
Topic   Cart Restoration?

Silver Good Trader
I'm building up my N64 collection, and some of my old carts are a...little beat up.


I'm sure we've all been there, having a cart with a giant Blockbuster sticker plastered on top of it, food smears all over the front, permanent sharpie writing scribbled all over...

I could just rebuy them, but a part of me would like to try and spiff them up myself for my own personal collection. I haven't found any resources on here (I'm sure there's something here, but I'm miserable at using the search function apparently lol), so was wondering if anyone had experience with fixing up their own carts? What would you recommend I do?
Silver Good Trader
YouTube is your best friend, that & patience. If you rush trying to take a sticker off you’re gonna have a bad time my friend. You can use a hair dryer (carefully) to warm up the adhesive on the sticker to make it come off easier. Use something flat yet dull like a credit card or business card (not a razor too sharp) to get a corner peeled up so you can slowly peel the sticker off. Best of luck!
Silver Good Trader
Thank so much, I'll keep that in mind! Especially considering how I'm pretty inpatient lol, great advice.
Silver Good Trader
Thanks a lot, I'll look into etsy! cool that they sell replacement shells too. cheers!

Topic   Cart Restoration?