
Topic   Xbox's Activision Acquisition Blocked

Triple Gold Good Trader
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
They will appeal it. Lose that. And then have to decide if they want to go through with it and just not sell Activision/Blizzard games in the UK moving forward. Or back out of the sale entirely. Which will be solely based on what the EU decision is next month. This really only effects the UK. It doesn't actually kill the sale. At least not yet.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Archer wrote:
> They will appeal it. Lose that. And then have to decide if they want to go through
> with it and just not sell Activision/Blizzard games in the UK moving forward. Or
> back out of the sale entirely. Which will be solely based on what the EU decision
> is next month. This really only effects the UK. It doesn't actually kill the sale.
> At least not yet.

I think that’s not true. The deal was contingent on being approved in all territories, or so I’ve read
Triple Gold Good Trader
This is good news for gamers IMO. But I don’t really know for sure lol
Triple Gold Good Trader
Archer wrote:
> They will appeal it. Lose that. And then have to decide if they want to go through
> with it and just not sell Activision/Blizzard games in the UK moving forward. Or
> back out of the sale entirely. Which will be solely based on what the EU decision
> is next month. This really only effects the UK. It doesn't actually kill the sale.
> At least not yet.

Not sure if this is valid but saw this post on Reddit

According to the summary the deal was contingent on several global competition agencies agreeing to let them go through with deal. My understanding from the Summary document is that Microsoft and ABK wouldn't go through with the deal if any one of these agencies wasn't going to allow it.

"Microsoft announced in January 2022 that it had agreed to acquire Activision for a purchase price of USD 68.7 billion. The Merger was conditional on receiving merger control clearance from several global competition agencies, including the CMA."

-CMA Microsoft-Activision Summary, Page 7, Why did we review this merger?
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
So does that mean Nintendo isn't getting 10 years of CoD games after all? Because without Microsoft nudging them, Activision/Treyarch seemed fine with just pretending Nintendo doesn't exist for the past decade.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Someone's pockets got lined, these are pretty weak excuses (naive keyboard warrior over here) ... because you know, gamers are rocking Mac and Linux.

- It did not sufficiently cover different cloud gaming service business models, including multigame subscription services.
- It was not sufficiently open to providers who might wish to offer versions of games on PC operating systems other than Windows.
- It would standardise the terms and conditions on which games are available, as opposed to them being determined by the dynamism and creativity of competition in the market, as would be expected in the absence of the merger.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
Not selling games in the UK would hurt bigtime and kind of go against computer what MS wants to do with GP. They can't skip a huge market like the UK.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
What kind of world do we live in where Exxon is allowed to merge with Mobil, Ticketmaster with LiveNation, and Sprint with T-Mobile, but not Microsoft and Activision?

Double Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Croatia
on a personal level I wish the Bethesda acquisition got blocked instead lol
Double Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
DrizzDrizzDrizz wrote:
> on a personal level I wish the Bethesda acquisition got blocked instead lol

Same here, with their actions with that just goes to show they can't be trusted or system friendly with IPs
GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Renaissance2K wrote:
> What kind of world do we live in where Exxon is allowed to merge with Mobil, Ticketmaster
> with LiveNation, and Sprint with T-Mobile, but not Microsoft and Activision?

Yeah, that’s why this is so shocking to me. These regulators are so spineless and a little bit of lobbying is usually enough for one of these big conglomerates to push a merger through. I hope this is a sign of things to come in all industries. Especially in the industries that actually matter like healthcare and agriculture. Enough with all the consolidation.

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
The other thing is MS needs to get there house in order before adding tens of thousands of new staff, new IP and studios. They already have a polethera of IP yet no AAA released In what 12 months? Halo infinite was a dumpster fire, Red Fall locked to 30 fps, Ghostwire Tokyo should have been fixed considering it had an extra year yet it releases with original issues and new ones. This deal would have fixed none and likely avoids a huge train wreck.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
I would assume that Microsoft and Activision/Blizzard have plans on what happens should the acquisition doesn't go through. They could pull a Sony and just get a bunch of things made exclusive to their ecosystem and cut out Sony.

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
Maybe, but money. Sony makes them so much cash. You may have GP deals though.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
These decisions are also rarely overturned. There is a long history of appeals being denied.
550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11)
If I were running Activision, I'd be tempted to skip Call of Duty on PlayStation for a year out of spite.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Yoshi wrote:
> If I were running Activision, I'd be tempted to skip Call of Duty on PlayStation
> for a year out of spite.

