
Topic   Last Game You Beat?

GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
* 15-Sep-2005(#1)
This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
No More Heroes III Microsoft Xbox Series X|S

I quite enjoyed the first two 'No More Heroes' on the Wii, and despite not playing either since near their respective releases, I still picked both up on Switch. I was looking forward to the third game especially after all the praise, but the technical shortcomings had me wait for a release on more powerful hardware. I used some Gamestop gift cards to get NMHIII at launch, but hadn't gotten around to it until now. After beating it, I have one question for all the reviews that praised this game: did you play a different game than I did?

Let's start with those technical details. The game runs well, a locked 60fps from what I can tell, and looks super sharp. That's not hard given the simple geometry, small world, and origins on Switch, but it's still nice to see. That said, whenever a scene or even camera position changes, the textures still take a second to form. It's distracting and confusing on hardware like the Series X. Character design is diverse for enemies, but in the open world there are literally two character models; a male and a female. That's it. For all the style this game oozes, it's incredibly bland at the same time.

Speaking of the open world, that's a generous description. There are five sections of the world connecting through loading screen via a tunnel you don't traverse, but aside from those few NPCs and couple of cars that wonder around, it's completely empty. Santa Destroy and Perfect World are at least pleasant to be in, but the others, especially the battle torn areas, are a chore. There are dead ends and invisible walls everywhere. Sometimes Travis can't even walk up a curb without jumping. The only thing to do in any of these areas is the occasional odd job for money (which are simple and boring) and the battle nodes that come in two flavors: waves of enemies and designated battles necessary to progress. When activating a node, you're transported to one of the few separate arena spots to fight. Nothing takes place in the world itself. Everything goes to a separate spot, even the odd jobs. On the overworld map, there are giant swatches of red that can't be access, but those never open up either. It's just inaccessible land to taunt you. I know the first game did this to a degree, but it was the Wii. It was understandable given the hardware and time of release. This isn't an excuse even for the Switch that has many bustling open world games. They should've either committed fully to the open world, or stuck to level progression like the second game. But this in between compromise just makes the game feel disjointed and incomplete.

Moving on to the story, admittedly never the most important thing in a NMH game, a little alien crash lands on earth and is saved by a boy who hides him from the authorities and nurses him back to health. The little alien leaves having formed a bond with the boy, and comes back as an adult to take over earth with the now grown man. It's an interesting setup, told through animated still (one of the many competing styles on display in this game), but goes nowhere beyond simple world domination. In stark contrast to something like 'Fire Emblem: Engage,' the voice work carries the whole story. Good thing too, because the ending twist is no surprise and the ending as a whole is pretty whatever. The voice actors do a very good job, but most characters only pop up in the very beginning and very end, which sucks for anyone hoping for more interaction.

Ok, so the world, story and characters are mostly a bust. How's the gameplay? It's good. Well, fine. It can be good. Travis can increase his stats in the lab below his apartment in the motel (something they don't tell you and took me half the game before I ventured down there), and there's a simple combo system in that it tracks your continuous hits, but not many actual combo moves. The gameplay definitely loses something without the motion of the Wiimote (or Switch Joycons, but those aren't as fun as the Wiimote and nunchuk). Your death glove, which still resembles the red and blue Joycon, has special cooldown abilities. After every major fight you get material to craft new chips to permanently augment your play. Most are a give and take with a gain and loss, but some are useful. This game suffers the same issues 'Bayonetta' does in that there can be so much on screen at once, like the slots graphic that literally takes up two-thirds of your viewable area, that it can be hard to see enemy attacks coming in order to dodge. It's not as big a problem as 'Bayonetta,' because there's never more than 5 enemies in an arena at a time and there's stuff like boxes to move behind, but with the camera closer to Travis it can be just as detrimental. Also, the same enemy attacks can deal different amounts of damage it seems. Sometimes the same attack will just knock me back, taking a small amount of health, and other times the same exact attack from the same enemy can one-shot me. Also, it takes waaaaay too long to get back to your feet if knocked down. And there's no invincibility frames, so you can get beat to death with no chance of getting up. Each enemy has their own types of attacks, but each only has a couple. Nothing really evolves during the course of the game, and that goes for the bosses too. The devs try, sometimes to great effect, sometimes to eyerolls, to mix things up with bosses, but standard boss battles are pretty simple. The only thing tricky might be the short amount of time any given boss is open to attacks.

