
Topic   The New Movie/TV Trailers Thread - THE BOYS: SEASON 4

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 20-Jul-2018(#1)
This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
I really need to catch up on the Godzilla movies.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Scott wrote:
> She wasn't really able to shine in her minor appearances since then, so I'm excited to
> get another full movie of her.

Yeah, this is because she's so over-powered, right? I mean, most of the Avengers mattering at all for most of the current MCU is only because Capt. Marvel is off "saving some other galaxy/universe" or whatever one-liner they always throw out to try to explain why she's not around saving OUR galaxy. Because, is she WAS around, then she'd probably be able to fix it without guys like Ironman or Hawkeye. smile
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
@John Yep, that's absolutely why. I wasn't suggesting it should have been different, I'm just looking forward to a movie where she can really use her full power yes
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No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans!
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Kommie wrote:
> No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans!

Lol what is this even in reference to?
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (45 seconds ago)
theJaw wrote:
> Kommie wrote:
>> No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans!
> Lol what is this even in reference to?

Maybe it was the other topic where someone was complaining about Star Wars
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Yah probably the SW thread where I shared a less-than stellar opinion on a SW movie. “Complaining” is a stretch tho, and I sure don’t hate SW. Love it unconditionally lol
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Peru
theJaw wrote:
> Anyhow, this just dropped. This is just a short teaser, apparently the follow up
> to Godzilla vs. Kong, "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire". I honestly thought it was
> a trailer for a video game at first and tbh, it still sorta gives off that vibe even
> after confirming it's a new movie.

So, is that another big monke? I'm curious now. I'm not that well versed in the lore of the Monsterverse, but I liked GvsK.
GameTZ Full Moderator Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
John wrote:
> Yeah, this is because she's so over-powered, right? I mean, most of the Avengers
> mattering at all for most of the current MCU is only because Capt. Marvel is off
> "saving some other galaxy/universe" or whatever one-liner they always throw out to
> try to explain why she's not around saving OUR galaxy. Because, is she WAS around,
> then she'd probably be able to fix it without guys like Ironman or Hawkeye. smile

Marvel and DC have always had to do that balancing act though. In the comics, you have a lot more than 1 hero in each universe with over the top powersets. The trick has always been to keep Batman, Green Arrow, and Black Canary relevant to a Justice League that has Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern. If the writers are doing their job well, they find a way for everyone to contribute. Hawkeye isn't going to be the guy who fights Thanos hand to hand. But he might be the guy who takes a critical shot or plays keep away with the Infinity Gauntlet long enough for the big guns to do their part.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Yes, and I get that... But, from what I see as a guy who watches movies but has never read the comics, they AREN'T "balancing" her at all. They just have her NOT BE THERE. That's very different than "balancing" things.

She's so over-powered that she doesn't seem able to exist with the rest and have it make sense why they'd need ANYONE else. So they just keep giving us one-liners that she's busy saving some other universe or something.
GameTZ Full Moderator Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Well yeah, that was sort of my point. When they do it WELL, it comes off as balanced, and everyone has a reason to be there.

I never said MCU was doing it well with regards to Captain Marvel. wink

But really, the Avengers still had Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man. Hawkeye and the Widow should have been extraneous, but they weren't. They just haven't figured out yet how to work someone like Danvers into the mix.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
I agree that they've done a good job of balancing out the rest of them fighting together. Because, like you said, they somehow make Hawkeye and Widow matter in Avengers. smile
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 25-Apr-2023(#14)
This movie looks great - like the closest they've come to putting a legit DC comic on screen maybe ever. I'm still extremely weary of Ezra Miller benefiting from the movie, but there are a ton of other people who worked on it and deserve that work to be seen.

I do sorta hate that they had Keaton say THAT line again, but whatev. Gotta have some callbacks I suppose. Otherwise, this looks wild.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Also... Michael Keaton is 71-years-old. Whaaaat the fudge.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I'm glad that one person is in this even if it's just as a cameo.

You know who I'm talking about.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
I really hope The Flash turns out to be as good as the trailers are making it look!

What's up with the little mini-trailer at the beginning of trailers now that tells us the trailer is about to start?
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Peru
Yeah, that trailer looks great.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Twisted Metal show with Anthony Mackie …..
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
Ha, just came here to post about Twisted Metal. Not a great teaser... But naively optimistic they may pull it off.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader
When that show "Sweet Tooth" on Netflix came out, I thought it was a Twisted Metal show. I was like, "when the hell do they start driving cars and shooting each other?"

Double Gold Good Trader
That Flash trailer looked pretty good. DC gets a bad rep sometimes for their movies. Hopefully this one will be great.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
The Twisted Metal trailer was pretty bad, but I like that it doesn't take itself too, too seriously like the original games. If I never hear that awful song again though, it'll be too soon.

Pretty neat that pro wrestler Samoa Joe is playing the physical role of Sweet Tooth's driver (forget his name tbh), but it's a weird decision to have him voiced by Will Arnett haha. But we'll see how it works out.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
Haha, how dumb but the url at the end totally paid off.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Original video:


holy crap Mr. Feeney

Triple Gold Good Trader
Not movie, but the announcement trailer for Mortal Kombat 1 just dropped and.. holy $hit!!
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 30-May-2023(#27)
I am so friggin pumped for this movie, love the animation. Been back in a major TMNT mood lately. Think I might plow through the movies (except 2014) and crack open my DVD box set if the original 80s cartoon.

EDIT: nvm, I guess the trailer I saw yesterday leaked because the link isn’t working anymore and I can’t find it anywhere now. There WAS a new trailer and it was legit because there were new shots/info involved.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Welp here's a new Leo Dicaprio movie. Apparently got a standing O at the Cannes festival and looks pretty interesting. Looking forward to it.
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Peru
Let's just hope that it isn't a 4 hours movie.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 31-May-2023(#30)
Here’s that trailer, it officially dropped today. I love the animation style. Only thing I’m not 100% sold on is this version of Splinter, but I’ll withhold my judgment until I see the movie. Pretty pumped.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Oh. Oh no. No no no no no.

I was hoping to see the scheming chemist, New York Mayor Baxter Stockman in this, and instead they made him... this?

The role was literally made for Giancarlo Esposito himself and they made him a fly? :( There goes all the hype I had for the movie...

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 1-Jun-2023(#32)
@Foxhack Wahddaya mean?

I'm sure you already know this, but ol' Baxter Stockman famously always turns into a fly. I thought it'd be obvious he'd be a fly.

