
Topic   Anyone close to Windsor, ON - $275 Profit Possible NEW Serious Sam The First PC

Gold Good Trader Canada

here's the deal for $40 CAD

here's a sold listing. might have to click on the thumbnail photo since old listings always get shrunk

good luck, posted it around, but still available. Maybe someone was even thinking of a trip to ON

Could have asked them to ship?
Gold Good Trader Canada
* 19-Jan-2023(#3)
Hi, the person clearly stated no shipping. Also found arcanum new and sealed with 5 other new games, for $90, but 5 games would be about $80-$90, prob around $200 for arcanum new and sealed, but too far of a drive. over 3 hours one way, not going to do it for that. I think I get a little antsy buying items over $50 and tabbing on shipping. But I thought I might try with a few people and tell them to make a trade with me here, and I can pay them etransfer after. There's a kingpin in box for $30. But again, replied after a long time and said local only. Maybe if Id do a direct transfer, she'd be like ok, but meh. Also got a driver san francisco new and sealed for $25, but buyer mentioned, you can have it, thought I was local, when I said with reply. Bummer, got one for $25 shipped. Still hasn't sold, new I thought would be a collectible, but I guess it's just to play the game since you can't play the used version. Did get a deal about an hour away, but the person is in Nova Scotia now. Said he's remodelling and will need material from the city, so can hook me up. I saw it was for a while, so said $5 less and delivery, but if on the way, it's $50 and more room in the house lol. Not that good of a deal, few new games that I'll prob make my money back right away. And lots of junk, that may sell here and there, but I collect junk, don't put it up in lots yet. I guess in that sense, I'm selling most if not pretty much everything except some here and there when the title makes sense and I say, maybe I'll sell in the future and put it away. But yeah, I see it as, people pay me fair and I can make ends meet most times, and they have an investment, some games I checked, already went up, and I'm like, now I'm all out of them to sell at that premium lol. Oh well, it's kinda like a stock, but most collectors have a little hoarder in them and keep everything lol. Not sure if it'll ever crash or just keep going up, but it's fair, people get at me, they make some, it's all good. I find good deals and share them if I can't get them. But yeah, sometimes I do get stuff shipped.

Topic   Anyone close to Windsor, ON - $275 Profit Possible NEW Serious Sam The First PC