
Topic   GTZ Entitlement

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Hey all, apologies for the inbound rant, just frustrated and haven't spoken out on this sans a few comments here and there.

I write this from a place of simply trying to better understand. This continues to happen, and honestly at times it makes me want to bail on the site. I've gotten to the point that I don't even attempt to (or rarely) sell anything here anymore because of this behavior. I was reluctant to post last night, and within minutes, was reassured that my original stance was right - don't even bother.

Most of us are around the same age, been here for quite some time, and don’t partake in this etiquette. Yet, there's unfortunately a population of users here that seem to think otherwise, and it's one of the core problems that drives good people away.

Why is it, time and time again, that people get shun/negged, when they attempt to sell something at less than 800% off? We're all adults, we all look at eBay and other platforms, we know the price and value of items/time.

Sadly, we've seen this for years here. That someone posts something for sale, and it's a good deal ... but they get crap on because there's this I don’t know, sense of entitlement, that they should get an even better deal because GTZ? Sure, we're a community of gamers that look out and help one another, no doubt! Many here go above and beyond to do more for one another, which is why this site is amazing. Yet at the end of day, be realistic and look at the larger picture, before passing judgement and setting false expectations for yourself, and others.

Two examples just from this week.
1) User is selling a Steam deck, brand new, for $75 (11%) off. The first four reactions are negs.
2) I post a Zelda Pro Controller, asking for +$5 for time/gas/re-packaging and cost savings to you to avoid eBay, and I get called out publicly and privately.

Taking #2 further, as clearly, I'm in a bit of defense mode. I have, on multiple occasions, paid very handsomely (even above what was asked), for hard to find/sold out/rare items, as it's still a win for me being that it's cheaper than eBay. I recognize you could have sold it for more, and I appreciate that you're doing me a solid. Further, I've gone above and beyond to tip people for their time/service/etc. as it's not hard to see it's a win-win for both parties being that they don't have to deal with eBay/fee's/etc. and I'm getting it cheaper than eBay. Finally, I've sold many items at cost, and even given stuff away free. Yet, I attempt to ask for a whopping $5 to save you money, and everything goes out the window and I'm a bad person.

This is not the first time that this has happened either. Merely asking for a few bucks to use my packaging materials, my gas, my time, and reducing your cost of entry ... should be very much so inbounds, and expected, if you're ultimately getting a good deal at the expense of someone else. Last I checked, we're all adults, and time is money. I have no idea your financial situation, but I'd be willing to wager, most are above minimum wage here. Meaning, even that 30-60 minutes of your time to pack, print a label, drive to local store, drive back, etc. - is costing you money. For another to expect that their time and resources are free, is straight out wrong, and naive. Will that $5 make or break any of us? Absolutely not, but it's more the principal of the matter to reward and take care of those that take care of you.

What am I missing here? Why is there a stigma that some of the community thinks they should be getting everything free or massively discounted to the point that the other party is losing out? We all know the other person can go make more money if they want, so at least reward them for helping you out, even if they're not asking for it. If we continue this behavior in any of these scenario's, we're going to lose out on good people bringing us good deals as they'll simply favor selling elsewhere to avoid the pettiness exhibited here.

To those of you that don't partake in this mentality and behavior, you're awesome, and that is why we're still here. I truly appreciate each one of you that have helped me personally and others! I love seeing great deals go to great people!
Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I've said this before, but you use to be able to sell things based on VGPC prices, and that was considered fair. Now, you need to discount like 20% off that.

I've just started to sell my games on ebay, and get well above VGPC and have had zero issues. It's unfortunate, but that's what this site has become. U less you're selling a newer release, or trading a newer release, you will be nagged for not taking a loss.

I don't get it. I think it explains why this site is slowly losing users and is more of a forum site than an actual trading site.

You easily aren't getting paid fairly for your materials, gas, time, etc if you're only getting 5 bucks. People should be happy with that deal if they really want it.
Triple Gold Good Trader
I feel you can hide replies and scores for a reason if you want to avoid that.

I tried helping out the community by selling PS5s at cost on more then one occasion but I couldn't find anyone to sell to which is a good thing. I believe the community has access or the ability to get items without resorting to Ebay scalpers in certain situations and has other channels to buy goods.