That's where their biggest player base is, so Activision would only be hurting themselves.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader
So no CoD on Switch...
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
KCPenguins wrote:
> So no CoD on Switch...

MS may have promised that a little too soon...
550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11)
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> Yoshi wrote:
>> If I were running Activision, I'd be tempted to skip Call of Duty on PlayStation
>> for a year out of spite.
> That's where their biggest player base is, so Activision would only be hurting themselves.

An alternative would be just to cut the UK market out. That country hasn't been relevant in 200 years anyway and should have no say in such matters.
Triple Gold Good Trader
It’s the 12th largest economy in the world, and Modern Warfare II was the 2nd bestselling game there in 2022.

Yoshi wrote:
> PizzaTheHutt wrote:
>> Yoshi wrote:
> |>> If I were running Activision, I'd be tempted to skip Call of Duty on PlayStation
> |>> for a year out of spite.
>> That's where their biggest player base is, so Activision would only be hurting
> themselves.
> An alternative would be just to cut the UK market out. That country hasn't been
> relevant in 200 years anyway and should have no say in such matters.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
MS won’t cut the market out, that’s crazy. MS wants to get GP out there to as many people as possible why spend 68 billion if you can’t reach everyone? The UK has every right to do what they did, they are doing what they feel is right for the UK and really it’s nice to see a regulatory body have balls and understand the future impact this deal could have.

Still, I stand by my thoughts that MS right now is a crap show, how many of there first party studios have not even shown a game yet and we are approaching the 3rd year of this current gen. They have no AAA games released (first party) in the last 12 months. Bleeding talent right now, can’t seem to get there own games to run properly…. Sounds to me like they have to fix some crap before they make another acquisition. That would be best for gamers, we need strong competition and buying everything up is not the way…. They should really look at Sony’s model… it seems to be working.
550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11)
* 29-Apr-2023(#25)
Finn wrote:
> That would be best for gamers, we need strong competition and buying
> everything up is not the way…. They should really look at Sony’s model… it
> seems to be working.

I love the seemingly unintentional irony of these two sentences.

For the record, the only reason I care about this deal or lack thereof at all is because I want MSFT to shut down and put Blizzard's games on Steam.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
Having MS fix the many problems they have right now is good for gamers. Adding a HUGE publisher and Developer is hardly a fix and would only add. Look at all the dev's they have purchased over the last 10 years... so far in this gen what have they got to show for it? High Fi Rush? A good game from what I understand but according to MS has under performed. Red Fall has had many delays and will release locked at 30 FPS... that's pretty bad for a first party game. Star Field, delayed, delayed delayed. How is that good for gamers? Having games stripped from platforms and made exclusive to one is good how? Sony buy's, but they buy from studios they have had a history with typically making games with IP Sony owns. I can't think of any games studios that they have bought in the last 23 years that took games away from other platforms? There are some pretty bad ones maybe Sunset Overdrive being the biggest one? And it had mediocre sales. When Bungie was looking to get bought Sony was ok with there demand to remain multi platform but Sony bought them for there games as a service expertise, something MS failed to see and really could have used with Halo infinite's online. When I say MS should follow Sony's model I think something was missed, Sony's moves are more about obtaining talent then adding IP. Sony does not seem to have a problem taking chances on new IP and every gen see's something new, they grow there IP organically through the talent they acquire. MS relies on Halo, Forza and well ,,, that's it for now seeing as Gears has not seen a new release in awhile. When is the last time they produced in house a brand new IP? MS needs to start investing in the studios they have, taking chances on new IP... They have how many studios? there is no reason for the current game drought from there first party studios. Fixing that would be a big win to gamers.
550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11)
Finn wrote:
> Having games stripped from platforms and made
> exclusive to one is good how? Sony buy's, but they buy from studios they have had
> a history with typically making games with IP Sony owns. I can't think of any games
> studios that they have bought in the last 23 years that took games away from other
> platforms?

Sony just buys exclusives instead of studios, and they hardly own IPs like Final Fantasy.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
Square has largely chosen to work with Sony. There was a report not long ago where square has chosen not to work with Xbox I believe it was over efficiency. They also co fund the development of some of these games … no different then MS.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Yoshi wrote:
> If I were running Activision, I'd be tempted to skip Call of Duty on PlayStation
> for a year out of spite.

