

Specific Ratings

Replay ValueA
Learning CurveB

Pros and Cons

  • Incredibly detailed island
  • Bright, vivid, sharp colors
  • Grapple allows for endless nonsense
  • Tons of vehicles to fly, drive, etc
  • Unbelievable draw distances
  • Light-hearted, B-movie feel
  • Cars/bikes handle poorly
  • Jets fly entirely too slow
  • Has audio glitches at times, during cutscenes
  • Story mode clearly not focus of game

Just Cause 2 (Xbox 360)

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Do you hate when you're playing a game, and you think "Man, wouldn't it be awesome if I could...", only to be let down and not be allowed to do the awesome? Not in Just Cause 2...



I'm going to take you back to early March, 2010. Prior to the Just Cause 2 demo, I had little interest in the game. I thought, if the first game was as bad as it was, then I can't honestly expect this game to play as awesome as it looked in screenshots.

Well, when that demo finally dropped. I played it with relatively low expectations. The first thing I did, was walk towards a red propane canister. I said, "hmm, I wonder what happens when I shoot that". I did, and it soared into the sky. Neat-o. So I started playing with my new toy, the grappling hook. Simply push it, and it attaches to things. Oh boy, I climbed to the top of a palm tree. "I kinda like this..". So I turn around, and see another red propane canister. I think to myself, "I wonder what happens if I grapple on to that and shoot it?". So I do so, I grapple on to the canister. I aim my generic handgun at the tank and fire...I wait anxiously for a couple seconds, then suddenly it catapults me into the sky like a cruise missile. I'm FLYYYINGG...then shortly after, my fun ride ends thanks to the canister exploding and sending me on a freefall. Noooooooo!!!! Oh but wait, I have a parachute...Not one...Not two...but unlimited parachutes!

This is where Just Cause 2 shines, and why I ended up playing the demo (not even joking) about 18 times into the full 30 minute limit before the game actually released. Just Cause 2 is one of those rare gems that throws you into a giant, beautiful playground, gives you a kick in the butt and says "have fun!". From start to finish, from the top of the snow capped mounts to the gorgeous beaches with crystal clear water, it allows for the most open-ended gameplay imaginable. You are given ultimate freedom to roam, and cause chaos on the small island paradise called Panau.

The gist of the "story" in Just Cause 2 is that you take control of special agent Rico Rodriguez. You are sent into Panau to find another agent, who is believed to have gone rogue. You are dealing with a ruthless military who shoots on sight under the rule of current president, Baby Panay, who just recently overthrew his father, Pandak Panay via assassination. This is all explained to you early in the game. Through lies and deceit, you uncover all the hidden secrets of this island paradise.

You unlock story missions, takeovers, faction missions and the like by causing "chaos". This can be done by destroying government property like fuel tanks, satellites, pipelines and anything else marked in red that can be blown to bits. Causing chaos will also let you unlock weapons to be bought from the black market, as well as vehicles. Chaos is the life blood of Just Cause 2.

The gameplay, my favorite way of judging a game, is simply outstanding in Just Cause 2. Movement is very smooth. Controls are great, albeit you while at times be fighting the camera, especially when skydiving. The parachute-grapple opens up tons of opportunities to have fun. I'll be short and sweet here, when you can tie innocent civilians to a jet fighter, fun times are to be had.

The graphics are quite astonishing considering the scope of the game. You can stand on a beach at the southern end of Panau and clearly make out the tall twin-Casino's in the distance, a mere 20km away. As you fly above the island, you see planes flying below, boats in the water, the ocean glistening in the sun, beaches miles away and puffy white clouds. The sharpness and detail is a major feet. The sound, while good, isn't out of this world like the visuals. Cutscenes, you will hear audio glitches by NPC's. The audio may cut out at times, but it's not enough to hurt the experience. I have noticed that installing to the hard drive alleviates these problems.

I quite simply can not recommend this game enough. It's such an extremely polished work of art. Detailed and obviously well crafted by Avalanche, and it shows with draw distances over 25km, a massive open world and the most unique gameplay mechanics seen in a sandbox game.

If you're like me and are tired of games with linearity, and rules, and invisible walls, and this and that telling you where to go...then you have to play Just Cause 2! Use your imagination, be creative and blow up as much as you want without going to jail!

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