I wouldn't let one choice hold you back from what looks like a great TMNT movie, which is something we haven't gotten in a long while. Heck, Stockman can still be a scheming scientist in fly form anyhow.

GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Everything looks good except for Splinter.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 1-Jun-2023(#34)
theJaw wrote:
> @Foxhack Wahddaya mean?
> ...

He doesn't. The original series and the IDW one (arguably the best choice for Esposito to portray) don't turn him into a fly. He's a really cool character there, nothing to do with the bumbling fly thing from the cartoon.

I'm not mad, just... disappointed.

Edit: Oh yeah Splinter. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. :(
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 1-Jun-2023(#35)
TMNT really turned into 2 separate iterations. The OG Eastman / Laird graphic novels and then the Saturday morning cartoon version. In US the cartoon version is what launched the brand’s popularity - so it feels more canonical to most of us- even though the source is much darker and different.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 1-Jun-2023(#36)
I’ve read a good portion of the original comics (and the following runs), but it hasn’t been for years. I guess I just conflated the cartoons with the comics, could’ve sworn he eventually becomes a fly in any iteration but I guess not.

Wish I had the spare cash to pick up a few of the trade paperbacks and read through them again.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 1-Jun-2023(#37)
He was almost never a human (origin story stuff) in any of the popular stuff. Cartoons, movies, games etc.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Baxter = Fly in my book
GameTZ Full Moderator Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Animation looks jerky to me, like fake claymation.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Same. I thought of claymation immediately. I guess this is what they are going for?

500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews
* 5-Jun-2023(#41)
theJaw wrote:
> Welp here's a new Leo Dicaprio movie. Apparently got a standing O at the Cannes festival
> and looks pretty interesting. Looking forward to it.

Time to play six-degrees of separation!

So, the guy who produced the actual photographic plates seen towards the end of this trailer is the same guy I helped open an analog community darkroom here in New Hampshire.

Jason Lane, who goes by Pictoriographica, was flown out for a week to coat his own ambrotype dry plates. The plates then went to the photographer, and after the exposures were made, given back to Jason so he could develop them in a darkroom-tent set up in the movie studio. After each plate was developed, they would take a cell phone shot and sent it to Martin Scorsese to get his approval.

On the last day, they finished early and the photographer and Jason got to walk over to where DeNiro and DiCapprio were filming a scene and watch.

They didn't allow an assistant otherwise I would have gone (they had one on set already) is the place we created.

Triple Gold Good Trader
Not a movie, but WTF?? Love these quirky ass games:
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Kraven the Hunter. Looks good but its another Sony Marvel movie so I'm not looking forward to it too much.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (45 seconds ago)
Triple Gold Good Trader
back4more wrote:
> Kraven the Hunter. Looks good but its another Sony Marvel movie so I'm not looking
> forward to it too much.
Aaron is friggin cut.. he's so badass..
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Wow, they really Morbed this up.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (45 seconds ago)
Looks like The Flash is gonna be an overall financial bomb.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 19-Jun-2023(#48)
Just watched The Flash today. Good movie. Definite flaws, but some definite great moments too. Ezra Miller can fudge themselves irl but they did good enough in the movie. Fun to see Keaton as Batman again. Sasha Calle was a great Supergirl but underdeveloped, wish there was more of her.

Kraven looks bad. Sony just doesn’t understand the hero/villain dynamic on a surface level. These characters are great because they’re the bad guys, the rogues. Enemies to Spider-man who more often than not need THAT character to elevate them. Making them all solo anti-heroes is so weak.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
So, as a person who is NOT watching The Flash series, but do have some interest in the movie... I will say that I haven't seen a single ad for it anywhere. Like, I knew it was coming and out because of this thread, but otherwise my wife and I haven't seen a single ad for The Flash movie.

When I heard it wasn't doing great, I mentioned that to my wife and she replied that she didn't know it was out.

That seems like a problem to me. You can't expect a movie to make money if you don't tell the right people about it.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I've gotten ads on Youtube, but that's about it.

The situation with Ezra Miller means WB can't parade them around to promote the movie. I bet they were just waiting for this movie to come out so they can move on and find a replacement actor.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
It definitely feels like all the pre-James Gunn DC stuff that was already produced is just coming out to make whatever money it can considering they’re launching a full blown new connected universe, so just about everyone is getting replaced. Blue Beetle is the only movie Gunn says will carry over. Though he also left the door open for possible “elseworlds” movies with returning actors that take place outside of his DCU (like the upcoming Aquaman movie or the Joker sequel).

I did see a few Flash ads on TV that came off more as a Batman/Supergirl movie for obvious reasons, but yah, the promotion was definitely downplayed compared to usual.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
So you remember my complaints about Giancarlo Esposito in the new TMNT movie? I had assumed he'd be playing Superfly.

Nope. He's really playing Baxter Stockman.

And after seeing his character design... I don't know what to think...
Triple Gold Good Trader
Twisted metal trailer.. looks, interesting:
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Also new Joaquin Phoenix movie Napoleon directed by Ridley Scott:
Triple Gold Good Trader
Napoleon looks amazing
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
New Ahsoka trailer. Can only be cautiously optimistic considering the super inconsistent quality of the SW shows, but this trailer does look great. I loved Rebels, so getting what is essentially a live action sequel to that show is pretty awesome.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Blue Beetle Trailer:
I'm super excited for this... looks great..
Double Gold Good Trader
* 14-Jul-2023(#59)
theJaw wrote:
> Also new Joaquin Phoenix movie Napoleon directed by Ridley Scott:
Just learned something new. I had no idea that Napolean fought with Egypt.

Ridley Scott is an interesting combination to me, in that pronouncing it either Ridley Scott or Scott Ridley both flow.

Benjamin Franklin flows, but Franklin Benjamin doesn't seem to flow as well.

George Washington? Okay. Washington George? Nah.

Ronald Reagon? Yes. Reagon Ronald? No.

Hanks Tom?

Reeves Kianu?
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 22-Jul-2023(#61)
I think all 3 of these look pretty darn good. Most looking forward to Invincible Season 2.



GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
That Marvels trailer didn't get me even more excited for the movie like I was hoping. In fact, I thought it was kind of bad overall. However, I'm still pretty excited for the movie. I think the 3 main characters will have some cool dynamics and interactions. Plus, the thing with them switching places when they use their powers is really intriguing. I feel like there's a lot of potential there to do some fun and cool things. I hope they take advantage of that to the fullest.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
I'm pretty much indifferent to the Marvels. It looks fine and I'm sure it'll be fun enough but it doesn't scratch an itch for me or anything.