So the world, story, characters and gameplay is mostly a bust. The odd jobs are boring and the few collectibles don't reward anything outside of currency for fights, food (of which I only used the one to refill health in battle) and for upgrades. There's a lot of t-shirts to collect through certain in-game achievements by way of friendly aliens, but you can only see what those are by going to a said specific alien for him to tell you only when it's possible to achieve them. There's no additional jackets (outside of no jacket) and unlike prior games, there's no change to your beam katana. I'm sure this game was working on a smaller budget, but it doesn't feel like that budget was used in a smart way.

I had to struggle to finish this game (a pattern I've seen with recent Japanese developed releases I've played outside of 'Ishin!'), not because it wasn't necessarily good, again, it's fine, mostly, but because I found myself really bored. You do the designated battles, maybe an odd job to get enough currency, then a boss, repeat the whole game in the same few spots. I'm massively disappointed in 'No More Heroes III' to the point where I regret buying it. I don't know how a game that screams such style and artistic variety can be so boring at the same time. I don't know how a game that garnered 8s, 9s and almost perfect scores across the Switch and current-gen consoles can be so utterly...okay-ish. For anyone interested in this game, I'd only recommend it for die-hard NMH and Suda fans. And even then, I'd suggest renting or waiting for an even bigger sale (it's currently selling at retail for about half its launch price). The physical bonuses that come with the physical game are cool, but the game, in my opinion, is not.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I loved the 1rst one because of the boss fights. Never played the 2nd one and probably never will. Will likely buy the 3rd for PS5 when it drops to $20 or something. I hate that its open world though. Id rather kill some aliens in a corridor and fight a boss at the end.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 2-Apr-2023(#163)
Little Hope PlayStation 5
I got this with my PS Extra upgrade and decided to give it a whirl since I enjoyed Man of Medan. I thought this was better than Man of Medan in the biggest way which was that Silent Hill 2 like feel with walking on fog dense filled streets. I also enjoyed the Salem witch trial esque plot going on here but did think the ending I got with that one big twist was kinda silly to an extent and the voice acting felt really stiff at times minus Will Poelter that is. And whenever you actually had to control and move players that too felt rigid as it did in Man of Medan. And that was fast button still feels just as useless as it did in Man of Medan as well.
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 3-Apr-2023(#164)
TalonJedi87 wrote:
> Little Hope PlayStation 5
> 7/10
> I got this with my PS Extra upgrade and decided to give it a whirl since I enjoyed
> Man of Medan. I thought this was better than Man of Medan in the biggest way which
> was that Silent Hill 2 like feel with walking on fog dense filled streets. I also
> enjoyed the Salem witch trial esque plot going on here but did think the ending I
> got with that one big twist was kinda silly to an extent and the voice acting felt
> really stiff at times minus Will Poelter that is. And whenever you actually had to
> control and move players that too felt rigid as it did in Man of Medan. And that
> was fast button still feels just as useless as it did in Man of Medan as well.
I prefer Man of Medan solely due to the twist at the end. It seemed odd since the opposing force wasn't related to the true cause of death. I would assume they would have done an analysis to find the true cause of death. Especially given the final moments of the game and the inclusion of an Asian guy made me question if they were being inclusive or if something else was occurring.
kevolones wrote:
> I loved the 1rst one because of the boss fights. Never played the 2nd one and probably
> never will. Will likely buy the 3rd for PS5 when it drops to $20 or something. I
> hate that its open world though. Id rather kill some aliens in a corridor and fight
> a boss at the end.
The open world is quite small and not as time consuming as the mini games in the first game. Try the second one if you get a chance it is on PC.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I preferred the twist in Man of Medan much more myself too than Little Hope. Little Hope’s twist was just strange.
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
@kevolones I agree with @ued222 about trying the second game then. The open world in the third game wouldn't be so bad if the fights, jobs and whatnot happened in the world, but they don't. Nothing really at all happens in the open world except collecting scorpions and comics. Everything else transports you to a self-contained area, including the jobs.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I didnt know it was on PC. Though it was Wii only. Ill look into it.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope Nintendo Switch


