
Topic   Looking for family board game suggestions

GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
We've always been a big board game family, but I think we're overdue for some upgrades to our collection. When the kids were younger, we played a lot of Candyland, Sorry, Battleship, Guess Who, Monopoly Jr, more simple games like that. As they got older, we started incorporating other games like Clue, Monopoly, Pictionary, Tabboo, Boggle, and Tetris Link. Now that they're almost teens, I'm looking for something a little more advanced, but I'm overwhelmed by the number of options. I hear a lot about Settlers of Catan, but I've never actually played it myself. My impression is that it's fairly technical, with a high learning curve. I'm more interested in games with lower learning curves, and not too complicated or technical, but still more advanced than the basic games we've been playing. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
* 6-Jan-2023(#81)
Also, no gaming collection is complete without at least one copy of Kill Dr. Lucky.

It's kind of like Clue, but instead of solving a murder you are trying to commit one. So it's an unofficial prequel maybe?

There are a ton of different versions of it. The current version is the 24 3/4ths anniversary edition. It has had a few rules tweaks over the years and this is the only version with the current rules etc in the box (though I'm sure the rules are available online as well)

I think the best looking version is the one from Paizo from a few years back.

Or you could kick it extra old school and get the black and white clipart in a zip lock bag first edition

If you want even cheaper still, grab the free pdf of that version and print it yourself. (The $5 add to cart button is a suggested donation if you like it, but it is free to download, just scroll down a bit)

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Scott wrote:
> lpeters82 wrote:
>> 7 Wonders / 7 Wonders Duel
> I'm warming up to this one a bit more, but I'm still unsure. I do like the card-passing
> mechanic, but it's way more complicated than Sushi Go. I'm definitely open to getting
> this one some day, but there are a lot of other games ahead of it right now. I like
> the sound of 7 Wonders Duel. I'm keeping an eye out for good 2-player games that
> just my wife and I can play.

I don't think it's super complex. My wife hates overly complicated games and it's probably her favorite game. When I'm looking for games I tend to stick under 2.5 in the complexity rating on Board Game Geek. If games are on the family list they are also usually pretty easy to pickup.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews
For Splendor, they did release a Marvel Splendor in case the theme makes it more appealing.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
* 10-Jan-2023(#84)
Anyone interested in trying Battlecon, Level 99 has a sale going:

Trials of Indines for $20.

They also have a bundle of 11 additional fighters for $37 (though that doesn't include the board, the life/force tokens, etc.). They are usually $10 each.

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Yeah...those additional fighters are a great value. I know I paid $10 a piece!
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Some of them are more worth it than others.

Victor is one of my favorite characters to play in the whole series.

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
hahaha...everytime I see his face, I think the grey NPC face guy on memes :D
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews
I bought the 11 additional fighters. I had a $15 off code from a survey I did a while back. Covered the shipping and them some. $34 and some change? Good deal. I only have War of Indines (3rd Edition I believe) currently.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
benstylus wrote:
> Scott wrote:
>> I like
>> the sound of 7 Wonders Duel. I'm keeping an eye out for good 2-player games that
>> just my wife and I can play.
> Some of my favorite 2 player games that should still be relatively available

Thanks for the suggestions. I added most of them to my list.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
rayzor6 wrote:
> I totally get that you don't want to jump into a HUGE collection. Board Game Arena
> is a great way to play the game online and see if you like it. Splendor is on there.
> I'm rayzor6 there too and I'm a premium member. It's free to join and play, but
> you can't create any games with the gold meeple on them...someone else has to. I
> could do that with Splendor and we could play by turn so you can see how it plays.
> I would gladly just play so you can see the game, ask questions, etc. as I loathe
> the "here...let me show you how to play and then barely explain and grind you into
> the dirt". I'm not that good at Splendor anyway! :D

After watching a different video for Splendor I'm actually really excited for that one. But if there's ever one I want to try out, I'll keep this in mind. Thanks for the offer!

> 7 Wonders Duel keeps surprising me honestly. I know it's good, then time goes past,
> then I play it again and I'm like "holy carp, this game is fantastic!". It's not
> complicated and IS two player only, but it's just a great system with multiple fronts
> that keep you on your toes.

Yeah I came around on 7 Wonders as well, and Duel sounds like a fun 2 player variant.

> Ben mentioned some good ones above. Onitama is a great one. You might not be a
> fan of abstracts. I know many people will play an abstract (like chess, othello,
> etc) ONE time and be done. And that's ok. But the real strength of modern abstracts
> is that you get some REALLY great decisions in a short amount of time and with low
> rules overhead.