And I know this is neither here nor there, but with each new big Marvel release, I find myself low-key dreading the inevitable discourse surrounding them more and more. Maybe it's because I have a group of strongly-opinionated friends and we talk about this stuff ad nauseam, but it's impossible for me to not see the exaggerated reactions to Marvel (or Star Wars) these days and I'm just somewhat exhausted by it. If it's not "Phase 4 is ruining the MCU", it's the "MSheU" crap, or the "Brie Larson bad" takes, or a myriad of other extraneous factors that people attribute to these movies and it just makes being a fan of this stuff a somewhat negative experience these days. I've just found myself not caring as much for that reason, and it's not even the fault of the movies themselves, whether I feel they're good or bad.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
theJaw wrote:
> And I know this is neither here nor there, but with each new big Marvel release,
> I find myself low-key dreading the inevitable discourse surrounding them more and
> more. Maybe it's because I have a group of strongly-opinionated friends and we talk
> about this stuff ad nauseam, but it's impossible for me to not see the exaggerated
> reactions to Marvel (or Star Wars) these days and I'm just somewhat exhausted by
> it. If it's not "Phase 4 is ruining the MCU", it's the "MSheU" crap, or the "Brie
> Larson bad" takes, or a myriad of other extraneous factors that people attribute
> to these movies and it just makes being a fan of this stuff a somewhat negative experience
> these days. I've just found myself not caring as much for that reason, and it's not
> even the fault of the movies themselves, whether I feel they're good or bad.

Same here. I miss the Phase 3 days when nearly everyone was hyped for each new movie and mostly positive about it. Since then, it's been steadily downhill. The cool thing now is to hate on every new MCU project. It used to be so much fun to go see a new Marvel movie on opening night, be in a theater with other hyped fans, then go home and excitedly talk about it online for the next several days. Now, it's a quiet theater, and mostly negativity online. I'm still enjoying the movies myself, and with my family, but the societal excitement is dead.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 26-Jul-2023(#65)
Probably simply because people are tired. It’s not immune to being overdone, just like everything else that runs it’s course in pop culture.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
That's fine, but if you're tired of it, just stop watching it. I don't understand people having to switch to hating on it instead.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
That doesn’t make sense. Why people waste time and energy on things they claim are not worth it.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Feeb wrote:
> Probably simply because people are tired. It’s not immune to being overdone, just
> like everything else that runs it’s course in pop culture.

This is true for sure, to an extent. Phase 4 pumped out so much content compared to the other phases, and the quality definitely varied more this time around. That and there's just so much non-Marvel superhero stuff out there.

But if you're one to actually engage in this fandom, it's easy to see that it goes far beyond just general fatigue. I called it when Avengers Endgame came out, that a sect of the fandom would turn on Marvel following that movie. Lots of hyperbolic takes that things are objectively worse now, and a huge influx in the incel-types who hone in on the fact that there are more female-led properties nowadays. It's as if all the golden era heroes had their time to shine (Cap, Iron Man, Hulk, etc) and now that they're moving into the more modern characters, the "old-timers" (in mindset, not necessarily physical age) are rejecting it.

It's getting the Star Wars treatment, but because the MCU is mostly a product of the digital/social media age, those types of negative reactions have been expedited tenfold.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Scott wrote:
> That's fine, but if you're tired of it, just stop watching it. I don't understand
> people having to switch to hating on it instead.

This is exactly my take. Or at the VERY least, simply judge things on a case-to-case basis. Implement some sense of subjectivity. Didn't like Eternals or She-Hulk? Fine, feel free to share that sentiment, but don't act like the entirety of the franchise is crumbling solely because you didn't like certain releases. Especially if you openly enjoyed others from the same time period.

I have a real good friend who acts like the MCU and Star Wars are inherently doomed because of Disney, but his entire basis of that is because HE didn't like certain releases. He correlates his negativity to the reason the movies aren't making as much money as initially projected as if everybody feels the same way he does when that obviously isn't the case, or as if there hasn't been a shift in the entire film-making industry since 2020. And this is a sentiment from a sect of the moviegoers who got their favorite characters and are now upset that those characters are either being replaced, or being taken in directions that don't fit the exact mold they wanted (and got for the past decade).
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 26-Jul-2023(#71)
I’m not participating in the fan discussions etc but I can absolutely say that as a casual fan I went from waiting all night for tickets to see these films to not even seeing them until they’re on a streaming service or not at all. It’s definitely multi factorial- for one I’m older with different priorities- but I am absolutely fatigued of these big budget IPs and the soulless products they’re constantly pumping out these days. I blame films like the matrix, inception, Upgrade etc that showed me originality and soul make a much better time.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 26-Jul-2023(#72)
@Feeb Yah and that’s fine. I’m in a similar mindset too. I find myself preferring the smaller budget or independent movies these days, and before GOTG 3 last month, I hadn’t seen any MCU movie in theaters since, I think, Spider-man: No Way Home. So I’m with you on the fatigue surrounding big budget popcorn stuff - but I’m also willing to acknowledge when those big budget popcorn movies are good, or at least, aren’t mind-numbingly bad. As opposed to the sect of folks who just drop a blanket statement over the entire medium and act like they’re all objectively worse now and not just “worse” due to the level of fatigue one is feeling.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
In general it seems like people these days are much more apt to partake in tribalistic behaviors. Everything requires extreme fandom or opposition. The brand loyalty is obnoxious. Politics, computers, game consoles, movies etc. I guess people need to feel like part of something bigger- materials and ideas are the new religion.
GameTZ Full Moderator Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
The toxic fan thing is real. These are the same people who were bashing the comics when Marvel was doing a lot of new female and minority characters, and especially doging about "replacements" such as Ironheart, Sam Wilson as Cap, Jane as Thor, X-23 as Wolverine, and Amadeus Cho as Hulk. Now that a lot of those same characters are hitting the MCU, the same toxicity rears its head again.

If your friends are bashing the MCU specifically because their are more women and POC, you don't need better movies. You need better friends. There are legitimate reasons to criticize the MCU, but having a black Captain America isn't one of them.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 27-Jul-2023(#75)
While I agree there are people like that, the pal in question isn’t upset about the fact that these characters exist in the MCU, he just thinks Disney is presenting them in ways that pander too hard in order to meet some corporate quota. He’s actually a fairly forward thinking guy, so no need to get better friends in this case. The pandering complaints aside, his main apprehension seems to just come off as him not enjoying the direction of the new movies in general, like Quantumania, and thinks the general lack of quality is what’s tanking the MCU.

