Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on AhmedJohnson

AhmedJohnson Global Trader - willing to trade internationally BTRs17-Dec-2011
Status: active
Reporter: Maskim

it has been 9 days since AhmedJohnson indicated that he shipped his end of this trade. A trade that was to be priority mail with delivery confirmation, at his insistence. There is no delivery confirmation number, and multiple requests for either a receipt or some other proof of shipment have been completely ignored.

Aside from the value of the trade, my main issue is having to try to explain to my children, every day, why we sent their pokemon games so quickly, but why the ot1her man won't send them the new pokemon game they're begging for. It's not like I can give them the line about they need to save up if they want something, because they gave up their own 2 pokemon games in order to get 1 new one (which was especially hard for them to do).

I sincerely hope that AhmedJohnson fulfills his end of this trade as quickly as possible. As soon as I receive my items I will happily remove this btr. Bill has also informed me that if Ahmed fulfills his obligations that he will expunge the btrs, so they won't even be on record. I sincerely hope that he does complete these trades, as the only other recourse available if he does not is to file police reports with his local department, mine, and the postal authorities.

EDIT: Items were not shipped by Monday as stated here that they would be. I'm still waiting, but I'm less than hopeful.

EDIT2: Another week since the most recent time it was supposed to be sent out. Still nothing. No package arrived. No indication of package being sent. No communication.

EDIT3 (January 5th, 2012): I have in no way whatsoever become "Difficult to work with". I have asked, yet again, when this will be resolved, and was given the lamest excuse ever. AhmedJohnson is physically unable to mail things any more. He managed to get to the post office just fine when he claimed he was there last week, the week before, and the week before that.

When I stated that I had filed a Mail Fraud and theft reports, and am prepared to file civil litigation in small claims court, he told me to F off and I was trying to "take advantage of a cripple".

I have remained civil to this trader at every single turn, and even stated quite clearly that I would be happy to withdraw my filed complaints as soon as he resolves the situation. At this point, I am simply trying to give this user a final opportunity to avoid civil litigation, and to have filed reports withdrawn.

The only person being difficult here is the one who has not done a single thing to fulfill their trade or to resolve this issue.

I want:
The items that Chad Simpson promised me when we came to a trade agreement
My items that I sent returned, in the same condition that they were sent in
$150 to cover the value of the items I sent
a combination of the above items, to equal $150 worth of value.

It is not difficult. Go to the post office, or paypal me.

EDIT 4 (January 13th): Oh, so sorry, the items I sent you were only valued at $140, when I sent them to you. That is my error that I rounded up to 150. $60 + 30 + 30 + 20. This is over a month since you received my items, and you still haven't done anything.

EDIT 5 (January 27th): The price of the item in the 'Hot Deals' forum now isn't what's in question. The price of the item, when I sent it to you, is. It's also the price you agreed to, since you agreed to send me items that equaled $140-150 worth, at the time.

EDIT 6 (February 16th) I valued both our items at the same value, as well. Both the items I sent you, and the items that you agreed to send me were selling for 140-150 at the time, probably due to christmas coming very soon. I also wish that you had just declined the trade from the beginning, as it's obvious you never had any intentions of fulfilling it.

EDIT 7 (May 20th) This is utter garbage. This thief hasn't ever made so much as a single dollar payment in trying to make this right, and likely already has another account that he's currently grooming to scam someone else down the road.
Response from Accused "Bad Trader": (26-Feb-2012)
take a look around via and see if you can find a store near you that has a new copy in stock and get back to me as that would be the easiest way for me to replace it