Bad Traders

Bad Traders

DarthWaiter BTRs17-Feb-2019
Status: active
Reporter: devans77

He sold me a $20 Walmart gift card for $15 I thought something was fishy when he asked me to pay as fast as I can, when I tried to use the gift card it had a $0 balance, I messaged him to let him know about it but he hasn't logged back into the site since then.
This can be resolved when he either sends me a $20 gift card or refunds my $15

Neko BTRs22-Aug-2018
Status: active
Reporter: darthfracas

Like many others, I offered a small loan to Neko to be repaid two weeks later. The deadline came and went and I received nothing except negotiations for a repayment plan of $10 per month for 3 months. I never received any promised payment. and have had no contact since January.

I will consider this matter resolved when I receive what was agreed upon.

Neko BTRs14-Aug-2018
Status: active
Reporter: Boss

Loaned money as the others and never paid back. Awaiting a full repayment or a plan.

Snatcher Has Written 1 Review BTRs13-Jun-2018
Status: active
Reporter: bill

I'm filing this BTR as the owner of GameTZ to assure that others are aware of what's going on here. Snatcher had 2 high value (roughly $600 total) overdue pending trades that he apparently didn't intend to resolve. One of them (see other BTR) has now been paid off by Snatcher's father. The other pending with Mexico is still unresolved and it's unclear if it ever will be.

Once Snatcher resolves the pending trade with Mexico, I'd be willing to remove this.

gam3race BTRs17-Feb-2018
Status: active
Reporter: shriek89

We agreed to trade Mario Odyssey for Mario rabbids. I sent Odyssey and then he said he wanted to cancel the trade cause he had it already. I said fine and to send my game back. He kept delaying sending it back and a month later I received Lego Worlds in the mail. I asked him why he sent that game and he starts referring to some third party who I have no idea who is. I just want my game Mario Odyssey back.