
Topic   Last Game You Didn't Beat?

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Tried out the Piko Collection 3 on Evercade. It has some gems on it (was surprised how much I like Radical Bikers).

It also has Sword of Sodan (Genesis version). It has got to be amongst the all time worst games released on the system.

It has big sprites and that's the only positive. China Warrior on the TG16 compares favorably to this game.

I put it on easy mode and gave myself the max number of lives (7). Lost 5 of them due to overwhelming enemies, low damage and poor hit detection.

The final two were from falling into invisible pits that you just have to memorize the exact location of where to jump and hope the enemies (who can walk across them just fine) don't push you in!

Never has the Sega Rally "GAME OVER, YEAH!" felt more appropriate.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Cyberpunk 2077 ce la vie

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Skully on Nintendo Switch

I'm halfway through level 14 out of 18 total, so I really didn't want to give up on the game while I'm so close to the end. But there is an annoying glitch that is not allowing me to make progress. I found a comment on the Steam discussion boards for the game from two years ago by someone else who experienced the same glitch, so clearly the devs didn't care enough to patch it.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I'm so close to just dumping Shantae Half Genie Hero.

I beat the main campaign, but it has two additional ones, plus some extra game modes. And if I want to get all the achievements... I have to beat the game 21 times at least.

That's... insane.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Foxhack wrote:
> I beat the main campaign, but it has two additional ones, plus some extra game modes.
> And if I want to get all the achievements... I have to beat the game 21 times at
> least.

Is that hyperbole, or do you literally have to beat it 21 times?

350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 15-Mar(#85)
Renaissance2K wrote:
> Is that hyperbole, or do you literally have to beat it 21 times?

Not hyperbole. Basing myself on the achievements, it wants me to:

Beat the game, beat the game with 100%, beat the game on speedrun, beat the game on speedrun with 100%. That's for the main game, Risky Boots mode, and Friends mode (12 full game playthroughs);
Then I have to beat the game twice in the extra modes (Officer, Beach, Ninja) at 100% and on speedrun (6 playthroughs);
Beat the main game once with the alternate color costume (can be done with an existing save at the end, 1 playthrough);
Beat the Risky Boots mode with no upgrades (1 playthrough);
Beat the main game in hardcore mode (1 playthrough).

So 12 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 21.

Theoretically, I could clear the Speedrun + 100% runs and get several clears at once, but that's still 13 playthroughs at the very least.

That's insane.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Prince of Persia lost crown

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas on Nintendo Switch

It's not that it's a bad game, it's just that every now and then I go through this phase where I get so distracted and hooked on VR games that I feel like I've temporarily lost interest in flat games for the time being, and this is a victim of that (it happens the other way too sometimes and I'll go weeks or months without using VR). I went about a week without playing it and just went to resume from where I left off and I had no freaking idea where to go or what I was doing, so I'm just going to delete it. I was around 6 or 7 hours into it and I could easily just look up a walkthrough to refresh my memory, but I don't feel like it.
Double Gold Good Trader
Pepper Grinder. Controls didn't feel right, and the "search for hidden items in the stage" mechanic seemed at odds with the idea of smoothly flowing through the stage.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Looks like it’s gonna be Marvels midnight suns. I totally dig the card battles but the forced side stuff is starting to bug me. Going to take a break and see if I naturally gravitate back to it.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Runner3 on Nintendo Switch

I haven't given up on it completely just yet, but I know it's coming. I enjoy this series, with the first one being a WiiWare release, the sequel on Wii U and now this on Switch. While I enjoyed the two previous games over a decade ago, I can't recall if I ever actually finished them, or if I just played until the novelty wore off. This one warns you right off the bat when you boot the game up that it's the most difficult one in the series yet, and while you can adjust a few settings in the options menu to make things a little easier, I just don't wanna have to do that. So I'll play until I reach the inevitable level that I can't beat because I have no shortage of games in my backlog to move on to immediately.