This is my first time hearing the term "abstracts" as a type of board game, but no, I'm definitely a fan of those types of games and don't get tired of them. I had seen Onitama already in another video and I'm really looking forward to that one in particular.

> Battlecon is one of my favorite games and I have nearly everything for it. That
> said: it's too much and I was dumb for doing that. Any one of those 4.0 sets would
> give you TONS of play. It emulates a fighting video game and does so very well.
> It uses cards and tokens and there is no luck or randomness. The system is pretty
> easy but all the fighters feel different with just 3 stats, their tokens that they
> can use and their special cards. You basically pick a blue base card (same as all
> other players except one special one)and a red style card (unique to you) face down,
> then compare. You see who goes first in a round and then move and hit if possible.
> It's open information so you KNOW exactly what your opponent can do and can react
> accordingly.
> The beauty...the real stuff is exactly how different the fighters are. There is
> one that is a brother and sister pair of werewolves and you are the human sister
> and your werewolf sibling is on the board. You are trying to get your opponent between
> you to execute powerful moves. There is an iron man like woman that has these powerful
> armor attachments, but if she gets hit: they break and you lose a little bit of your
> powers until you repair them. There is a woman that brings stinging insects to the
> board that when you go past them: you get hit. There is a guy with traps that lays
> them out and once you trigger one, they get revealed and you get damaged. There
> are almost 100 different fighters. But you can play the same one 10 times and STILL
> learn about how to play them effectively (which is why just one set is good. I always
> say that Devastation is the best investment with 30, but Trials is good!)

I definitely like the concept of this one. It's on my list now!
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
citizen_zane wrote:
> I had printed those same cards during the Covid lockdowns. I eventually bought the
> set when it was physically released, as well as the additional box of cards that
> they later released.

We dug these out last night and played it again. The kids laughed their butts off so I guess it was a hit! I'm probably going to buy the actual set soon. I see the 2 sets you're talking about. Does the second one only add additional answer cards, or does it have more topic cards too? If both, I may just get that one since we've already played with the first set a few times.

> I asked for Scrabble for Christmas and we played a game. I'm
> not sure how much they enjoyed it because I mopped the floor with them, so I don't
> know how many more times they will be willing to sit down and play it with me again
> before they get sick and tired of being slaughtered.

lol, I keep having that problem with a lot of games. I sometimes have to make myself not try to hard so that they can occasionally get a win and not get burnt out from losing.

> That's what happened with Boggle.

I love Boggle, it's one of my favorite games of all time! I played it a lot growing up. A few years ago we got Big Boggle, it's a lot of fun. I see there's also Super Big Boggle which is 6x6, now I want that!

GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
benstylus wrote:
> Also, no gaming collection is complete without at least one copy of Kill Dr. Lucky.
> It's kind of like Clue, but instead of solving a murder you are trying to commit
> one. So it's an unofficial prequel maybe?

We've enjoyed Clue quite a bit in the past, so we'll have to try this one out!
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Sun wrote:
> For Splendor, they did release a Marvel Splendor in case the theme makes it more
> appealing.

Ooohhhhh......that's tempting.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews
I've been unpacking and sleeving the recent Dice Throne Kickstarter (Santa vs. Krampus) where I went all in on the gameplay content.

I've been trying to unpack / punch / sleeve a board game every day to prep them for being played for the first time.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 13-Jan-2023(#95)
Broke out Marvel United a few days ago. It wasn't a huge hit for us. I may have to re-read the rules. There just didn't seem to be much penalty for having your hero knocked out by the villain. Discard your hand, but start your next turn by drawing a full hand?!? There also didn't seem to be any difficult decisions. We never had to plan ahead, everything always seemed straightforward. Perhaps that was just an overly lucky game.

PS: There's a Splendor app if you want to try it out.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader
Scott wrote:
> citizen_zane wrote:
>> I had printed those same cards during the Covid lockdowns. I eventually bought
> the
>> set when it was physically released, as well as the additional box of cards that
>> they later released.
> We dug these out last night and played it again. The kids laughed their butts off
> so I guess it was a hit! I'm probably going to buy the actual set soon. I see the
> 2 sets you're talking about. Does the second one only add additional answer cards,
> or does it have more topic cards too? If both, I may just get that one since we've
> already played with the first set a few times.

I believe there are 50 black cards and 250 white cards in the expansion set.

> I love Boggle, it's one of my favorite games of all time! I played it a lot growing
> up. A few years ago we got Big Boggle, it's a lot of fun. I see there's also Super
> Big Boggle which is 6x6, now I want that!