A bit on the longer side than the original for my tastes between 30-40ish hours and yea those constant enemy respawns within almost every battle get quite tedious and frustrating. But overall it was still a solid sequel I thought adding onto what made the original game such fun and simple strategy turn based combat. The story was cookie cutter defeat the dark energy yadda yadda to save the Star bits blah blah but we all know what we came here for. That sweet turn based combat with elemental twists. And there’s just something that satisfies a primal need watching you dash into enemies and making them go flying into a combo maneuver passive counter attack. 👌🏻 But alas I did enjoy this one as a whole. Not sure if I’d play a 3rd installment or not, especially if it’s as long as this entry and has those damn enemy respawns. I got my fill for a while.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 4-Apr-2023(#169)
Kirby’s Dream Land Game Boy via Nintendo Switch


Sometimes the simple games in life are the best. Kirby’s Dream Land is a prime example. Having finished the game in just over 90 minutes, it left me feeling satisfied like it knew what it was about. 4 levels. A boss rush finale. It gets you in and out in no time flat and still holds up well minus the green screen of the Game Boy that it still retained on the Switch emulator. The controls were still pretty precise and music was as catchy as playing the console counterpart.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 5-Apr-2023(#170)
The Quarry PlayStation 5


I heard this one was kinda dull in comparison to the Dark Pictures series but while it was indeed a slow burn for the first several chapters I thought the pace picked up nice in the second and third acts. Also the graphics were incredible. I now know where all the budget for this game came from to make those slime balls at 2K have the balls to charge $70 at launch for this 8 hour movie for the most part. Thank goodness for this being included with PS Extra. But alas I did rather enjoy it in the end. I’m a sucker for the mythos creature portrayed here and thought the acting was much better than the stiffness in the last Dark Pictures game I played Little Hope. I got the ending where all the counselors survived too. Complaints of course come in the form of all these Supermassive games in where you controlling anyone feels janky and awkward and the damn walk fast button is as useless as a screen door on a submarine. Overall if you liked Until Dawn you’ll enjoy this one from the same devs.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Kirby’s Dream Land 2 Nintendo Switch Online


Man this was way more fun than the first game. More power ups from enemy assimilations and you get your pet pals to ride throughout most of the levels. They really encompassed the best parts of the SNES Kirby games into a neat little Game Boy package. The first Dream Land felt like a demo only having about 4 levels but the sequel here had 7 levels and about 25-30 stages in total. Not too shabby for a GB game.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
TalonJedi87 wrote:
> The Quarry PlayStation 5
> 8/10
> I heard this one was kinda dull in comparison to the Dark Pictures series but while
> it was indeed a slow burn for the first several chapters I thought the pace picked
> up nice in the second and third acts. Also the graphics were incredible. I now know
> where all the budget for this game came from to make those slime balls at 2K have
> the balls to charge $70 at launch for this 8 hour movie for the most part. Thank
> goodness for this being included with PS Extra. But alas I did rather enjoy it in
> the end. I’m a sucker for the mythos creature portrayed here and thought the acting
> was much better than the stiffness in the last Dark Pictures game I played Little
> Hope. I got the ending where all the counselors survived too. Complaints of course
> come in the form of all these Supermassive games in where you controlling anyone
> feels janky and awkward and the damn walk fast button is as useless as a screen door
> on a submarine. Overall if you liked Until Dawn you’ll enjoy this one from the
> same devs.

I should continue this game. The little I played was pretty interesting and I liked the characters. I did notice some weird facial animations though. And I do not like that the characters proportions look weird to me. Everyone looks like they have a big head and small body.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Their teeth are terrifying too. Like movie Sonic the Hedgehog big teeth before they redid him.
Double Gold Good Trader
The water looks super weird in The Quarry, too.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Resident Evil 4 Remake - Still great.

Working on Golden Sun now
Triple Gold Good Trader
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope The Tower of Doom has been beaten. It is 3-4 hours long and can be challenging. I am hoping the later DLCs are superior. The story is forgettable and doesn't add enough to the gameplay and character wise to make it worth it. If you liked the challenge rooms in the game that got you more skill points you might enjoy it a bit. Overall I say wait or don't buy.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Kommie wrote:
> Resident Evil 4 Remake - Still great.