I do acknowledge the quality of Phase IV definitely varies more in comparison to phases I-III, I just don’t feel it’s nearly as bad as the general consensus would have you believe.

The Secret Invasion finale has 13% on RT. It wasn’t that good imo, but it absolutely isn’t THIRTEEN PERCENT bad. Just seems like people are overtly trying to hate on the MCU right now.
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Peru
Yeah, that's the cool thing to do now.

I honestly think that the quality of phases I-III is a bit overhyped. While I enjoyed most of the movies, some of those are nothing really impressive objectively speaking. Thor's movies are semi-terrible, Ragnarok gets a pass because it's different and has Hulk. The Iron Man trilogy is cool as a character study, but they aren't that good either. Age of Ultron is a love-it-or-hate-it thing. Black Panther was great, but plagued with some terrible CGI (isn't that another complaint for the current saga?). The Incredible Hulk is an MCU movie that isn't an MCU movie. We can be as nitpicky as we want with those movies, and the result would be similar to the current status. It had some bangers though, especially with unexpected heroes like Ant-man and the GotG. Winter Soldier and Civil War are also great, but those were like mini-Avengers movies.

Some people are just hating for the sake of hating.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Looks par the course relative to the first season. I dig that the whole "time travel" aspect is going to get even more play in this season, even if I'm not 100% clear on what the overall story will be otherwise. Notable that they featured Jonathan Majors in the trailer. Obviously he already shot his scenes but it doesn't look like they plan on pivoting away from his casting as Kang unless something wonky happens in this show. Looks pretty good but I wasn't one who loved the first season so I can only be cautiously optimistic.
Double Gold Good Trader
theJaw wrote:
> Looks par the course relative to the first season. I dig that the whole "time travel"
> aspect is going to get even more play in this season, even if I'm not 100% clear
> on what the overall story will be otherwise. Notable that they featured Jonathan
> Majors in the trailer. Obviously he already shot his scenes but it doesn't look like
> they plan on pivoting away from his casting as Kang unless something wonky happens
> in this show. Looks pretty good but I wasn't one who loved the first season so I
> can only be cautiously optimistic.
Feels like it's been awhile. When was the first season? 2 years ago?
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Yah, first episode dropped June 9, 2021, so it'll be well over 2 years when Season 2 starts in October. While the MCU shows have varied in quality, having so many IPs to draw from theoretically should be good because it allows more time to develop additional seasons for the existing shows. So hopefully Loki is a general step up from the first season, whether one felt it was great or not.
GameTZ Subscriber 800 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13) Has Written 11 Reviews Secret Santa
theJaw wrote:
> Looks par the course relative to the first season. I dig that the whole "time travel"
> aspect is going to get even more play in this season, even if I'm not 100% clear
> on what the overall story will be otherwise. Notable that they featured Jonathan
> Majors in the trailer. Obviously he already shot his scenes but it doesn't look like
> they plan on pivoting away from his casting as Kang unless something wonky happens
> in this show. Looks pretty good but I wasn't one who loved the first season so I
> can only be cautiously optimistic.

Haven't had a chance to watch the trailer, but I am excited for Season 2. I think I enjoyed season 1 of Loki more than any of the standalone Thor movies.

GameTZ Full Moderator Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
theJaw wrote:
> While I agree there are people like that, the pal in question isn’t upset about
> the fact that these characters exist in the MCU, he just thinks Disney is presenting
> them in ways that pander too hard in order to meet some corporate quota.

You get that the two halves of this statement are contradictory right? He's basically saying "I'm not a racist, BUT...." He is exactly the kind of toxic fan we're talking about. Someone attacking the content while spouting off about "quotas" in terms of diversity is being actively racist. He's just trying to hide it behind buzzwords, which is par for the course right now.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 4-Aug-2023(#82)
@Grenadier He's not racist and I know this for a fact. If he was racist, a movie like Everything Everywhere All At Once wouldn't be one of his favorites. One can feel a corporation is trying "too hard" to pander to the point of having a generally negative effect on the group of people in question, as opposed to being a genuine attempt at inclusivity, without that opinion being rooted in racism or bigotry. That said, the "pandering" comment he made to me was toward the MCU's female representation, so it wasn't even about race in the first place.

I'll put my essay in spoiler tags to save thread real estate:

The overt "girl power" team-up shots in Infinity War and Endgame (that I personally love) aside, he feels a show like She-Hulk went overboard with the "strong lady, bumbling men" trope instead of just writing a strong female character off her own merits. He suggests the writers didn't write a strong female character, they just wrote a female character in opposition to a bunch of poorly written male characters, which doesn't do a ton for either "side". While I enjoyed She-Hulk in a vacuum, I can honestly understand this opinion.

There's an adage in pro wrestling that a wrestler should never downplay the talents of their opponent, because if they then beat that opponent, they'd have only beaten someone they openly admitted wasn't talented. In order to come out on the other side looking truly strong, they'd want to beat an opponent who also looked strong. That concept can be applied to She-Hulk to an extent. A writer should write strong characters/villains so that the hero will come out the other side looking like a strong character. Writing the majority of men to either be buffoons, or to be so over-the-top villainous solely BECAUSE of their male identity, didn't necessarily make Jennifer Walters look like a strong female character - it just removed any nuance from the conflict and resulted in a "well, yeah, of course she's better than them" scenario. "Low hanging fruit", if you will. If you can pick it, that doesn't make you "tall", it just means you can reach the bottom branch. Instead of writing competent male characters for Jennifer Walters to seem superior or equal to, they wrote the men to be stereotypical idiots and/or monsters, which didn't really make the character herself look truly strong coming out the other side. I'm all for vilifying the weirdo incel community, I'm just not sure the hamfisted way this fourth wall-breaking comedy did was the best approach (even despite being thoroughly entertained watching it).

Like I said, I dug the show for the most part, but I also acknowledge that a lot of women I've personally talked to felt like it was an extremely neutered and dumbed down take on feminism designed solely to annoy as opposed to educate, with the fear that it would result in inevitable backlash and make the "movement" look bad. That's the "pandering" argument I can see parts of, even if I personally didn't feel miffed about it one way or the other. The backlash to a character like Rose Tico in the SW sequels, for example, is an entirely different story - a lot of the criticisms from the weirdo sect of the internet were solely BECAUSE she was another female main character in Star Wars, or because she was Asian, neither of which my pal in question agreed with.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
This is the movie Zack Snyder originally pitched as a Star Wars spin-off, but they didn't want to do an R-rated movie with no established SW characters, so he retooled it to be his own sandbox to play in. Looks pretty cliche, with an equally cliche premise. Classic "chosen one leads a vulnerable community against a tyrannical group lead by a big bad" story... so pretty much Star Wars, complete with what look to be lightsabers. Some of the visuals, especially the enemy designs, look pretty neat though.