Honestly, I would have probably been a bigger trader of games given how I buy things currently but find shipping things to be time consuming and costly as you mentioned. Me buying a bubble mailer and postage really results in me doing less physical trades sadly.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
@mcorrado - completely agree!

I don't think many are here to try and make massive profits. When people have crazy items on their hands, they'll probably go elsewhere. We've had a long standing history of being so awesome to one another and selling at value or just a minor uptick. Some of the pickups I've had over the years here, have been so amazing, that I would never find elsewhere! Even when I have overpaid (sometimes even double!) on MSRP here, it's STILL cheaper than buying on eBay!

Back in the day, before the explosion of retro gaming values, there were so many that simply wanted one another to experience a game that they didn't care about anything else except bringing joy to others. While that still can (and does) happen, reality is, the world and our hobby, has changed quite a bit over the years.

I don't know when it happened, or if it was always there and I simply overlooked, that folks seem to think time and resources aren't valuable, and that you should take a loss on a sale.

Take care of those, that take care of you! I will still do what I can, where I can, to help out others and I know many of you will too.

This is still my favorite place on the internet, just want to see us treat one another better and with more realistic expectations.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Unfortunately, the internet exposes the ugly side of many people. Don't let the lurkers and wanna be scalpers get you down Bean.

Thankfully, the internet also let's people shine in ways that others might not get to see. You're a great example of not only a good trader, but also a generous person as well. There is still a good group of people on this site that are fair and decent and you're definitely part of it.

Double Gold Good Trader
* 11-Apr-2023(#6)
This site is one of my favorites. As a whole it's really great. This is making me think of a Chinese idiom I heard. I went to look it up: 瑕不掩瑜. It's something like "a flaw in a piece of jade doesn't mar the entire thing."

The actions of some people shouldn't be a reflection on the entire site. Many people have left the site over the years, but many have stayed. I like to believe that there are those here that see the value in GTZ and choose to stay regardless of whatever flaws may have arisen in the past. Occasionally things happen, and we can't control what other users might say in a particular situation, but I think it's worth staying. This is a great place.

Directly relating to your controller post, hey, if I wanted a hard to find item and someone here was willing to go out of their way to get it for me and sell it pretty much at cost, the person selling it shouldn't even need to ask for a tip. Reciprocation is important and should be an obvious thing.
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I don't disagree with any of the above. But my take is that if you want the fair price for something, it's going to naturally take longer to sell, and people always want a deal. And both of those things add drama.

But the negging. I do hate this and think people who aren't even interested in the item(s) are negging just because it's not half price or something.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
I think you should try disabling scoring when you create a marketplace topic.
Silver Good Trader
Its been that way as long as ive been here, 15 years or so now i believe. Cant let yourself care too much
Triple Gold Good Trader
As long as I've been here I've found people can't help but comment on marketplace posts in some way. Either by scoring or by writing a post. I think the best thing to do is as bill said: disable scoring. Some go so far as to disable posting and ask people to PM to inquire about an item. I think that can be effective too though I'm not sure if you can bump the post yourself if you disable posting.
It has to be annoying to sellers though for people to constantly offer their $0.02. Worse is when the thread gets totally derailed into some tangent.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 11-Apr-2023(#11)
I think Bean did have scoring off in his topic last night. He was just compelled to make this topic after someone called him out in another thread for "scalping". (Which clearly wasn't the case. Apparently, he got a PM as well, going by the OP.)

That other user usually isn't negative, for what it's worth.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 11-Apr-2023(#12)
bill wrote:
> I think you should try disabling scoring when you create a marketplace topic.

Oh I typically do! Sadly, it goes beyond the scoring when people weigh in and ultimately attempt to make someone look/feel bad for their already generous offer. Note that I'm not making this all about me. We've all see it with others. It's an unfortunate reality and personally I'm just exhausted by it. Clearly crap gets to me more than others, just frustrating to see a small/tight knit community not working to better one another vs. being at odds. Yeah yeah ... I'm a drama queen, I get it smile.

There's no fixing this, it's how people will react, just trying to state that I think it's one of the core reasons that we've driven people away from the site and I'd hate for us to further lose good people ya know?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Buying here should be cheaper than ebay because you aren't paying ebay fees (and in many cases PayPal fees as well). But that makes maybe a 20% difference.

