? Diablo?
Triple Gold Good Trader
The steelbook and lithograph are super nice from GameStop! Worth the inability to play three days early.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Yes. Online orders were told to take receipt to GS to get the SB. I grabbed mine at lunch break. He didn’t check receipt. Pretty nice SB.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Stopped at another GS on way home. No more SB. He said most stores got like 2. Got the poster though.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Finished the story tonight. I really liked it. I thought it was good. Makes me want to go back and play 2 and 3 because I don't remember anything about their stories. Also pretty sure I never actually finished them. Now the grind begins.

Also, this topic is almost 4 years old, yes
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Got my mount last night and it makes things so much better. Glad that once you unlock mount ALL your chars even from level 1 can use it.

Going thru and working on finding shrines and clearing dungeons atm.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Feeb wrote:
> Yes. Online orders were told to take receipt to GS to get the SB. I grabbed mine
> at lunch break. He didn’t check receipt. Pretty nice SB.

Well crap, I didn't know that existed, damnit.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
brian9824 wrote:
> Got my mount last night and it makes things so much better. Glad that once you unlock
> mount ALL your chars even from level 1 can use it.
> Going thru and working on finding shrines and clearing dungeons atm.

That's pretty damn cool. Can you transfer gear from one character to an other like in D3? I mean I know you could do it in any Diablo game but it was just so easy in D3.
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Finn wrote:
> brian9824 wrote:
>> Got my mount last night and it makes things so much better. Glad that once you
> unlock
>> mount ALL your chars even from level 1 can use it.
>> Going thru and working on finding shrines and clearing dungeons atm.
> That's pretty damn cool. Can you transfer gear from one character to an other like
> in D3? I mean I know you could do it in any Diablo game but it was just so easy in
> D3.

Yeah there is a shared stash, so its pretty easy, and gold is account wide
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
All currency, gold, obels (little purple orbs) and red dust (pvp zone currency) is account wide. And so are crafting mats. All those plants for potions and armor/weapon mats you get from destroying them at a smith to use to upgrade other ones.
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I wasn't sure if the mats were as I hadn't checked but good to know.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews Secret Santa
I haven't even played through the first 3 yet!!!

I actually put D3 on my Alienware the other day and since I forgot how far I left off on my first character, which was a Monk, I started over with a Barbarian. I played for about an hour.... really need to get one of them laptop cooling fans to help make it more comfortable playing on laptop.. it's the main reason I don't game on laptops... they get hot too easily.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Would anyone know if Diablo IV on PS4/PS5 requires a PS+ subscription? I know some online-only games (such as Fortnite) does not and wanted to see if anyone knew... thanks in advance!
Triple Gold Good Trader
SMY36738 wrote:
> Would anyone know if Diablo IV on PS4/PS5 requires a PS+ subscription? I know some
> online-only games (such as Fortnite) does not and wanted to see if anyone knew...
> thanks in advance!

It does not
Triple Gold Good Trader
Shane12m wrote:
> SMY36738 wrote:
>> Would anyone know if Diablo IV on PS4/PS5 requires a PS+ subscription? I know
> some
>> online-only games (such as Fortnite) does not and wanted to see if anyone knew...
>> thanks in advance!
> It does not

But you cannot play online with anyone?

I saw this online:

"No, you do not need PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold to play the majority of Diablo 4. You can experience the solo campaign, endgame content, and couch co-op mode without PS+ or Xbox Live.

However, you need PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold to engage with multiplayer content, including PVP, chats, and partying up with other players online."
Triple Gold Good Trader
SMY36738 wrote:
> Shane12m wrote:
>> SMY36738 wrote:
> |>> Would anyone know if Diablo IV on PS4/PS5 requires a PS+ subscription? I know
>> some
> |>> online-only games (such as Fortnite) does not and wanted to see if anyone knew...
> |>> thanks in advance!
>> It does not
> But you cannot play online with anyone?
> I saw this online:
> "No, you do not need PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold to play the majority of Diablo
> 4. You can experience the solo campaign, endgame content, and couch co-op mode without
> PS+ or Xbox Live.
> However, you need PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold to engage with multiplayer content,
> including PVP, chats, and partying up with other players online."