I was hoping it'd have more of a Kurosawa feel to it considering Snyder claimed that he was a major inspiration (again, similar to George Lucas & Star Wars), but the lack of vibrant color is the only thing that reminds me of a Kurosawa movie here.

I'll give it a go since it'll be on Netflix, but I'm about 50/50 on how much I care. The Snyder nuts of the internet are sure to go wild for it though.
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Peru

Expendables 4

I don't know, it doesn't hype me that much. I like those janky over-the-top action movies, but I'm not feeling this one. I'll probably watch it anyway.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
Thought this was real at first, damnit.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada
I am down for Rebel Moon, looks really good.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
New Japanese Godzilla movie coming out. Looks like they did a mix of CG and practical effects for Godzilla himself, which may be a first? I know Shin Godzilla was still decently reliant on practical. Either way, this trailer gets me hyped. It looks great, even to the point that the human drama looks like it could be a highlight of the film (which obviously isn't usually the case).
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
Stray is getting a movie. Immediately I said, "that's dumb" but then thought it might turn out ok. Could be a good movie for the kids.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
That's gotta be tough as far as marketing goes for them when the R-rated Strays movie just came out this year. I wonder how they'll title "Stray" to make it very clear that they aren't related. I think some people will assume they are at first.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
Castlevania Nocturne
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (45 seconds ago)
The Castlevania show always annoyed me slightly. It takes place in the 1800s or something but has the most modern meme style dialogue.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 7-Sep-2023(#92)
What is this, some kind of Castle Vania?

Edit: I suppose the dialogue being like that is due to it being written by Warren Ellis, who's always had that kind of talking in his books.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (45 seconds ago)
I am very aware as to why it was like that, it's still annoying.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I'm not saying it wasn't. :)

Another person is writing the show now, so let's hope it doesn't suck.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (45 seconds ago)
I imagine it's hard for Warren Ellis to get work now...
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Monarch : Legacy of Monsters. Godzilla, Kurt Russell, Wyatt Russell, John Goodman. I'm in. Apple TV + has me a little nervous. Not that I think it will be bad, I just wonder if it'll be watered down. I wish it was a theater experience.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Looks like the BBC finally gave Doctor Who a budget. This looks pretty awesome for Who fans.
GameTZ Full Moderator Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
theJaw wrote:
> Looks like the BBC finally gave Doctor Who a budget.

There were some quotes a while back that Disney+ being the new home for DW *greatly** increased the budget they have to work with at Bad Wolf Productions.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Ohh that makes sense. I didn't even realize Doctor Who was in cahoots with Disney+, but that's probably good news for the show.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
My wife and I are thinking of starting the Doctor Who series. (The new/modern stuff. I've seen only a few episodes of the early stuff -- mostly the Tom Baker days.)

I assume we can just dive in with the "new era" stuff starting in 2005? Do they kinda summarize stuff up to that point for those that didn't watch the early stuff? Or are you really supposed to start with the 1960s stuff to make it all work?
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
@John You can start from the 2005 season with the Ninth Doctor. That season was designed to reintroduce audiences to the whole premise and whatnot. Throughout the run, some older concepts/characters are brought back but it's never too daunting. They always give you enough info for the actual episodes you're watching, so you can enjoy it whether you have all the context or not. But if you end up enjoying the new series, you then have a whole catalog of older episodes to revisit. Part of the fun for me was watching those older episodes and learning more about things that I was introduced to via the modern run.

Just know that you'll definitely need to deal with some slower/less interesting episodes in Doctor Who... sometimes they can be very "problem of the week." And the effects have always famously been inconsistent, but I find that's part of the charm. Once you get to the Eleventh Doctor and on, they're not so bad though.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
I really enjoyed watching Doctor Who while I was traveling for work for years there. I forget what season I left off at, I think it was like 11? What season did we go to the old dude? I'd love to get back to this
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
My wife and I will watch Doctor Who one of these days. We just have too much other stuff we want to watch at the moment, that we don't want to start up something that's going to require so much time.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
New Rick and Morty, first taste of the new voice actors since releasing that creepy sex pest. Sounds more or less the same. Neat!
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Thanks for the Doctor Who info. We'll add it to the list to watch soon.

We've burned through all Star Trek...

Just need to decide if we're starting SW Rebels or DW next...
Double Gold Good Trader
* 26-Sep-2023(#109)
Scott wrote:
> My wife and I will watch Doctor Who one of these days. We just have too much other
> stuff we want to watch at the moment, that we don't want to start up something that's
> going to require so much time.
Would you watch a random episode? Season 5 episode 2 was a very good one I think. It's called The Beast Below. If you're okay with watching out of order, and want to just watch a great episode, look up S5E2. (As always with these things, try to avoid spoilers if you do decide to watch it.)

@John too
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Silent Night, directed by John Woo. Violence, violence, and more violence.
Triple Gold Good Trader
back4more wrote:
> Silent Night, directed by John Woo. Violence, violence, and more violence.

so, does his kid die, that's why he wants revenge??
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Yeah I think so @shadyfozzie
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 11-Oct-2023(#113)
Good old fashioned wrasslin movie

The Iron Claw
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 11-Oct-2023(#114)
Picture-perfect casting for Fritz and David, but Kevin and Kerry, not so much. That is, looks-wise. I'm sure their performances will be great. The movie looks real good. As a big fan of World Class Championship Wrestling and the Von Erich story, I'm definitely looking forward to it.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Werewolf by Night in Color. Coming to Disney + on 10/20. I really enjoyed the B&W presentation but Im ready for a rewatch anyway.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Good excuse to watch it again!
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
* 22-Oct-2023(#117)
Haven't been excited for a movie in a bit... But a sequel to Prey? Hell yeah!

350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 22-Oct-2023(#118)
Hulu-only again? That's some bullcrap.

Edit: It's fake.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
Foxhack wrote:
> Hulu-only again? That's some bullcrap.

Minus some rando posting in that thread, not finding any legitimacy on it being fake. Seem to be finding more backing that it's in development.

Hope it's happening!
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 23-Oct-2023(#120)
The only info I can find on it are from blog sites that most likely picked up on it from Reddit. Production Weekly apparently had some info on it -- but that's a site where users submit production updates. Of the few blogs I've seen post about it, most claim that it's to be set in WWII -- but "no man's land" commonly refers to the area of land between the two sides of World War I, not II. So it sorta feels like a fan-made idea that caught some wind and fooled a few bloggers.