Its so fun to play!
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 8-Apr-2023(#178)
Hi-Fi Rush Microsoft Xbox Series X|S


Man I loved this game and it came out of nowhere. It was like Devil May Cry with rhythm based contextually timed button presses. You hack and slash with a robotic guitar thru 12 levels while gathering health and energy upgrades and collecting parts to unlock new crazy combos and special modes. You also get support summons from members of your crew which prove highly useful throughout the game and there’s even some minor platforming puzzle like elements in which you incorporate your crew to assist with. The music was kick ass, the acting and humorous writing was great, the anime style graphics were superb and minor platforming issues aside, this was one of the best action games I have played in a while. Highly recommend.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Maybe I should try that game out, I hear nothing but good things despite the fact that I generally have no interest in rhythm-based games.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
It’s more hack and slash action with QTE’s really vs rhythm IMO. Just think of it as an anime Devil May Cry. The only thing is make sure your TV is calibrated for the QTE’s cause those are the only real rhythm parts. There’s an option in the game’s settings to tweak calibration too.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Both games from the same people and for the PS4... beat in less than a week.

The Council and Call of Cthulhu.

They both have replayability but I find myself more to wanting to replay the Cthulhu game than the Council.
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
Steel Horizon Nintendo 3DS

I got this on sale a few years ago, and played it bit by bit. There's only seven stages, but it's a fun steampunk style shmup. It's not crazy fast either, but can present a challenge at times. The 3D effect is pretty nice in this release too. For anyone interested, Strictly Limited put up pre-orders for a 'Steel Horizon' collection on Switch and PS4 that includes an HD remake, GBA release (which I didn't know existed), the Genesis original and the spiritual NES predecessor. Obviously the 3DS release isn't included.

Marvel's The Avengers Sony PlayStation 4 Pro

Man, I was so excited when this was announced. Then all my excitement faded when the live service aspect was announced. Then I was pretty pissed at Sony when Spider-Man was only available on PS4 (get off your high horse with Microsoft and Call of Duty Sony!). Combined with the short campaign, I chose to ignore this game because I'd only be playing the campaign anyway. That was until Crystal Dynamics announced its end of life and making all the cosmetics free. I picked up the PS4 version for around $15 (though I've seen it locally used for about $10), and for that, this game is well worth it.

Yes, the main campaign is short, though the other free campaigns do bring the total play time to a more respectable amount. And yes, the story does tread the same ground as many recent Marvel stories both in comics and the MCU, but it's well written and really well acted. I was only vaguely familiar with Kamala Khan around her creation, but last year's Disney+ show was a lot of fun, and she's a lot of fun in this game. By far my favorite character to play as. Each character does feel distinct to play as on the whole, but sadly not enough from their MCU counterparts. Something that was painfully obvious from the first time it was shown off. In fact, every major outfit from the MCU films are here for each character (except No Way Home for Spidey), so I eventually stuck with the MCU outfits for each. Not that there isn't a lot of choice outfit wise, but don't expect Insomniac's 'Spider-Man' number of outfits. Each character has about 10 unique outfits, and the rest are variations/color swaps. Even some iconic comic outfits are just reskinned versions of what was already in the game.

My biggest complaint about the game is something that reared its ugly head all the way back in the beta, and that's the locations. There's only a handful, and within those you're replaying the same exact spots. Even during the short main campaign, exact terrain and copied environmental object placements were repeated. The sameness is so real it hurts. There are some cool, unique locations in the campaign, but don't expect that from each characters' specific mission threads. Also, Black Widow doesn't get to do any spy stuff. That sucks.

That said, this is a great time to jump into 'Marvel's Avengers.' It's really inexpensive, you don't have to deal with the micro-transactions (Crystal Dynamics increased XP and resource rewards by 50% after the March 31 update), and there's a fun brawler here. There's enough free campaigns to enjoy in shorter bursts for Marvel fans..

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Wartech Fighters PS4

You pilot mechas in space and you shoot down spaceships. I like this type of games a little hit too much but Id say this is a 6 at best. Story didnt grab me so I just skipped dialog. Gameplay is ok, it is too simple most of the time but has some satisfying moments. The soundtrack is pure metal and fits the game well. I hated how slow the mechs are in this game but that fixes itself halfway thru.

Id give it a 6/10.

Zone if the Enders 2 is still the best.