I believe the article is correct. I’ve only played solo or couch Co op
Triple Gold Good Trader
Shane12m wrote:
> SMY36738 wrote:
>> Shane12m wrote:
> |>> SMY36738 wrote:
>> |>> Would anyone know if Diablo IV on PS4/PS5 requires a PS+ subscription? I know
> |>> some
>> |>> online-only games (such as Fortnite) does not and wanted to see if anyone
> knew...
>> |>> thanks in advance!
> |>>
> |>> It does not
>> But you cannot play online with anyone?
>> I saw this online:
>> "No, you do not need PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold to play the majority of
> Diablo
>> 4. You can experience the solo campaign, endgame content, and couch co-op mode
> without
>> PS+ or Xbox Live.
>> However, you need PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold to engage with multiplayer
> content,
>> including PVP, chats, and partying up with other players online."
> I believe the article is correct. I’ve only played solo or couch Co op

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Holy crap, FINALLY sitting down to play ... ugh. So behind.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Nope, I lied ... have to update video drivers, weeee
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Got my ps version. Looks like it was underwater for a week. Works fine at least.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Man, my 3070 was stuttering quite, as it did in beta.

Found this little handy Powershell script that absolutely fixed it!
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I've been running on high with no issues. Other than some occasional cache issues where textures don't all load in. Ultra's not reasonable for the 3070, it's an 8GB VRAM card. 6700XT is probably the minimum card for Ultra 1440p.
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 9-Jun-2023(#272)
Dang, the rogue is so much fun so far. I only just hit level 18 but melee is engaging and fun and feels powerful. (Playing tier II)

Druid, I love the style of it, but it’s not as fun so far. I’m more interested aesthetically in the lightning and wind builds than the were stuff

Sorcerer seems fine, but need to level up a bit higher, so far not that fun

Haven’t played the other 2 yet
Triple Gold Good Trader
Playing Sorc lightning first then switching to frost. Going to rush the campaign possibly so many side quests and alters to find. To do later. Then maybe try a new class or grind if I find it enjoyable. Honestly with Final Fantasy coming out I might not have the time and will dump this and wait for the expansions.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Yeah, it is recommended to focus on the main story and leave all the side stuff until post story. If you just do main story you will be level 38-40 at the end of it. And if you do a little of the side stuff you come across directly in your path, you should then be around level 44-45 at the end.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I always roll a cold sorc first. Did so in the Beta ... as always, OP'd.

Playing a light sorc this time, and ehhhh, I dunno. I like the burst DPS and all, but I've died too much for my liking.

Anyone have a good cold sorc leveling build they're digging? Debating a respec.
Triple Gold Good Trader
MrBean wrote:
> I always roll a cold sorc first. Did so in the Beta ... as always, OP'd.
> Playing a light sorc this time, and ehhhh, I dunno. I like the burst DPS and all,
> but I've died too much for my liking.
> Anyone have a good cold sorc leveling build they're digging? Debating a respec.

What’s the debate about? Respec is so cheap and easy early on right? Just mess around with different build ideas
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Yeah, respec is completely free for the first 8 levels. And then until about level 30 its just super cheap. As long as you are selling all your junk early in the game you should always have far more gold than the cost of respecing.