Even if your price is so low that people are fighting over trying to PM or send an offer first, you still will get people who be like:


I didn't see your topic before you deleted it so I have no idea what it was or what you were asking for it.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
I didn't realize this may have been more about the scalping comment by @KCPenguins in that other Zelda topic. I wouldn't call you a drama queen, but it does seem like you're overreacting. It's OK to do that. I'm not holding it against you. Stuff gets under my skin sometimes too.

People are gonna disagree about prices, that's pretty much universal across all human civilization.
"scalping" is like this uber insult here, but it seems kind of absurd too. Aren't we all trying to make a little profit where we can...

Honestly, I clicked ignore on that TotK topic recently because it mostly became people posting about special editions and spoons. I'm interested in playing the game, but I've never been a collector. It makes me a little nauseous to see people froth at the mouth when Nintendo creates these gimmicks. Maybe it's this hyper collector attitude that's driving people away and causing us to lose good people! smile

See what I did there? A lot of these "problem with the site" topics are subjective.

I think it would have been better to shrug off the scalping comment and keep your sales topic up... see how it goes. Maybe it would have sold. You just need one person to say yes to sell something. Or just use Ebay, whatever. I use it sometimes too, most of us do and have for decades.

I don't think this bad experience is especially related to the Steam Deck negging. Linking bad experiences like this to the site's decline is not especially accurate or helpful in my opinion. Also, for the love of donuts, lets not stir up that (GTZDOOM) hoary old chestnut.

I hope the tone of what I'm saying here comes off respectfully. That's how I mean it.
Double Gold Good Trader
bill wrote:
> Honestly, I clicked ignore on that TotK topic recently because it mostly became people
> posting about special editions and spoons. I'm interested in playing the game

laughing out loud I hear you about the Zelda cutlery. Don't worry. There will probably be less spoon/fork talk and more gameplay talk when the game comes out
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 11-Apr-2023(#16)
Always respect, and appreciate, your opinion bill!

I've straight out admitted to the site here that I've scalped before, largley to help pay my cost of admission. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! I've made out in the past (not here, eBay) for sure, but I also try to help out where I can to this community. I've also vastly overpaid here for a few items, because I was still getting a better price than eBay.

haha, the spoons! Agreed on being subjective, for sure. I just truly have a hard time understanding why people go after others when they're already getting a good deal, and they know it. That Steam deck was one of many that I've seen go down like that (in that case, purely scoring), but like really? Do people here truly think they should get an even bigger/better discount vastly above anywhere else they buy from? Just doesn't make sense but to me, but in the same vein ... I shouldn't care so much.

I think we can ultimately blame Facebook Marketplace. You list a $100 item, for $50, and everyone offers you $3.50 and expects you to jump at it because everyone lives in their own bubble thinking they should get everything they want, how they want it, at their price. Maybe I've been blind (and my memory sucks), I just don't remember folks being like that here until recent years.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
nonamesleft wrote:
> bill wrote:
>> Honestly, I clicked ignore on that TotK topic recently because it mostly became
> people
>> posting about special editions and spoons. I'm interested in playing the game
> laughing out loud I hear you about the Zelda cutlery. Don't worry. There will probably be less
> spoon/fork talk and more gameplay talk when the game comes out

I still need these ... hahaha
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
benstylus wrote:
> Even if your price is so low that people are fighting over trying to PM or send an
> offer first, you still will get people who be like:

haha, absolutely this!

We all know what eBay charges, and even if you sell lower ... you're the bad guy because it's not what they want to pay.
Double Gold Good Trader
MrBean wrote:
> nonamesleft wrote:
>> bill wrote:
> |>> Honestly, I clicked ignore on that TotK topic recently because it mostly became
>> people
> |>> posting about special editions and spoons. I'm interested in playing the game
>> laughing out loud I hear you about the Zelda cutlery. Don't worry. There will probably be
> less
>> spoon/fork talk and more gameplay talk when the game comes out
> I still need these ... hahaha
:) Same. I want to actually use them for food.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 11-Apr-2023(#20)
mcorrado wrote:
> I've said this before, but you use to be able to sell things based on VGPC prices,
> and that was considered fair. Now, you need to discount like 20% off that.
> I've just started to sell my games on ebay, and get well above VGPC and have had
> zero issues. It's unfortunate, but that's what this site has become. U less you're
> selling a newer release, or trading a newer release, you will be nagged for not taking
> a loss.
> I don't get it. I think it explains why this site is slowly losing users and is more
> of a forum site than an actual trading site.
> You easily aren't getting paid fairly for your materials, gas, time, etc if you're
> only getting 5 bucks. People should be happy with that deal if they really want it.