There's a big one? That sounds great! I need to pick that up sometime this year. That was one of my favorite games when I was younger. So simple to play and easy to set up.

GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
citizen_zane wrote:
> Scott wrote:
>> I love Boggle, it's one of my favorite games of all time! I played it a lot growing
>> up. A few years ago we got Big Boggle, it's a lot of fun. I see there's also Super
>> Big Boggle which is 6x6, now I want that!
> There's a big one? That sounds great! I need to pick that up sometime this year.
> That was one of my favorite games when I was younger. So simple to play and easy
> to set up.

Yeah, it's awesome!

It comes with a plastic piece that will cover one row and column, turning it back into a 4x4 grid if you ever want to play that way again (spoiler alert, you won't). It's also been known as Boggle Deluxe and Boggle Master.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
lpeters82 wrote:
> Broke out Marvel United a few days ago. It wasn't a huge hit for us. I may have to
> re-read the rules. There just didn't seem to be much penalty for having your hero
> knocked out by the villain. Discard your hand, but start your next turn by drawing
> a full hand?!? There also didn't seem to be any difficult decisions. We never had
> to plan ahead, everything always seemed straightforward. Perhaps that was just an
> overly lucky game.

What appealed to me the most for this game was that it's co-op. I may be thinking of a different game, but isn't there a way you can adjust the difficulty?
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
There are several different setups / villains for the game, so I'm assuming that some are more difficult then others. I also should not that I'm playing the X-Men version. We went played a four player game vs Sabertooth.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews
Played Ark Nova for the first time in a 4-player game. It took 5 hours but was enjoyable. Definitely not a kid-friendly game in terms of complexity.

I’m likely buying a huge Battlecon bundle off someone locally for $150. I think they have everything from before the Unleashed Kickstarter campaign.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Sun wrote:
> Played Ark Nova for the first time in a 4-player game. It took 5 hours but was
> enjoyable. Definitely not a kid-friendly game in terms of complexity.
> I’m likely buying a huge Battlecon bundle off someone locally for $150. I think
> they have everything from before the Unleashed Kickstarter campaign.

Yeah...I was pleasantly surprised by Ark Nova given that I don't care for Terraforming Mars that well.

Great grab on Battlecon...Benstylus and I will be glad to help you parse through what you have. Did you get the 2 big boxes that came with Unleashed? One is gold and the other is silver.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews
rayzor6 wrote:
> Great grab on Battlecon...Benstylus and I will be glad to help you parse through
> what you have. Did you get the 2 big boxes that came with Unleashed? One is gold
> and the other is silver.

No, the bundle I'm getting is everything PRIOR to the Unleashed campaign. So Devastation is the 2013 version. I suspect the person I'm buying from, who said they bought it off someone else, that someone else must've been getting out of Battlecon...or they sold all this and got an all-in Unleashed pledge. Normally I would want the newest / updated stuff, but at this price, I felt like I couldn't pass it up. Will I ever get to play it? Who knows! 75% of my collection in probably still unplayed. I just switched out one collecting vice (video games) for another (board games)...and board games take up where more room! I'll post some pictures of my shelves soon.

Here is the Battlecon listing if you're curious:
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader
Sun wrote:
> Played Ark Nova for the first time in a 4-player game. It took 5 hours but was
> enjoyable. Definitely not a kid-friendly game in terms of complexity.

Did you try to advance the conservation track at all? If you do mostly popularity points the game can go quite long
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Sun wrote:
> rayzor6 wrote:
>> Great grab on Battlecon...Benstylus and I will be glad to help you parse through
>> what you have. Did you get the 2 big boxes that came with Unleashed? One is
> gold
>> and the other is silver.
> No, the bundle I'm getting is everything PRIOR to the Unleashed campaign. So Devastation
> is the 2013 version. I suspect the person I'm buying from, who said they bought
> it off someone else, that someone else must've been getting out of Battlecon...or
> they sold all this and got an all-in Unleashed pledge. Normally I would want the
> newest / updated stuff, but at this price, I felt like I couldn't pass it up. Will
> I ever get to play it? Who knows! 75% of my collection in probably still unplayed.
> I just switched out one collecting vice (video games) for another (board games)...and
> board games take up where more room! I'll post some pictures of my shelves soon.
> Here is the Battlecon listing if you're curious:

Nice...yes, so you have a mixture. Trials and Wanderers are the new rules set and War/Fate/Devastation are the previous rule set. Light and Shadow...are just some added stuff but not needed.

I had no problem mixing the two and playing the new rules set with the older cards. If I was being honest: in MANY ways, I prefer the previous rule set.

