
Topic   Last Game You Didn't Beat?

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Tried out the Piko Collection 3 on Evercade. It has some gems on it (was surprised how much I like Radical Bikers).

It also has Sword of Sodan (Genesis version). It has got to be amongst the all time worst games released on the system.

It has big sprites and that's the only positive. China Warrior on the TG16 compares favorably to this game.

I put it on easy mode and gave myself the max number of lives (7). Lost 5 of them due to overwhelming enemies, low damage and poor hit detection.

The final two were from falling into invisible pits that you just have to memorize the exact location of where to jump and hope the enemies (who can walk across them just fine) don't push you in!

Never has the Sega Rally "GAME OVER, YEAH!" felt more appropriate.

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 5-Jun-2023(#2)
Trinity Trigger. Got to the final boss and lost a few times, so I just watched the ending on YT. Not the most exciting game and just didn't want to play anymore.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Ethan: Meteor Hunter on PS3. Late last night I reached a point where a puzzle stumped me and I only ever intended to play until I reached that point. It's just not high on my priority list to keep playing this when I have so many other games to play.

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Serious Sam 4 - abandoning it after only the first 2.5 levels, granted I played the first 2 over a year ago and went back to this thanks to seeing it set to leave GP soon. It's just too repetitive and frustrating. Only have the default pistol, 2 shot guns and an assault rifle... but the double barrel was hard to accurately select via the weapon wheel with a controller and I had virtually zero ammo for the rifle. Reverse circle strafing got old, fast. It's not worth pushing hard to complete the remaining 80+% in just a few days when I'm not enjoying it.

Double Gold Good Trader
Crosscode. Didn't expect it to be so aim-heavy and riddled with fetch quests. Just not fun to play.

Sokobos. Puzzles didn't seem very well designed. Tried to remap the buttons on my controller, and now it is permanently messed up with no way to reset.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
Chicory: A Colorful Tale - No clue what I was suppose to do and didn't find it appealing enough to look it up.

The Messenger - *shame* Everyone says it's great, but it's just not my cup of tea.

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
I beat The Messenger twice @bill and really enjoy it, but some of the platforming is crazy difficult until you get the timing down. The shop keeper was enjoyable and the music. Shame you didn't like it.

GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
Deathloop Microsoft Xbox Series X|S

Another game everyone seems to love that I couldn't stand. It didn't help that the game kept glitching and I'd lose progress. The enemy AI is either really stupid or the best long range shots ever. The environments are cool, but not enough to go back over and over in, because they feel empty. I don't like the menus. In fact, the whole interface and mission section feels convoluted to me. I also didn't like any of the characters.

I don't drop games very often, and I tried multiple times with 'Deathloop,' but I just couldn't.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
I beat Deathloop and mostly enjoyed it. But, I agree with many of your criticisms too.

I had loved Dishonored and Prey (especially Mooncrash), but Deathloop just felt off to me.
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
I started Prey and Deathloop but have taken long pauses from both. Want to go back to them, Prey moreso, but haven't been compelled to. Them being Bethesda games on GP adds to that delay but DL also didn't capture my interest like Dishonored did.

Double Gold Good Trader
Immortals Fenyx Rising. I started it. Wanted to like it. Although it wasn't bad, it just wasn't doing it for me. I think it was a matter of timing though, and not the game itself. I had started it not too long after having beaten Zelda Breath of the Wild. So not too long before I had had my fill of large open world exploration.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
I'm thinking about trying Immortals Fenyx Rising soon...
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
bill wrote:
> I'm thinking about trying Immortals Fenyx Rising soon...

Do it. It's cheap and it's good. And your weapons don't break like in that Nintendo game

GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
I've racked up several over the last ~3 years, but I've beaten a ton more, so that's ok. All of these are technically still on my "playing" list, and could get picked back up at some point if I'm in the right mood.

Crystalis - Just couldn't get into this one. I'm sure it was great back when it came out, but it doesn't hold up now.

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - I was really into this game, but around 10 hours in I just suddenly hit a weird wall where I really wasn't enjoying the game all that much anymore. The combat had gotten very repetitive and stale, and the best I could tell, it was pretty much going to be like that for the rest of the game.