If you want VGPC prices, sell on ebay (faster, with no interaction), pay your fees (and taxes) and have a nice day, otherwise it's pretty simple to understand we all expect a bit of meeting in the middle to avoid having to do all that. Anyone who regularly moves stuff quickly on the site understands, and all the buyers are immediately more appreciative to these listings. I don't think there was ever a time on the site where people looked at ebay/VGPC evaluations and weren't expecting sellers to carve fees out of the final price, actually in my estimation over a few years here it seems pretty much expected. Nobody wants to pay ebay prices, they could just go to ebay for that, usually with more pictures and always with more protection.

As a seller you aren't entitled to anything, as a buyer you aren't entitled to anything. Agree on a price and pend a trade, lower your price if it isn't moving or don't sell it. Easy.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
The negging can be ridiculous at times, but as a seller you have the right to offer a sale at a sale. I'm, not a big fan of anonymous negging. if you feel a price is off it's better to educate than self regulate.

let's all just agree to stop breaking each other down and build each other up to be a better community.

As far as evaluations. I feel like there's some wiggle here and there, but usually on individual sales its an as is price, vs larger deals say in the hundreds or thousands of dollars i think a discount is comparable or applicable, but not necessarily a mandate. 15-20% is serviceable but anything beyond that is too much.

My gripe with it more goes to people that advertise that they are actively trying to generate lot buys at percentage point like a 15/20% or sometimes greater.

I think the one change i'd love to see on sales is all sales posts must have a public response to establish order interest and inquiry, but thats really my two cents on this.

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader
I haven’t traded or sold on here for years so my opinion means Jack crap.

That being said, your time, gas, packing materials don’t matter. If something goes for $100 shipped on eBay, I’d expect it to be around $90 shipped here, $85 on the “discount” side of the spectrum, and $95 to be over pricing.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Chad wrote:
> I haven’t traded or sold on here for years so my opinion means Jack crap.
> That being said, your time, gas, packing materials don’t matter. If something goes
> for $100 shipped on eBay, I’d expect it to be around $90 shipped here, $85 on the
> “discount” side of the spectrum, and $95 to be over pricing.

I'd agree with this, but actually a bit cheaper. I always tend to factor that eBay + PP are gonna snag 20%.

This use case (among others), is the idea of money for your time/resources, at a mere $5 above cost - should be expected/inferred and not requested. My pedastool dialogue was out of frustration for being chastised for requesting said $5.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
If I pre purchase something I’m offering here it will be at cost and shipping etc. You can go buy your own or be crap out of luck if it’s sold out. I ain’t your daddy.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
HEHEHATE wrote:.
> I think the one change i'd love to see on sales is all sales posts must have a public
> response to establish order interest and inquiry, but thats really my two cents on
> this.

There are some people I would rather trade with than others. Having a public established order just means people will get butthurt if you choose to go out of order.

Chad wrote:
> That being said, your time, gas, packing materials don’t matter. If something goes
> for $100 shipped on eBay, I’d expect it to be around $90 shipped here, $85 on the
> “discount” side of the spectrum, and $95 to be over pricing.

Agreed with the first part of the comment. The folks on ebay use packing materials, gas, time, etc. too. All that is baked into the price.

With regards to the second part, I wouldn't say starting at 95% of ebay value is overpricing. If you expect it to sell at that price maybe, but I often start prices high because I know people want to offer less so they feel like they won. Then when they offer an amount close to what I actually planned to sell it for, they feel good about getting a discount and I feel good about not taking a huge loss. Everyone is happy and everyone wins.

I just don't worry about negs. They really mean nothing unless you rack up a dozen or so on one post.