But yeah, pure Ice build early is the best for the sorc. It does the most damage compared to fire and lightening in the early game. And is more survivable due to killing almost everything at range faster. And don't skimp on putting points into your basic skill, or skip on getting its buff skills. The basic skills cost no mana. So the stronger it is the less you have to worry about mana management early. And you can use your core skill, which uses mana, more sparingly. Mostly for big mobs, elites and bosses.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Oh totally get it. I've played the holy hell out of all Diablos to date. All articles I read thus far state that light sorc is superior for leveling and I don't know if I agree. I respeccd a few times to further tune my light build. It's better but I'm still missing the survivability elements of ice. I just hit L26 so still super early but the two beta plays I did were definitely better as a blizz ball build.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
Loaded the game this morning, had some things to do but so far I have a lvl 8 Druid named Yogi. Not sure how friends a looked up due to it supporting multi platform and all.. .but I am SuperFinn79
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
My Druid will be Loosefur or Parveaux
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
Been playing for awhile now probably about 6 hours. I can't get over how much this feels like D3 to me. There are some differences for sure, I like how you can be playing and there is a bunch of people in your game instead of creating parties like in past games, it feels very MMO lite. I think D3 did a few things better for example how it plays on a console, D3 felt smoother and took almost no time to get used to the controls. D4 does however feel more fleshed out if you will and I am really liking it! Also has anyone noticed that it kinda feels like some of the smaller dungeons are assets taken right from D3? Kind of like how COD used to reuse assets from game to game... My only real gripe with the the game right now is the crazy talent tree.. It feels overly complex for no reason.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
* 11-Jun-2023(#282)
Complex talent trees went away a decade ago… and they’re trying again. It’s cumbersome.

And I think D3 was much more fun on consoles so far. It was Diablo arcade for sure.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
* 11-Jun-2023(#283)
I am enjoying D4, There are elements I really like and I fully feel like this game was worth the price take (so far), it however does make me me appreciate D3 a little more even though I did not mind it to begin with.. never really understood the hate.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews Secret Santa
That reminds me, I started out on PC with D3, then one day for a game night, a bunch of us couch co-op D3 on the Xbox... It was kind of fun doing that, playing co-op with others in person. I don't remember how far we got but I think we got pretty far.

I haven't played D3 more since I restarted it, mostly because of my adult life, but I'm definitely going to play more of it.

Does D4 take place after events of D3 or is this separate??
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I like the versatility of the talent tree but the UI is just awful. Was really hoping that'd see some tlc post beta. Give some damn rows and columns... Not a scrolling turd.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
HybridCRoW wrote:
> That reminds me, I started out on PC with D3, then one day for a game night, a bunch
> of us couch co-op D3 on the Xbox... It was kind of fun doing that, playing co-op
> with others in person. I don't remember how far we got but I think we got pretty
> far.
> I haven't played D3 more since I restarted it, mostly because of my adult life, but
> I'm definitely going to play more of it.
> Does D4 take place after events of D3 or is this separate??

They're more or less in sequential order. 4 follows 3 follows 2 follows 1. They lightly reference D1/D2 moving forward but 3 feels very detached from the mythos in general, the only thing that stuck is that (far in as I've been) Cain's still dead. No references to the Nephalem yet, I guess they fudgeed off!
Triple Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
> HybridCRoW wrote:
>> That reminds me, I started out on PC with D3, then one day for a game night, a
> bunch
>> of us couch co-op D3 on the Xbox... It was kind of fun doing that, playing co-op
>> with others in person. I don't remember how far we got but I think we got pretty
>> far.
>> I haven't played D3 more since I restarted it, mostly because of my adult life,
> but
>> I'm definitely going to play more of it.
>> Does D4 take place after events of D3 or is this separate??
> They're more or less in sequential order. 4 follows 3 follows 2 follows 1. They
> lightly reference D1/D2 moving forward but 3 feels very detached from the mythos
> in general, the only thing that stuck is that (far in as I've been) Cain's still
> dead. No references to the Nephalem yet, I guess they fudgeed off!
Diablo Immortal also has Cain. which is inbetween 2 and 3.