I know some people who only play CoD and it's on PlayStation. Not sure if they'd switch to Xbox if forced....
550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11)
* 30-Apr-2023(#30)
Finn wrote:
> no different then MS.

Which was exactly my point. There is no consumer-friendly console maker.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
no crap smile I hate when people say company x loves the consumer or what have you…. They don’t care, it does not matter if you are Sony, MS, Nintendo….. they see you as nothing more than wallets. MS is trying to brute force there way to victory, it’s not working. Instead of spending all this money acquiring external studios and IP take that money and invest it internally. Fix your current problems, there is absolutely no good reason MS has not released a AAA game in over a year. Considering there size and the IP they already have they should be releasing games faster. They could take that money build out new studios produce new IP or revive long dormant ones. They are sitting on a treasure trove and are making Halo and Forza and to a lesser extent Gears… I believe one is in the works. I hate saying it but this Gen we have seen new IP from Sony already with more on the way when is the last time we seen something new from MS. Not sure Hifi Rush counts completely since that had been in production since 2018. I guess I mean a new IP developed by an MS studio from the ground up? Sea of Thieves? I got rid of my Xbox because if the lack of first party games, I will be more than happy to get a new one when that changes, or a PC but I feel like that may never happen. Activision Blizzard would have benefited from MS in one way, no More BK. I would have been worried about the after. It just sucks that they will have to pay 3 billion because the transaction will not happen in a certain time frame. Imagine what that money could have done… that’s what Sony paid for Bungie, well 2 Billion + 1 Billion to retain talent.
550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11)
* 30-Apr-2023(#32)
Finn wrote:
> I hate saying it but this
> Gen we have seen new IP from Sony already with more on the way when is the last time
> we seen something new from MS. Not sure Hifi Rush counts completely since that had
> been in production since 2018.

Is the magical new IP you're talking about from Sony Returnal? If so, Housemarque was a 2021 acquisition...
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
Destruction All Stars. Game was a flop, but a chance was taken. Returnal is a bit different then Hi Fi Rush since Sony funded it’s development prior to its acquisition. A prime example on how Sony buys studios, they had a history with them going back to whenever Super Stardust was released.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
It's crazy right now, there is a few Xbox influencers I follow and there comments are usually all about Xbox and genuinely positive. With Red Fall turning into a complete crap show, it's really soured the brand. MBG (I know he is a Sony guy, but he at least can acknowledged good and bad thats why I like the guy) mentioned that the game going exclusive may have been a blessing for for Playstation users simply because they would have dropped full retail on this turd... at least with GP your not out extra money. I don't know if there has ever been more pressure on a game (Star Field) to be good both internally and externally ever. I mean if that game flops or is released in an unfinished state I think heads will roll. When they showed Redfall last year it looked bad, comments on bland gameplay, combat and not sure what direction the game wanted to take were all there, and people said that it would be ok by launch.. well every concern persisted until launch and on top of that was buggy as hell. Star Field had some of the same remarks with bland or generic combat and it looked choppy. So I suppose there is reason for valid concern. I have been looking forward to it for awhile and will gladly pick up probably a series S to play it.
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 4-May-2023(#35)
Despite all the hate for Redfall, I decided to see for myself. I'm halfway through it, and it's actually pretty fun. I haven't encountered any bugs except for one (I got stuck on a rock, but I fast-traveled somewhere else and then back, and I didn't experience any more problems after that.) The story is nothing special, but it's fine. The graphics are not the best, but they're also fine. The gameplay's pretty solid--that aspect I'm enjoying almost as much as I enjoyed Deathloop. I like the looter-shooter aspect of this. The only really disappointing part for me is that there's no matchmaking for co-op. I wouldn't pay $70 for this, but it's actually pretty nice as a Game Pass game.
GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
* 4-May-2023(#36)
Bleed_DukeBlue wrote:
> I wouldn't pay $70 for this, but it's actually
> pretty nice as a Game Pass game.