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
But if I pay true value for something here how I can I profit on resale 🤔 get real y’all.
Gold Good Trader
* 11-Apr-2023(#27)
Pros to Gametz:

No taxes, immediate 6% or recorded. Remember the taxes go both ways for buying/selling, if something sells for $40 on ebay the buyer's paying about $42 so I don't necessarily buy the whole "it must be drastically cheaper than ebay" thing though obviously a bit cheaper is nice.

No ebay fees as a seller

Get to foster some repeat customers/traders and trust, kind of like how an IRL private game shop would be versus going to Walmart with a different cashier and inflexible prices every time.

Negatives to Gametz:

No protection. I've never even come close to scammed (though one time someone pended a trade with me the night before, then canceled a bit into the morning ... I was supposed to send in the morning which 19 times out of 20 I would have, but an emergency made me go watch my nieces overnight so I lucked out I guess) but you can see the BTRs around, it happens, a lot of OGs still have outstanding BTRs.

People really do seem like vultures sometimes ... either offering negative opinions about selling something or asking for a mile when you give them an inch, or just not responding after you quote them -20% off ebay.

Audience is *way* less wide than ebay. Probably in the tens or hundreds of thousands level of magnitude. Seems like a large portion of topics I see end up unsold even if the price is right. On ebay you just list it and keep it listed perpetually, someone comes along that's right for it eventually.

On the flip side, the selection's also a lot less wide. That said ebay sucks too, things are overpriced on there plenty, especially newer games which go for practically MSRP (before fees).

Seems like a large portion of topics are for either super expensive stuff, or for old sports games or junk like a garage sale. People don't really seem to trade new games as often, usually it just ends up being people saying AAA games for $10 off MSRP (which is a good deal, get around tax too) after they're done with it.

Shipping's so expensive compared to the hay day that most trades aren't practical. Trades are just numbers now, XX% off of price charts. I remember in high school shipping to people on here with my lunch money for the day, $1.50 with tracking/insurance, now it's like a $7 surcharge so how can you *not* want an ebayer to pay the postage for you?

Honestly though, I don't even think it's just post-pandemic pricing or anything, I think the internet itself is making it tough to do oldschool business. The world wide garage sale is right there and we basically all have a price checker. I've noticed an evolution of people being more efficient with online tools in general over the years, as people have wised up and things get homogenized it gets a bit boring and some things aren't practical anymore. I know a cool guy on here who seems like he has a lot of trades going on such that he can do the classic trading of beans into a telescope eventually, but that's probably 1 in 10,000 these days.
Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
DarkFact wrote:
> mcorrado wrote:
>> I've said this before, but you use to be able to sell things based on VGPC prices,
>> and that was considered fair. Now, you need to discount like 20% off that.
>> I've just started to sell my games on ebay, and get well above VGPC and have had
>> zero issues. It's unfortunate, but that's what this site has become. U less you're
>> selling a newer release, or trading a newer release, you will be nagged for not
> taking
>> a loss.
>> I don't get it. I think it explains why this site is slowly losing users and is
> more
>> of a forum site than an actual trading site.
>> You easily aren't getting paid fairly for your materials, gas, time, etc if you're
>> only getting 5 bucks. People should be happy with that deal if they really want
> it.
> If you want VGPC prices, sell on ebay (faster, with no interaction), pay your fees
> (and taxes) and have a nice day, otherwise it's pretty simple to understand we all
> expect a bit of meeting in the middle to avoid having to do all that. Anyone who
> regularly moves stuff quickly on the site understands, and all the buyers are immediately
> more appreciative to these listings. I don't think there was ever a time on the
> site where people looked at ebay/VGPC evaluations and weren't expecting sellers to
> carve fees out of the final price, actually in my estimation over a few years here
> it seems pretty much expected. Nobody wants to pay ebay prices, they could just
> go to ebay for that, usually with more pictures and always with more protection.
> As a seller you aren't entitled to anything, as a buyer you aren't entitled to anything.
> Agree on a price and pend a trade, lower your price if it isn't moving or don't
> sell it. Easy.

You can easily go back to my original sales on here and see for the first few years people paid eBay prices for older games given the quality.