450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I finally fully finished a game.
Loved every minute of it, deep combat system, brutal gory deaths, super fun to pick up and play.
Reminded me of Smash TV meets Hotline Miami meets every kung fu movie.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I just finished up Toy Story 2 on PS1 (via PS5). I'm not really sure what made me want to revisit this out of all the games available in PS+ Premium's Classic Games Catalog, but I don't regret the time I spent on it even though there were some frustrating parts due to the crappy camera. I was only 9 tokens away from 100% completing the game, but I really don't want to go after them (I might have if they had retroactively added Trophy support to this like they do for some of the other games) and so I'll just go start another game instead.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog - okay for free. However somehow my save files don't actually save so I had to basically beat it on one sitting/put it on sleep.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
The Artful Escape on PlayStation 5
Half 2D platformer, half rhythm game, but the story is the star of the show. I don't know if it's on GamePass, but it's in the Game Catalog on PS+ Extra/Premium and I recommend checking it out. It's barely a 5 hour game, I'm gonna see if I can replay some chapters and get the few trophies I missed, which is something I wouldn't normally bother doing except I liked this game enough that I wish it was a little longer.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion 9/10
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards Nintendo 64 via Nintendo Switch


Another simple and clean Kirby game in the books. I never finished it on the 64 when I was a kid but man once you get that fireball and great sword combo power up it kinda breaks the game and that’s just fine to me. Completely breezed thru this in a few hours. Kirby games are great for serene easy going gaming. Next stop another chill game. Yoshi’s Story as my nostalgia trip continues.
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> The Artful Escape on PlayStation 5
> Half 2D platformer, half rhythm game, but the story is the star of the show. I don't
> know if it's on GamePass, but it's in the Game Catalog on PS+ Extra/Premium and I
> recommend checking it out. It's barely a 5 hour game, I'm gonna see if I can replay
> some chapters and get the few trophies I missed, which is something I wouldn't normally
> bother doing except I liked this game enough that I wish it was a little longer.

I think it's still on Game Pass. At least it was, that's where I played it. Definitely a unique and cool game.

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
The Artful Escape left GP a few months back.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Octodad Dadliest Catch - this is the first game by the people who made one of the greatest games ever, Bugsnax. It's just as good. Not as good, but still amazing.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Atomic Heart Microsoft Xbox Series X|S


I have no idea why I played this until the end. It was kinda boring even with it being an action shooter. The plot was dull, acting felt crass and forced, puzzles felt overly complex and not in a good way. More in a frustrating way. Controls were wonky especially when aiming and platforming. The crafting and upgrades were okay but nothing to write home about and the boss fights were too chaotic and frantic and felt like I wanted it over just as quickly as they begun. Even the basic enemies were just annoying AF to encounter whereas they felt like chores as was the theme of the entirety of this game. A chore. And the only really redeeming quality I could find without much flaws were the music. It had a nice mix of classical orchestral music somewhat remixed and I thought it fit nicely with the theme and setting. But yeah this game is trying to become Bioshock so much it blatantly referenced it in one scene hoping for that crossover that’ll likely never happen. Plus to add salt to the wound, it’s buggy as hell. I had to restart the app so many damn times because it either soft locked me without letting me open a door or a scene wouldn’t pop when it should have to progress again I do not know why I saw this thru to the end. And you have a choice in the final part of the game to walk away and get the bad ending or stay and do a set of boss fights and get the good ending and because I pitied this title I stayed and trucked thru the final battles to get the “good” ending which don’t ask me what it’s about because like the rest of the game it’s too uninteresting to care about. Thank the maker it was on Game Pass. I cannot see why someone would charge nor spend $70 on this.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Yoshi’s Story Nintendo 64 via Nintendo Switch


Such a weird Yoshi entry this was but I get what they were trying to convey. A choose your own adventure book so to speak. You select which levels you want to experience within each world and it tells a story at the end of the game in a storybook format. But the gameplay is just strange. The basic objective is eat enough fruit to make the Yoshi happy to end the stage with a final boss fight at the end of the game which was the only real fight I felt in the game. The rest of the game was basically eating fruit.
Triple Gold Good Trader
TalonJedi87 wrote:
> Yoshi’s Story Nintendo 64 via Nintendo Switch
> 6/10
> Such a weird Yoshi entry this was but I get what they were trying to convey. A choose
> your own adventure book so to speak. You select which levels you want to experience
> within each world and it tells a story at the end of the game in a storybook format.
> But the gameplay is just strange. The basic objective is eat enough fruit to make
> the Yoshi happy to end the stage with a final boss fight at the end of the game which
> was the only real fight I felt in the game. The rest of the game was basically eating
> fruit.
Loved that game growing up honestly. Was one of the only N64 games I played besides Star Fox. I was poor back in the day.

