
Topic   GTZ Entitlement

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Hey all, apologies for the inbound rant, just frustrated and haven't spoken out on this sans a few comments here and there.

I write this from a place of simply trying to better understand. This continues to happen, and honestly at times it makes me want to bail on the site. I've gotten to the point that I don't even attempt to (or rarely) sell anything here anymore because of this behavior. I was reluctant to post last night, and within minutes, was reassured that my original stance was right - don't even bother.

Most of us are around the same age, been here for quite some time, and don’t partake in this etiquette. Yet, there's unfortunately a population of users here that seem to think otherwise, and it's one of the core problems that drives good people away.

Why is it, time and time again, that people get shun/negged, when they attempt to sell something at less than 800% off? We're all adults, we all look at eBay and other platforms, we know the price and value of items/time.

Sadly, we've seen this for years here. That someone posts something for sale, and it's a good deal ... but they get crap on because there's this I don’t know, sense of entitlement, that they should get an even better deal because GTZ? Sure, we're a community of gamers that look out and help one another, no doubt! Many here go above and beyond to do more for one another, which is why this site is amazing. Yet at the end of day, be realistic and look at the larger picture, before passing judgement and setting false expectations for yourself, and others.

Two examples just from this week.
1) User is selling a Steam deck, brand new, for $75 (11%) off. The first four reactions are negs.
2) I post a Zelda Pro Controller, asking for +$5 for time/gas/re-packaging and cost savings to you to avoid eBay, and I get called out publicly and privately.

Taking #2 further, as clearly, I'm in a bit of defense mode. I have, on multiple occasions, paid very handsomely (even above what was asked), for hard to find/sold out/rare items, as it's still a win for me being that it's cheaper than eBay. I recognize you could have sold it for more, and I appreciate that you're doing me a solid. Further, I've gone above and beyond to tip people for their time/service/etc. as it's not hard to see it's a win-win for both parties being that they don't have to deal with eBay/fee's/etc. and I'm getting it cheaper than eBay. Finally, I've sold many items at cost, and even given stuff away free. Yet, I attempt to ask for a whopping $5 to save you money, and everything goes out the window and I'm a bad person.

This is not the first time that this has happened either. Merely asking for a few bucks to use my packaging materials, my gas, my time, and reducing your cost of entry ... should be very much so inbounds, and expected, if you're ultimately getting a good deal at the expense of someone else. Last I checked, we're all adults, and time is money. I have no idea your financial situation, but I'd be willing to wager, most are above minimum wage here. Meaning, even that 30-60 minutes of your time to pack, print a label, drive to local store, drive back, etc. - is costing you money. For another to expect that their time and resources are free, is straight out wrong, and naive. Will that $5 make or break any of us? Absolutely not, but it's more the principal of the matter to reward and take care of those that take care of you.

What am I missing here? Why is there a stigma that some of the community thinks they should be getting everything free or massively discounted to the point that the other party is losing out? We all know the other person can go make more money if they want, so at least reward them for helping you out, even if they're not asking for it. If we continue this behavior in any of these scenario's, we're going to lose out on good people bringing us good deals as they'll simply favor selling elsewhere to avoid the pettiness exhibited here.

To those of you that don't partake in this mentality and behavior, you're awesome, and that is why we're still here. I truly appreciate each one of you that have helped me personally and others! I love seeing great deals go to great people!
Gold Good Trader
* 20-Apr-2023(#81)
Fact is people value getting a "deal" more than anything else, actual numbers be damned.

Something on sale for $30 on a site but you have to pay for $5 shipping? You sleep. Paying for shipping from a retailer is "bad," it makes you feel bad. You'd rather go up to the $75 free shipping buying junk you could have held out for.

Something on sale for $40 with free shipping? You're awake. Free shipping and a discount, oh boy!

My uncle is a manager at a country club's banquet hall. He does mostly weddings with plenty of other types of events in the mix, from parties up to and including funerals. Not to be racist but he says there are some cultures (I believe he said Indians and Jewish people) where he can't quote them the (relatively non-negotiable) price per head, he doesn't get sales that way. It's their policy to start them 10% higher and come down to the real price. They think they're getting a deal, and they bite. Same thing applies to coupons at the store and phone apps, the price is usually baked in; I think the clothes store Kohl's basically has a perpetual 40% off coupon you can ride, too, baked into the price no doubt, just sometimes people also buy it super marked up.

These little psychological tricks are there to get us. We use it against other people too, unfortunately. Luckily the truly frugal of us can actually capitalize on this and make it benefit us, to the point of Extreme Couponing (which to be fair takes so much time it's not as easy to call it a pure win) existing or being able to not get caught up in something like buying $75 worth of stuff you don't want for free shipping.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I watched Field of Dreams once. The moral of the story was "If the price is good, they will buy"
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
You can’t put a price on peepaw’s ghost.
300 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
We should just raffle off items to avoid these unpleasantries.
Triple Gold Good Trader
There are people who will pay whatever the set price is. No matter how easy it is to get the coupon or other discount, it is too much of a bother for them. At the same time, there are always people who won't pay the set price and need a discount via sale or coupon. Stores know this. There is actually a federal law that says a store can't show a base price and continually advertise a sale price unless the store had a period when the item wasn't "on sale".

In retail, the seller makes a good profit even if only about half of their inventory sells at the original price. They can then sell the remaining inventory at a discount and the final remnants can be sold at or below cost.

Selling gets even more complicated when salespeople are getting a commission on sales. A car salesman who needs to sell 5 cars by the end of Memorial Day may offer a better price and even give up his commission on that last car because he will make it up by getting a bonus. The dealership may even take a loss on the car if it means they get a bonus from the manufacturer.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
I don't mean to kick this back up, but I think we've all been frustrated at one time or another at this phenomenon.

I love GTZ because I consider you guys experts in electronic gaming and now that we've all basically grown up together, you're experts in other things as well. Especially recently, I've been out of touch with the latest and greatest and I *KNOW* that I can come here and get the honest truth about ANYTHING. I've asked about Pokemon cards, Oculuseseseses and many more things. That is pure gold right there.

I've always loved the prices on here. If you want to see messed up pricing (and some of you are in this hobby too) go look at what people ask for used board games. I'm not talking the out of print ones...but it is NOT uncommon for some schmuck to be selling a board game for $40 plus shipping that can be had on Amazon for $35 shipped. There are no bites on this of course but the sheer number of people who do this is mindblowing.

I also love the cool cool odd things you can get here. Magic cards, board games, video game soundtracks, etc. I have work points that I can buy Amazon gift cards with. I don't have a bank tied to my Paypal. I know I can come here and offer a higher Amazon card for some Paypal and people will help me as I help them.

My point is's an amazing place. Yes, some people can kill the idea of getting a bargain by mobbing the person for a BETTER bargain (especially when the economy is down) but remember that the good is GREAT and the bad is very very minor and annoying. Bill is right in the respect: turn off the negging when you post something to sell. I understand you not wanting to see that crap :D

Topic   GTZ Entitlement