Charles Martinet returns as the narrator (and as a playable character), and it's kinda nice to hear him with an actual speaking role with a script that has him doing more than just quips in a phony Italian accent.
Double Gold Good Trader
I bailed on Unicorn Overlord. Dialogue was just too amateurish for me, and there was very little actual gameplay. I enjoy pretty much everything else Vanillaware puts out, so this was a rare miss.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Korix on PSVR. It's a base-building/destroying/tower defense type game. The premise is pretty simple. (Build your base up and destroy the other one (or two or three) using a handful of unit and building types.) However, as you get further in the campaign, it gets crazy hard. The longer you take to beat a level, the stronger the enemy units get until you have planes flying overhead killing all your people while all sides of your base get bombarded by artillery and invaded by these cubes that can take down walls in seconds with their lasers. It was fun for awhile, but I eventually got frustrated. Maybe I'll pick it up again at some point, but I needed a break.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Raccoo Venture on Nintendo Switch

It claims it is going for a 90s retro platformer vibe and I think it kinda met its goal. It reminded me a bit of Super Mario 3D World too, but with way more indie jank and almost none of the Nintendo polish. It's way harder than Super Mario 3D World was tho, as I'm tapping out right before I could reach World 3 because it requires me to replay previous levels and hunt for a few more collectibles before the bridge to World 3 will allow me to cross. That kind of thing shouldn't be a requirement unless I was going for 100%
Triple Gold Good Trader
Atomic Heart. I got this from the library and had high hopes. The graphics look really nice, the scenery gave me a little bit of a Bioshock feel, and the storyline intrigued me. Unfortunately, the game is full of really tedious and annoying parts (platforming that just doesn't feel right, mediocre combat, doors with locks that require you to solve very obvious and conceptually easy puzzles that are obnoxious control-wise, and a number of puzzles required for advancement that are basically over-glorified fetch quests. At a certain point, I realized I was forcing myself to play this to avoid losing the sunk cost of having already played it for several hours. I wasn't really having any fun. So, I stopped, and now, playing Legendary Tales on PSVR2, I'm having a blast.
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* 20-May(#95)
Baldur's Gate III

It seems like it would be exactly my type of game. I don't think I'm done with it and will eventually go back. It's just a little bit of wrong game at the wrong time I think. I just spent 100 hours on back to back new releases, FF7 and Unicorn Overlord. The thought of starting another 100+ hour adventure was exhausting. I went back to nostalgic/familiar territory.

A couple other points. After 10 hours or so, I still wasn't engrossed in the overall story. I wasn't far into it, but it was mostly uninteresting to me. The bigger issue for me is the silent protagonist. In a world so detail-oriented and having such lively characters, the player's character is just an empty shell. I get this is a D&D style, choose your own adventure, and you're meant to insert yourself into the story, but your main character is reduced to facial expressions only.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Ghostrunner on PlayStation 5
I wouldn't call it a bad game, but it just relies on a little too much trial and error than I want to put up with in my games.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 24-May(#97)
That it does. I got frustrated with Ghostrunner too but the frequent checkpoints made it tolerable. Enough where I finished it and got the sequel which is in my queue next to play after Alone In The Dark 2024, but I agree it all depends on how much you can tolerate the whole trial and error gameplay. If it wasn’t for those generous checkpoints I would have never finished it.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Gave up on another one already. Paper Beast on Sony PlayStation VR
I only put around 30-40 minutes into it before getting frustrated at not knowing what to do because it's one of those games where they don't tell you anything and just leave it to you to figure out. I ain't got time for that. Back to Yoshi's Island I go.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 31-May(#99)
Alone In The Dark 2024 Microsoft Xbox Series X|S

When the game works performance wise it’s like a blend of Alan Wake, Resident Evil and Evil Within but there’s just too many bugs and glitches, game breaking ones like what I just encountered shortly into the game in chapter 2, to recommend this game safely to anyone. What’s ironic is the devs just came out with an 11gb patch fixing a plethora of things but seems to have created a new set of problems like the progression bug I just had in my save file. For shame. This game could have been something great too if its quality were better and controls didn't feel so stiff and wonky. The acting is pretty good too from David Harbour and Jodie Comer so it’s one of those neat ideas with poor execution and severely poor quality assurance and testing. I was thinking about restarting it from the beginning after the new patch dropped as maybe old saves present were slightly corrupted after the new patch dropped but if I take that gamble and get up to the same part where the bug broke my progression and it’s still there I will be so damn pissed for wasting my time even more so in light of less aggravation I’m putting this one to bed. It is up for sale as well in my available list if anyone is interested in taking a shot. Hopefully you’ll have better luck than me in the buggy department.

Topic   Last Game You Didn't Beat?