This line right here is my biggest fear with modern gaming. The need to pump out content for these subscription services will lead to unfinished/mediocre experiences and people will brush it off because at least it wasn't a full-price game. Wonder if anyone else feels that way. This, all the live service crap, and the fact that every game has to be at least 50 hours all makes me feel like gaming in 5 years will be so far removed from what I want personally that I'll actually find myself playing fewer and fewer games and playing older games instead. I'm kinda already there, tbh but I may be in the minority on this.

Triple Gold Good Trader
* 4-May-2023(#37)
Here's the thing I feel like you skipped over from my comments though: Redfall is fun. I'm legitimately enjoying it. I'm having enough fun with it that I'm going to finish it before I get back to Star Wars: Jedi Survivor (which I did buy new and which is objectively better). When I say that Redfall is nice as a Game Pass game, I don't mean that I'm playing something bad just because it's there. I'm saying that people have really high standards sometimes for games, and ones that don't meet those standards can still be fun. Not everything has to be a masterpiece.

Heavyd814life wrote:
> Bleed_DukeBlue wrote:
>> I wouldn't pay $70 for this, but it's actually
>> pretty nice as a Game Pass game.
> This line right here is my biggest fear with modern gaming. The need to pump out
> content for these subscription services will lead to unfinished/mediocre experiences
> and people will brush it off because at least it wasn't a full-price game. Wonder
> if anyone else feels that way. This, all the live service crap, and the fact that
> every game has to be at least 50 hours all makes me feel like gaming in
> 5 years will be so far removed from what I want personally that I'll actually find
> myself playing fewer and fewer games and playing older games instead. I'm kinda already
> there, tbh but I may be in the minority on this.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
Bleed_DukeBlue wrote:
> Despite all the hate for Redfall, I decided to see for myself. I'm halfway through
> it, and it's actually pretty fun. I haven't encountered any bugs except for one
> (I got stuck on a rock, but I fast-traveled somewhere else and then back, and I didn't
> experience any more problems after that.) The story is nothing special, but it's
> fine. The graphics are not the best, but they're also fine. The gameplay's pretty
> solid--that aspect I'm enjoying almost as much as I enjoyed Deathloop. I like the
> looter-shooter aspect of this. The only really disappointing part for me is that
> there's no matchmaking for co-op. I wouldn't pay $70 for this, but it's actually
> pretty nice as a Game Pass game.

That's good, at the end of the day MS needed a home run, this clearly was not it and it's also not going to generate enough new GP subs to make the game worth it. That is kind of the problem with the GP model. games will have to generate enough new subscriptions to make it viable and something more then one month subs... something substantial like at least 6 months. The money GP generates needs to out pace the cost of games being developed. Sony's model seems to be working well, the game generates and in many cases makes it's money back and then some then heads into the service to add value there. People get to play a game that they would not have bought in the first place and in some cases where called far generates money through micro transactions. Sony tends to produce more polished/finished games, they don't have the added pressure of getting the game on a service to keep subs up or generate new ones. It just pisses me off that MS has everything they need to put out polished game after polished game and don't. Star Field needs to be a homerun for MS.. It's never a good thing when Phil Spencer comes out and apologizes for the state Red Fall is in. Sad thing is he should have played it and stopped it from releasing until it was ready.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
You watch that interview with Phil Spencer? Man has gone of the crazy. He does not believe making good games will change anything? He is not interested in trying… this guy needs to go. He wants to destroy this market and create a new one that they lead. That is a disastrous future.

Finn wrote:
> You watch that interview with Phil Spencer? Man has gone of the crazy. He does not
> believe making good games will change anything? He is not interested in trying…
> this guy needs to go. He wants to destroy this market and create a new one that
> they lead. That is a disastrous future.

Sony isn’t the market leader solely based off games.
Triple Gold Good Trader
RBK wrote:
> Finn wrote:
>> You watch that interview with Phil Spencer? Man has gone of the crazy. He does
> not
>> believe making good games will change anything? He is not interested in trying…
>> this guy needs to go. He wants to destroy this market and create a new one that
>> they lead. That is a disastrous future.
> Sony isn’t the market leader solely based off games.

It certainly helps
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
I would say that's the main driving factor. Yes, Hardware is also one, but you need software to move that hardware. Sony I think learned a hard lesson with the PS3 and it forces them to invest in 1st party. It's been paying off since last gen. I don't think if Sony had the strong first party line up they would be in the position they are.

Topic   Xbox's Activision Acquisition Blocked