BUT I hope I'm wrong, cause the first Prey ruled.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Yep. I think it's a fantastic idea, and IIRC, there's a comic with that premise, but I just couldn't find any real sources that prove it's real.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
I had absolutely no interest in this show until this trailer. They redeemed Kingpin's shoddy presentation from Hawkeye within the first 10 seconds. This feels like a true continuation of the Netflix Daredevil series... the tone seems to be way more violent and gritty than most MCU shows.

I'm in.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Also very in for more Apes...

GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
theJaw wrote:
> I had absolutely no interest in this show until this trailer.

Same, that trailer was awesome. Can't believe how dark and violent it looks though, just feels weird for the MCU.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Scott wrote:
> theJaw wrote:
>> I had absolutely no interest in this show until this trailer.
> Same, that trailer was awesome. Can't believe how dark and violent it looks though,
> just feels weird for the MCU.

Imo they need to start stretching their muscles into other genres besides the bright and fun stuff they're best known for. Especially with Daredevil still being developed. In no world do I want to see a whole show with silly Daredevil from She-Hulk, even if I thought his appearances there were fun enough. Ya don't bring back Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio unless you intend to keep the tone from the Netflix series.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 3-Nov-2023(#127)
theJaw wrote:
> I had absolutely no interest in this show until this trailer. They redeemed Kingpin's
> shoddy presentation from Hawkeye within the first 10 seconds. This feels like a true
> continuation of the Netflix Daredevil series... the tone seems to be way more violent
> and gritty than most MCU shows.
> I'm in.


This has completely killed any interest I still had in the MCU.

How the hell could they miss the point of Kingpin so hard... Where's the smart, scheming Kingpin from the comics I really like? He'd never do that to the ice cream man. At least, not directly. Blergh. Just. Bah.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
@Foxhack Huh? One of the Kingpin’s defining traits both in the comics and the Netflix series (and the 2003 movie but we don’t need to talk about that) is that he does indeed get physical very often. He’s so untouchable that he knows that he’ll get away with anything. That’s his entire character.

350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 4-Nov-2023(#129)
@theJaw Comic book Kingpin is a smart, manipulative man who uses his enormous strength and physique to intimidate people. He can fudge you up physically, but he'd rather not get his hands dirty. Especially in a way that's just out there in the open. And he's always planning ahead.

MCU Kingpin seems to focus more on making him a giant baby who throws tantrums at the slightest irritation, who can't control his emotions, and who spends more time screaming internally than actually scheming how to screw you, your family, and your descendants in a way that can't be traced back to him.

D'Onofrio was wasted on such a crap interpretation of the character. Meh.

Edit: Also, is this a retcon? I remember him visiting Maya, but he wasn't the Kingpin yet, he visited the place where she lived in more civilian clothing, not his fancy Kingpin getup.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 4-Nov-2023(#130)
Comic book Kingpin absolutely got/gets physical. All the time. Yah he planned and manipulated, but again, one of the MAJOR primary factors of his comic character is that he's not afraid to also get physical. He does so in a way that illustrates how little he cares about being seen AS the Kingpin. Though to be fair, Born Again is the major example of him being more manipulative, fudging with Murdock psychologically as opposed to physically.

D'Onofrio was wasted in Hawkeye 100%, totally agreed. THAT take on Kingpin was absolute trash. But this Echo trailer seems to paint him much closer to the Netflix Daredevil version. And Netflix Daredevil is still the most faithful, and just genuinely best TV show to be born of the MCU (even if it's not 100% canon).
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
As a person who hasn't read any of the comics and barely knows who Kingpin is, I'm in the group like several above: I had no interest in this until that trailer. Now I'm interested.
GameTZ Full Moderator Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
While Kingpin can get physical in the comics, it's rarely in public like that. He'll beat the hell out of Spider-Man or Daredevil when it's in his own offices or secret lab or whatever. He's not killing people out on the streets of New York.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 4-Nov-2023(#133)
Grenadier wrote:
> While Kingpin can get physical in the comics, it's rarely in public like that. He'll
> beat the hell out of Spider-Man or Daredevil when it's in his own offices or secret
> lab or whatever. He's not killing people out on the streets of New York.

Most of his fights with Spider-Man or Daredevil are in public. Killing a guy in an alley for what he perceives to be a slight is not out of character whatsoever for Kingpin. Especially not Netflix's Kingpin.

I've read so many Kingpin stories. I love that character. Those trailer moments are very Kingpin.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
Triple Gold Good Trader
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Looks very bad. Like a B-tier Blumhouse movie... Happy Death Day's superhero cousin or something along those lines.

Neat to see the spider-people costumes, although I do feel like they're a bait-and-switch for the trailer. Like they'll show up for a scene in the movie as a flash to the future or something, but won't amount to much more than that.

I like Dakota Johnson though, she usually brings quality to whatever she works on. So there's that at least.
Triple Gold Good Trader
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
So Final Destination meets Spiderman eh?
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 15-Nov-2023(#139)
shadyfozzie wrote:

Rule of thumb: if you see "Screen Culture," the trailer isn't real. They post "concept" trailers reusing footage that's already been released and sometimes take shots from other movies to flesh them out. Admittedly usually well-edited, but not legit.
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Peru
Madame Web looks ok. As a comment in the video said, early 2000s vibes.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Peru
That's really cool, ngl. I really liked the first season, so it's nice to see we will get another one soon.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Is that... Michael Douglas as a young Hank Pym?

They should've gotten a different actor - he's great, but his older voice does not fit a younger Hank at all.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
The trailer for Lady Ballers just dropped. Looks pretty funny.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Porksta wrote:
> The trailer for Lady Ballers just dropped. Looks pretty funny

Just watched the trailer.. that was 2+ minutes of my life I will never get back.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Is that by one of those right wing Christian filmmakers? It’s got that cast.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (45 seconds ago)
Feeb wrote:
> Is that by one of those right wing Christian filmmakers? It’s got that cast.

The Daily Wire made it, so basically yes
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Kommie wrote:
> Feeb wrote:
>> Is that by one of those right wing Christian filmmakers? It’s got that cast.
> The Daily Wire made it, so basically yes

I thought it seemed a bit hyperbolically ignorant.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Quiet Place: Day One..
Looks AWESOME!!!
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Looks pretty good. Lupita Nyong'o will carry it as she does anytime she's in a movie.