Beat The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. It is around 2 hours and has no voice acting. The costumes are interesting to say the least. I find some of them to be great like Tails and some are odd like Shadows. It is free and well worth a playthrough. The mini game if you will gets progressively harder over the game. Going to get Advance Wars on the 21st and Dead Island 2 on the 21st assuming they don't take 2-5 days to get to me. So probably Tuesday or Monday.....
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
The mini Game Gear thing in the Murder of Sonic wasn't that great. I just dumped it to easy mode. I get what they were doing but for a visual novel, seemed kinda dumb.
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 19-Apr-2023(#197)
Kommie wrote:
> The mini Game Gear thing in the Murder of Sonic wasn't that great. I just dumped
> it to easy mode. I get what they were doing but for a visual novel, seemed kinda
> dumb.
I also disliked it. I disliked Sonic, Sonic 2, Mania and pretty old the classic mini games for the Chaos Emeralds. The only one I somewhat liked was Sonic 3 and Knuckles ones but that was probably due to the ease of it. Grabbing those spheres was an easy time.
GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Resident Evil Village: Shadows of Rose PlayStation 5 - 8/10

Nothing truly special here, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. It feels like a retread in many ways because you visit the same locations from the main game, but being able to play as Rose, in 3rd person, and with her unique powers makes it a worthwhile experience for fans of the series. I played it on Hard and it took me about 3.5 hours to beat so while it isn't some lengthy piece of DLC, it doesn't overstay its welcome and is the perfect ending to the Winters Saga. The way the DLC ends sets things up really nicely for RE9 and I wonder what direction they'll take the series in. I like Rose a lot and if she's the future of the series, I'm all for it!

Triple Gold Good Trader
* 21-Apr-2023(#199)
Heavyd814life wrote:
> Resident Evil Village: Shadows of Rose PlayStation 5 - 8/10
> Nothing truly special here, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. It feels like a retread
> in many ways because you visit the same locations from the main game, but being able
> to play as Rose, in 3rd person, and with her unique powers makes it a worthwhile
> experience for fans of the series. I played it on Hard and it took me about 3.5 hours
> to beat so while it isn't some lengthy piece of DLC, it doesn't overstay its welcome
> and is the perfect ending to the Winters Saga. The way the DLC ends sets things up
> really nicely for RE9 and I wonder what direction they'll take the series in. I like
> Rose a lot and if she's the future of the series, I'm all for it!
I really disliked Shadow of Rose 2nd portion more stealth based areas but it was enjoyable.

Beat Pizza Game. It is an interesting game helped developed by Jello. It has a ton of charm, branching paths and a ton of spelling mistakes. I think I enjoy visual novels almost as much as reading books which is really say something considering my hobbies. Going to try Doki Doki Literature Club next possibly.

Doki Doki Literature Club was not for me. Heard it was good but it wasn't. I also didn't like Dead Island 2. The story seemed generic, the dialogue was okay bur questionable and the gameplay was boring. Hit, block or dodge to victory. Maybe it gets better but after 3 hours I gave up. Plus it takes a while to unlock dodge or any of the worthwhile skills.

My Star Wars copy shipped but will probably be in Monday or Tuesday then the long wait for Zelda then Gollum then System Shock. June will be Diablo 4, Final Fantasy 16 and Front Mission 2. I may get Katamari and Ghost Trick as well but I doubt it.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Chicory: A Colorful Tale on PlayStation 5 which tbh kind of bored me at times, so I'm glad it's over. As soon as the credits rolled I deleted it without even looking at how many of the trophies were left and if it would be worth going for the remaining ones.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Kaze and The Wild Masks - 8/10 Decent platformer, I can't really compare it to DKC as I haven't played one since the SNES era was current Gen. Won't bother to 100%, got no time for that.

Topic   Last Game You Beat?