Diablo 4 takes place decades after the events of Reaper of Souls. Though Malthael's plans were foiled, the Angel of Death exacted a terrible toll on humanity. Sanctuary suffered great devestation. Entire populations were decimated, cities ravaged, and Heaven itself suffered great losses, causing them to shutter their gates. You can imagine what that does to people -- religious schisms, famine, war... basically humanity left to its own devices. It's against this backdrop of despair when Lilith returns.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 11-Jun-2023(#288)
Got the Collectors Box today. Bigger and heavier than anticipated. At $100, overall, I'd say it's worth it. The candle is pretty cool!

GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
That Lilith statue is pretty badass. But I bet its cheap as plastic though isn't it. They always give you the cheapest thing they can make for CE statues. That use to piss me off when I use to buy them.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Archer wrote:
> That Lilith statue is pretty badass. But I bet its cheap as plastic though isn't
> it. They always give you the cheapest thing they can make for CE statues. That use
> to piss me off when I use to buy them.

No, it's insanely well made ... and like 25lbs. It's one of my favorites.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Ok, Light Sorc after overflowing energy ... is just insanely op'd with AoE and stuns/cooldowns.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
MrBean wrote:
> Archer wrote:
>> That Lilith statue is pretty badass. But I bet its cheap as plastic though isn't
>> it. They always give you the cheapest thing they can make for CE statues. That
> use
>> to piss me off when I use to buy them.
> No, it's insanely well made ... and like 25lbs. It's one of my favorites.

Nice. yes
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
* 11-Jun-2023(#293)
MrBean wrote:
> Ok, Light Sorc after overflowing energy ... is just insanely op'd with AoE and stuns/cooldowns.

That super melts bosses in seconds once you get their stun bar filled. It just hits with so much in such short amount of time.
EDIT: NEVER MIND. I thought you meant unstable currents, the super skill.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Archer wrote:
> MrBean wrote:
>> Ok, Light Sorc after overflowing energy ... is just insanely op'd with AoE and
> stuns/cooldowns.
> That super melts bosses in seconds once you get their stun bar filled. It just hits
> with so much in such short amount of time.
> EDIT: NEVER MIND. I thought you meant unstable currents, the super skill.

Oh yeah, unstable is insane ... but the combo of static discharge, shocking impact, overflowing energy, and unstable ... is just ... almost silly. Game just insanely easy (for now). I just stun everything while walking around, recasting lighting spear, and proc'ing additional spears. It's, bonkers.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Once you get later into the game you will want (actually its mandatory for WT3 and 4) the defensive ice skill, frost nova. It is the most powerful sorc skill in the game. And its a defensive skill. It absolutely destroys. It sends out a massive ice blast around you freezing everything. And making things that you don't shatter with your lightening vulnerable for 3 seconds. Vulnerable CC enemies take 20%x damage. Its also the only source of vulnerable for sorc that is consistent. And vulnerable is a must in higher world tiers. Its the only debuff (crowd control ailment) enemies don't have a 40% resistance too.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Archer wrote:
> Once you get later into the game you will want (actually its mandatory for WT3 and
> 4) the defensive ice skill, frost nova. It is the most powerful sorc skill in the
> game. And its a defensive skill. It absolutely destroys. It sends out a massive ice
> blast around you freezing everything. And making things that you don't shatter with
> your lightening vulnerable for 3 seconds. Vulnerable CC enemies take 20%x damage.
> Its also the only source of vulnerable for sorc that is consistent. And vulnerable
> is a must in higher world tiers. Its the only debuff (crowd control ailment) enemies
> don't have a 40% resistance too.
I always find these games are problematic for that reason. Only certain builds work on the highest difficulty making everything else irrelevant. Necromancer summons are worthless making bone based builds better. Rogue's ranged abilities are decent but melee builds have better DPS. Barb shouts help party mates and whirlwind is strong. Etc. I would prefer if all builds are viable even if some are stronger then others.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
ued222 wrote:
> Archer wrote:
>> Once you get later into the game you will want (actually its mandatory for WT3
> and
>> 4) the defensive ice skill, frost nova. It is the most powerful sorc skill in
> the
>> game. And its a defensive skill. It absolutely destroys. It sends out a massive
> ice
>> blast around you freezing everything. And making things that you don't shatter
> with
>> your lightening vulnerable for 3 seconds. Vulnerable CC enemies take 20%x damage.
>> Its also the only source of vulnerable for sorc that is consistent. And vulnerable
>> is a must in higher world tiers. Its the only debuff (crowd control ailment) enemies
>> don't have a 40% resistance too.
> I always find these games are problematic for that reason. Only certain builds work
> on the highest difficulty making everything else irrelevant. Necromancer summons
> are worthless making bone based builds better. Rogue's ranged abilities are decent
> but melee builds have better DPS. Barb shouts help party mates and whirlwind is strong.
> Etc. I would prefer if all builds are viable even if some are stronger then others.

