
Topic   NvidiaGot a 4060Ti 8/16GB you're under-utilizing? Want partial swap for 4060?

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 10-Feb(#1)
Just had a super disappointing call with Microcenter where they told me the closeout price of 320 for the 4060Ti 8GB I had set to pick up wasn't able to be fulfilled and cried for months. Anywho, if anyone happens to have a 4060Ti 8/16GB model and doesn't think they'll miss the performance headroom (it's about 20% faster than a 4060 regardless of RAM) I'm looking to trade up and would be happy to pay out the market value difference between the two cards. My 4060's about a month old, it's the two fan Gigabyte 4060 Windforce model, works great, and obviously super clean. Hit me up if you wanna trade down and pocket some cash. Thanks!

Topic   NvidiaGot a 4060Ti 8/16GB you're under-utilizing? Want partial swap for 4060?