I don't feel like either Quiet Place movie is spectacular... I feel like the series as a whole is a bit overrated. But I do think I preferred Part 2 over the first one, even if it feels incomplete. I'll give this one a go.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Yeah, I'm going to need to know beforehand if the cat makes it. I'll be checking before I watch...
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
theJaw wrote:
> Looks pretty good. Lupita Nyong'o will carry it as she does anytime she's in a movie.
> I don't feel like either Quiet Place movie is spectacular... I feel like the series
> as a whole is a bit overrated. But I do think I preferred Part 2 over the first one,
> even if it feels incomplete. I'll give this one a go.

Yeah, I really enjoyed both movies, but I agree that neither is spectacular, and both are overrated. I think Blunt and Krasinksi being so well-liked has at least something to do with it. It was a very unique concept for a movie though, which is always welcome.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Deadpool & Wolverine

Entertaining trailer but was hoping more would be revealed.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Looks fudging awesome.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
Super stoked, as is everyone. Finally a reason to be excited again like we were years ago.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: Fudge yah, love those new Apes movies. I'll watch it.

Twisters: Who the fudge asked for this? I'll watch it.

Wicked: The wife loves the musical, and I generally love musicals. I'll watch it.

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 12-Feb(#158)
back4more wrote:
> Deadpool & Wolverine
> Entertaining trailer but was hoping more would be revealed.

M-SHE-U's last chance

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Everyone’s saying that, but I don’t see it that way. There have been a few bad projects recently… but there were some bad projects in phases 1-3 too. I feel like the post-Endgame MCU backlash is a bit overblown.

That said, Deadpool & Wolverine looks like it’s gonna be awesome and probably a step above other recent MCU movies.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
* 12-Feb(#160)
theJaw wrote:
> Everyone’s saying that, but I don’t see it that way. There have been a few bad
> projects recently… but there were some bad projects in phases 1-3 too. I feel like
> the post-Endgame MCU backlash is a bit overblown.

It's extremely overblown. Phase 4 and 5 (so far) have been solid overall, the films at least. There were some misses, but also some really great movies, then a few in between that you'd think were absolutely terrible if you never saw any of them and just read the loudest comments online. The shows haven't been as solid overall, but I've enjoyed most of them. It's not like you're spending $50+ to take your family to see those though, it's a few bucks for a month subscription to Disney, I think we need to lower the expectations for these shows a wee bit.

> That said, Deadpool & Wolverine looks like it’s gonna be awesome and probably a
> step above other recent MCU movies.

Yeah, I'm so excited for this one. It's nice to feel like there's an overall hype for an MCU project again, it's been a while. The last time I remember there being this much hype was for No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness. Since then it's just sour grapes from all the haters all the time.
Double Gold Good Trader
EclipseLion wrote:
> back4more wrote:
>> Deadpool & Wolverine
>> Entertaining trailer but was hoping more would be revealed.
> MCU's last chance
"MCU's last chance" 😂
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
"I wasn't unconscious."

That's some priceless delivery.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
bill wrote:
> ...

This looks real interesting, may have to track it down.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I watched the ‘92 series religiously. I’m not sure I ever saw 97.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Feeb wrote:
> I watched the ‘92 series religiously. I’m not sure I ever saw 97.

This one's called X-Men '97 because that '92 series ended in '97, and this is a direct continuation. Oughtta be neat.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
theJaw wrote:
> Feeb wrote:
>> I watched the ‘92 series religiously. I’m not sure I ever saw 97.
> This one's called X-Men '97 because that '92 series ended in '97, and this is a direct
> continuation. Oughtta be neat.

Cool. I liked that one.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
theJaw wrote:
> Fudgein very ready for this.

This whole time I thought they were just bringing the old episodes to Disney+. I didn't realize they're actually making brand new episodes, that's really cool.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
* 21-Feb(#170)
Borderlands ... could be good? could be horrible.

Don't think we needed Kevin Hart or Jack Black.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
Weird, I didn't see any loot boxes in that trailer.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Ok, so, as a person who loves all things Borderlands, that actually looked pretty fun to me. I don't mind Kevin Hart as Roland so far.

The only actor that I don't like for this is Jack Black as Claptrap. I mean, seriously, they should have just use the Claptrap voice actor. No need to stick Jack Black in this. And I say that as a person who really likes Jack Black.

Again, looked fun to me. yes
Double Gold Good Trader
* 21-Feb(#173)
theJaw wrote:
> Fudgein very ready for this.
Cool. Didn't expect this. Should be fun.

Xavier leaves everything to Magneto? Hmmm. Doesn't sound right. But then again, maybe he did so, hoping Magneto would turn to the good side? Who knows. One way to find out.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
@nonamesleft Yah the big question, at least to me is:

Did X really leave everything to Magneto, hoping to help him "see the light," or is Magneto just doing a big ol' villain master plan here?

Oughta be a fun time.
Double Gold Good Trader
@theJaw theJaw wrote:
> @nonamesleft Yah the big question, at least to me is:
> ...
> Oughta be a fun time.
Exactly. I was thinking the exact same thing.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
* 21-Feb(#176)
John wrote:
> The only actor that I don't like for this is Jack Black as Claptrap. I mean, seriously,
> they should have just use the Claptrap voice actor. No need to stick Jack Black
> in this. And I say that as a person who really likes Jack Black.

Agreed, even though I liked Jack Black as Bowser you still hear Jack Black much more than bowser, just like you do in this trailer. Claptrap's voice was phenomenal, there was no reason to change it.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 22-Feb(#177)
theJaw wrote:
> @nonamesleft Yah the big question, at least to me is:

This might actually be a plot point that is lifted from the comics, sort of.

In the comics, Magneto joins the X-Men and becomes a teacher to The New Mutants, just before the Secret Wars II event. And just prior to that, the Mutant Registration Act is approved So I suspect they're going to try to adapt that in the show. At least one New Mutant appeared - Cannonball.

Two more hints are in the trailer: There's a scene where Magneto appears before a court, at around 0:42 seconds - the appearance of armed soldiers also suggests that this may have the Mutant Registration Act as a plot point (which also happened around this time period in the comics.)

And Xavier left for Shi'ar and asked Magneto to become his replacement as part of this plot.

Double Gold Good Trader
Foxhack wrote:
> theJaw wrote:
>> @nonamesleft Yah the big question, at least to me is:
> This might actually be a plot point that is lifted from the comics, sort of.
> ...
Interesting. I'm surprised they're doing a cartoon of this. Pleased, but surprised.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I'm speculating, and the original cartoon also took stuff from the comics and changed things around to be more saturday morning friendly (the whole Dark Phoenix Saga, for example) and that's what seems like the most logical choice to me.