You got a great deal and should have no problem playing it. The Devastation rulebook I think mentions this...but Shekhtur and Eligor are a GREAT pair to play against each other. They compliment each other very well and are straightforward.

While it's neat to see how they all work because they are SO very diverse. Find someone that you really like how they play and REALLY dig down with that character. It doesn't mean to play it at every chance...but try to come back to that some one. I played against the same opponent with Eligor and I played many, many matches. I learned something vital at almost EVERY match with that same one character. Just like in a fighting game. You think you know how they tick, but there is so much depth there. Just your Devastation box alone is so much game play.

If you have any questions...again...let Ben or I know. I think I can speak for him when I say: we both like talking about this game :D
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews
* 19-Jan-2023(#105)
pr0phet wrote:
> Sun wrote:
>> Played Ark Nova for the first time in a 4-player game. It took 5 hours but
> was
>> enjoyable. Definitely not a kid-friendly game in terms of complexity.
> Did you try to advance the conservation track at all? If you do mostly popularity
> points the game can go quite long

It was the first game for 3 of the 4 players with only 1 player would has played about half a dozen times. My wife is also AP prone so that adds time. The game was worth the 5 hours but definitely took longer because of 3 new players.

Yeah, we all advanced that track, but I couldn't do it efficiently because I could barely donate to a conservation project given my played animal and sponsor cards.

The final scores were 10 (me), 14 (my wife), 20 (my cousin's cousin who was the one who had multiple plays under his belt) and 24 (my cousin). I definitely would play again.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
LOL...those are actually really good scores Sun. It's not uncommon to be negative points in that one!
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader
Sun wrote:
> pr0phet wrote:
>> Sun wrote:
> |>> Played Ark Nova for the first time in a 4-player game. It took 5 hours but
>> was
> |>> enjoyable. Definitely not a kid-friendly game in terms of complexity.
> |>>
>> Did you try to advance the conservation track at all? If you do mostly popularity
>> points the game can go quite long
> It was the first game for 3 of the 4 players with only 1 player would has played
> about half a dozen times. My wife is also AP prone so that adds time. The game
> was worth the 5 hours but definitely took longer because of 3 new players.
> Yeah, we all advanced that track, but I couldn't do it efficiently because I could
> barely donate to a conservation project given my played animal and sponsor cards.
> The final scores were 10 (me), 14 (my wife), 20 (my cousin's cousin who was the one
> who had multiple plays under his belt) and 24 (my cousin). I definitely would play
> again.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it! This game is by no means innovative, but it's the perfect mix of existing mechanics!
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews
rayzor6 wrote:
> Nice...yes, so you have a mixture. Trials and Wanderers are the new rules set and
> War/Fate/Devastation are the previous rule set. Light and Shadow...are just some
> added stuff but not needed.
> I had no problem mixing the two and playing the new rules set with the older cards.
> If I was being honest: in MANY ways, I prefer the previous rule set.
> You got a great deal and should have no problem playing it. The Devastation rulebook
> I think mentions this...but Shekhtur and Eligor are a GREAT pair to play against
> each other. They compliment each other very well and are straightforward.
> While it's neat to see how they all work because they are SO very diverse. Find
> someone that you really like how they play and REALLY dig down with that character.
> It doesn't mean to play it at every chance...but try to come back to that some one.
> I played against the same opponent with Eligor and I played many, many matches.
> I learned something vital at almost EVERY match with that same one character. Just
> like in a fighting game. You think you know how they tick, but there is so much
> depth there. Just your Devastation box alone is so much game play.
> If you have any questions...again...let Ben or I know. I think I can speak for him
> when I say: we both like talking about this game :D

I sorted through most everything last night and it pretty much had everything released prior to the Unleashed Kickstarter. Adding in the 11-pack of solo fighters I just bought, I'm only missing 3 newer solo fighters that I'm assuming they just had no more stock of since the 11-pack included 3 of the new fighters from the Unleashed campaign.

The bundle I got included War, War Extended, Devastation, Devastation Extended, Fate, Trials, Wanderers, Strikers, Armory, Light & Shadow and all the early promos. I don't see a need to get the upgrade pack for Devastation at the moment. This is more content that I will ever play.
Double Gold Good Trader
Happy Birthday! @Sun
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
25-Jan-2023(#110) have more than I did when I got the Unleashed upgrade. You are definitely good. I have the full set and I have NO idea what half of them do. I am just a dumb completionist. haha
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
We've had some fun rounds of Cards Against Humanity (family edition) lately. The last time we played, my son had one of my favorites yet:

Next from J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Harry Potter! lol

Topic   Looking for family board game suggestions