Vintage games are all about condition, and the VGPC listed price isn't a fair representation of a games value if you have something in excellent condition.

All the games I've sold on ebay were above VGPC prices, and I netted more even after the fees. Couldn't sell them here at VGPC price. Current Gen items have a fairly obvious price point, I'm not arguing those.

People paid ebay prices here because of the community, and instead of putting money in ebay pocket, you were helping a fellow trader here.

If you want to bring up "protection" that's a fairly weak argument. Regardless of the sale price, you have the same protection on this site. Doesn't matter if it's $10 or $1,000.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 11-Apr-2023(#29)
Mmm, no. I don't get my thing on ebay, I get my money back. It's a little different. Half y'all require F&F to even pend.
Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
DarkFact wrote:
> Mmm, no. I don't get my thing on ebay, I get my money back. It's a little different.
> Half y'all require F&F to even pend.

Thank you for reiterating how there is zero protection on this site like I said. Yet, I'm sure you have bought something on this site.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Never. Wait, have you? LOL
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
> Never. Wait, have you? LOL

Your trade history says differently

GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Insecure piece of crap site, I got hacked. THIS IS WHY WE NEED WEB3 BTW
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
The FPS on this site is lol. No RT.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Or path tracing ffs
Double Gold Good Trader
@Sleigh What did you by "trading of beans in a telescope?"

Tried looking it up, beans in a telescope, couldn't find results.

I agree with you, but many users here try to sell at or over Ebay prices.
I'm unsure the average person realizes all of the fees associated with Ebay.
Like after all the fees and shipping I'm lucky to make 50% on the closed auction price.
So if I sell something for $20 I'm only making $10.
If I sell on here for $20 I'll make at least $15.... Especially if the buyer is willing to pay with gifted Paypal.
Ebay now charges tax.
So imo, items here should be offered lower than Ebay. I'm not saying considerably, but probably like 20%.
I've stopped trading/selling items on here simply because shipping has gotten too expensive.
The same goes for Ebay.
Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
> If you want VGPC prices, sell on ebay (faster, with no interaction), pay your fees
> (and taxes) and have a nice day, otherwise it's pretty simple to understand we all
> expect a bit of meeting in the middle to avoid having to do all that. Anyone who
> regularly moves stuff quickly on the site understands, and all the buyers are immediately
> more appreciative to these listings. I don't think there was ever a time on the
> site where people looked at ebay/VGPC evaluations and weren't expecting sellers to
> carve fees out of the final price, actually in my estimation over a few years here
> it seems pretty much expected. Nobody wants to pay ebay prices, they could just
> go to ebay for that, usually with more pictures and always with more protection.

This is basically how I feel.

I prefer to offer any games on here first at a discount price, and whatever doesn't sell I'll ask a higher price for elsewhere. I also expect a cheaper price when buying though, otherwise I don't see any reason not to just buy off eBay/Amazon.
300 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I don't do a lot of selling these days so most of my experience has been as a buyer. As a buyer, I don't look at "how much is the seller saving by not selling on Ebay or wherever." For me, it boils down to what it's going to cost me and if I trust the transaction. If I can buy the item for $100 on Ebay and it's for sale for $100 on GTZ, I don't get miffed about having another option. Nobody is forcing me either way

In some cases when I might be worried about authenticity or condition of an item, I'd be willing to pay more on GTZ. This community has done a pretty good job of gatekeeping bootlegs
Triple Gold Good Trader
FWIW, I would pay near eBay prices for a high-priced item from a trusted user here over buying it on eBay.

Staraang wrote:
> FWIW, I would pay near eBay prices for a high-priced item from a trusted user here
> over buying it on eBay.

My argument is that Ebay prices aren't "real value." Once you realize fees take up 30-50% of the profit the true value is lower.
Just because it's $20 on Ebay doesn't mean the actual value is $20.
Ebay isn't a Beckett and two items can sell for two vastly different values based on seller ratings, time/date of the auction ending, location, etc...
Someone is currently is selling a PS5 on here for $510. I can buy it cheaper on right now with my Redcard.
If this person sold this on Ebay, they'd loose over $100 in seller fees/shipping/taxes.
What's the purpose of listing something here for retail price?

Topic   GTZ Entitlement