Not just the skills, but the unique and the gear drops all funnel you into specific play styles in the later game as well. Like they only want you to play that way. Its bizarre.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Played everything enough to understand the mechanics and get the class trophies. I want to main rogue to 100 and hardcore the sorcerer. It is just unfair how much damage mitigation that sorcerer has. And that fire wall enchantment is prolly best skill in game- prevents a death every 2 minutes. Wow. Rogue is the most fun for me. Necromancer is ridiculous.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Ahhhh, the mount makes this so much better!
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 12-Jun-2023(#300)
Feeb wrote:
> Played everything enough to understand the mechanics and get the class trophies.
> I want to main rogue to 100 and hardcore the sorcerer. It is just unfair how much
> damage mitigation that sorcerer has. And that fire wall enchantment is prolly best
> skill in game- prevents a death every 2 minutes. Wow. Rogue is the most fun for me.
> Necromancer is ridiculous.

I have tried necro yet. Ridiculous in a good or bad way?
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Shane12m wrote:
> Feeb wrote:
>> Played everything enough to understand the mechanics and get the class trophies.
>> I want to main rogue to 100 and hardcore the sorcerer. It is just unfair how much
>> damage mitigation that sorcerer has. And that fire wall enchantment is prolly
> best
>> skill in game- prevents a death every 2 minutes. Wow. Rogue is the most fun for
> me.
>> Necromancer is ridiculous.
> I have tried necro yet. Ridiculous in a good or bad way?

He’s a dirty rockstar with a horde of groupies - and there can be a silly number of them following. Also the siphon move and bone spear are so OP for quite awhile. It looks cool but feels very shallow to me. I named him Stankonia.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
I have not seen many Druids... It may not be the best but I am having fun with it. Again I have to touch on the main story is roughly 35hours long. I feel like this is the biggest improvement to be honest. Its right up there with D2's main story ( 30 hours I believe) of course this is not the time it would take to 100% everything... Just a Huge leap IMO over D3. I still can't believe I have roughly 6-7 hours in the game and I am not out of Act 1... I am very close but dang. in D3 I could get out of Act 1 at lvl 17... I am right now lvl 22 I think I will probably hit 25 by the time it's done.

Looking at the trophies I think I will get my plat on this, I doubt it's going to give me Diablo burnout like 3 did... The biggest thing with it is I don't see I have to max lvl every character out and one in hardcore. D4 basically needs me to max lvl 1 character in normal and Hardcore and just a bunch of class type ones that you could get while lvling but not hitting max... I believe I am going to look at it again now.

Also do the enemies scale with your lvl? I had to go back to the starting area and noticed that they all were at or around my lvl, this is pretty cool if that is the case.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
MrBean wrote:
> Ahhhh, the mount makes this so much better!

Its dumb how far into the story its gated to get it honestly.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Finn wrote:
> Also do the enemies scale with your lvl? I had to go back to the starting area and
> noticed that they all were at or around my lvl, this is pretty cool if that is the
> case.

Yes, every enemy scales to a certain point. Which is locked by area location and world tier. But they will always be with in a couple levels of you, or right at your level.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
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