Current Marvel isn't shying away from topics which certain folks find... um, inappropriate. So I think that's where they're gonna go.
Double Gold Good Trader
Foxhack wrote:
> I'm speculating, and the original cartoon also took stuff from the comics and changed
> things around to be more saturday morning friendly (the whole Dark Phoenix Saga,
> for example) and that's what seems like the most logical choice to me.
> Current Marvel isn't shying away from topics which certain folks find... um, inappropriate.
> So I think that's where they're gonna go.
I missed out on the whole Dark Phoenix thing. Just one of those things I didn't get to
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
Another Sandler Netflix movie eh? Looks interesting. I'll watch, but would prefer he stuck to comedy.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Been dying to see this movie, have only heard good things from its festival run. Happy to finally get a trailer. Coming March 22, only wish they waited for Halloween (but it’ll probably be streaming by then).
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Aaaand this looks phenomenal
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Fallout looks interesting. Apparently it's a completely original story, not based on the games directly, so... yeah. I'm game.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (45 seconds ago)
Foxhack wrote:
> Fallout looks interesting. Apparently it's a completely original story, not based
> on the games directly, so... yeah. I'm game.

Halo show did this too, I hear. People loved it.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (45 seconds ago)
Although to be fair, "Bethesda" writers suck so this is probably a good thing.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
This story writes itself… but so did the Witcher…
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 9-Mar(#188)
Foxhack wrote:
> Fallout looks interesting. Apparently it's a completely original story, not based
> on the games directly, so... yeah. I'm game.

While not based on any particular game, the show is apparently canon with the game's world. Which apparently raises some issues with Fallout 2 and New Vegas that I don't know enough about... but that's a whole other can of worms. I've only played 2 very briefly and actually just started NV for the first time recently, but have had a hard time getting hooked in.
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
theJaw wrote:
> Been dying to see this movie, have only heard good things from its festival run.
> Happy to finally get a trailer. Coming March 22, only wish they waited for Halloween
> (but it’ll probably be streaming by then).

Yea, I'll be in the theater opening weekend for this one.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
MrBean wrote:
> The Crow

Cool. I’m ok with that casting. Did not know this was a thing after Batcrow it makes sense.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Bronze Good Trader Has Written 9 Reviews
Alien: Romulus looks great. like an Alien Isolation movie.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Teaser trailer for.Beetlejuice 2 is out..
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Can't. Wait.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Michael Madsen is back and he looks half dead. Which is appropriate for this movie.
Triple Gold Good Trader
RIP to Chance Perdomo... He was one of the main cast members on Gen V. Died in a motorcycle accident.. Only 27.. What a shame..
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
shadyfozzie wrote:
> RIP to Chance Perdomo... He was one of the main cast members on Gen V. Died in a
> motorcycle accident.. Only 27.. What a shame..

Ughhh that sucks. Only knew him from Gen V but I dug his character in that first season. Feel like it'll need to be recast, he's sort of integral to the plot at this point.

That's neither here nor there obviously, well wishes to his friends, family and fans. That's awful. RIP.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
Yeah, very sad. He was great on Sabrina too.

I see he was added to the 27 Club.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Sweet! I'm excited about that. Drew Goddard is generally a good writer. yes
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 18-Apr(#205)
I would like to extend my deepest, most heartfelt apologies to all the "You ruined my childhood" weirdos.

I finally understand you.

(Not to say that I'm a huge fan of this franchise, but I did watch the show as a kid, and I loved what has happened with the franchise in the comics, giving everyone good backstories. And then they drop this. Just... why.)
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Hugh is definitely channeling some animated series Wolverine with this take.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 22-Apr(#208)
Looks super fun. Now all the comic diehards online can finally rest easy knowing Wolverine does indeed go sleeveless in the movie haha
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 22-Apr(#209)
I really hope that movie does well, it looks fun, if a bit cheesy. But I suspect Disney will just go "it underperformed" and use it as a scapegoat to stop making mature-ish Marvel movies.

I'm also not happy with how the villain looks. But eh. We'll see.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Disney can’t lie about box office numbers. Those are reported by outside sources. I have to doubt Disney would put out a very expensive MCU movie just hoping to say “gotcha,” especially after their 2023. They’ll take a win this year any place they can get it haha
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
theJaw wrote:
> Disney can’t lie about box office numbers. Those are reported by outside sources.
> I have to doubt Disney would put out a very expensive MCU movie just hoping to say
> “gotcha,” especially after their 2023. They’ll take a win this year any place
> they can get it haha

They can't lie about box office numbers, but they can lie about expectations.

Disney: "We expect to make 15% of this movie's budget as profit."
Box Office: "Deadpool & Wolverine made 20% profit!"
Disney: "Actually, we expected the movie to beat our expectations by more than 5%. Hugh and Ryan will be voicing animated movies for us from now on until they're wearing Depends."

And this sounds like a troll, but it happens all the time in the tech industry.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
* 23-Apr(#212)
Eh I suppose they COULD lie about that, but anybody who even kinda keeps up with the movie industry knows what constitutes as a financial success and a financial failure. I don’t know how often any movie studio makes their percentage expectations known to the general public other than that they obviously want to make an actual profit. Disney especially follows the money… so if it’s a financial success (and we’ll know if it is), I’m sure they’ll want to capitalize.

That said, I do doubt they’re going to lean TOO too heavily into the mature MCU projects regardless. Maybe a Deadpool movie and a Daredevil-related series here and there, but they won’t stray too far from the family-friendly stuff.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
New Karate Kid Movie Shifts to Line Up With Cobra Kai
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Oh. Great. The Karate Kid multiverse.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Warning: gives a bit too much away for my taste, but also gets me hyped up hard.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Good cast. A very interesting timeline to explore.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (45 seconds ago)
Not watching that trailer, I'll just watch it when it airs. @theJaw still needs to get off his bum ass and watch Arcane.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Mother's Milk and Annie (Starlight) look so different now

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Didn't the actress that plays Starlight get a crap ton of plastic surgery?
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Porksta wrote:
> Didn't the actress that plays Starlight get a crap ton of plastic surgery?

I read somewhere that she did. Sad, she was so cute.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Kommie wrote:
> Not watching that trailer, I'll just watch it when it airs. @theJaw still needs
> to get off his bum ass and watch Arcane.

Welp when you’re right you’re right. Maybe I’ll get on this soon, been wanting some animation to get into.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 13-Jun(#225)
Homelander is answering questions on Reddit in 16 hours from this post:

Topic   The New Movie/TV Trailers Thread - THE BOYS: SEASON 4