Shantae - Got to a section where you have to transform into a monkey (I think it was a monkey?) and the controls just were not working for me. Switched to another game and never ended up going back. I'll probably go back to it some time soon, I've been wanting to play through the Shantae games for a while now.

Hollow Knight - First time I tried it, I just wasn't feeling it. The second time, I was loving it, but then I saw it's a 40+ hour game and I just was not in the mood for a long game at that time, and definitely not a long game that is also a Metroidvania! I'll beat this game some day for sure.

Horizon: Zero Dawn - I liked the more realistic graphics, but I just didn't care for the combat and exploration (especially compared to BotW). I wish we could get a Zelda game that looked like this.

Banjo-Tooie - Never played this one growing up, even though I played Banjo Kazooie multiple times. Replayed BK a couple years ago and loved it, it held up so well. Tried to jump into BT right after but just was not enjoying it. They changed up way too much, IMO.

Pokemon Y - The only reason I stopped is because Pokemon Scarlet came out, and I wanted to start that one at the same time as my kids. I'll return to it eventually.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
I started a game last night that I plan to continue playing more of tonight, but can already tell I likely won't finish it. It is Onee Chanbara Origin and it just feels way too repetitive in the hour I've played of it so far.

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
kirby return to dreamland deluxe
grimgrimoire oncemore
dokapon kingdom Nintendo Switch
Fairy Fencer F Nintendo Switch

selling them all on mercari to pay for Crisis Core and Advanced Wars Nintendo Switch

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Typing of the Dead (2000, PC version).

Popped in my old disc into a Windows 8 machine, ripped the ISO and copied it to a Win10 machine without an optical disc drive. It runs without any issues.

Except that you are playing on a laptop keyboard instead of a real one. So I didn't win. Made it to the last boss though.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Monster Truck Championship PlayStation 5
Final Exam PlayStation 3

To be fair I downloaded them from the PS+ Premium selection and going into them I knew if they didn't hook me within the first 30-45 minutes or so I was just going to delete them. Monster Truck Championship I just could not get a hang of the controls. I was hoping for it to be more arcade-style, but the game's description said it was a simulation. And Final Exam, it's just another beat-em-up game and I tend to get extremely bored of those types of games, especially when I'm playing them solo.

A game that I haven't given up on yet, but am very close to...Death Stranding. What even is this game?
Double Gold Good Trader
Probably going to bail on another wave of PS5 games.

Control - Not really feeling the gameplay or the narrative.

Immortals: Fenyx Rising - Gameplay is competent but unremarkable. Constant joking gods narration already started wearing a bit thin.

The Pathless - Stamina mechanic is beyond stupid. I don't have time for that.
Triple Gold Good Trader
How far did you get in Control? I really enjoyed that one by the end, but it started out a little slow for me.

Orlandu wrote:
> Probably going to bail on another wave of PS5 games.
> Control - Not really feeling the gameplay or the narrative.
> Immortals: Fenyx Rising - Gameplay is competent but unremarkable. Constant joking
> gods narration already started wearing a bit thin.
> The Pathless - Stamina mechanic is beyond stupid. I don't have time for that.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
The Pathless didn't click to me either.

Immortals: Fenyx Rising - I finished it, but it felt tedious (and I skipped a lot of stuff). I definitely hated all the story/narration. Also hated the way flying works with the need to use this special odd attack to get some lift.

Control was pretty good.
Silver Good Trader
Fluidity: Spin Cycle. I was trying to 100% it because of the novel concept, but it was taking forever and got annoying to play. I haven’t even reached the second boss and I ran out of steam.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Orlandu wrote:
> Immortals: Fenyx Rising - Gameplay is competent but unremarkable. Constant joking
> gods narration already started wearing a bit thin.

Although if you want to hate on BOTW, this is the go to game.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
* 9-Jul-2023(#24)
loztdogs wrote:
> Orlandu wrote:
>> Immortals: Fenyx Rising - Gameplay is competent but unremarkable. Constant joking
>> gods narration already started wearing a bit thin.
> Although if you want to hate on BOTW, this is the go to game.

Maybe I will get sick of the narration between Zeus and Prometheus but I'm enjoying it so far. It's keeping the game light and fun for me as opposed to a "serious" game like every other ubisoft open world release

Double Gold Good Trader
@Bleed_DukeBlue Not far at all, and I'll likely get back into Control at some point. The plot really doesn't grab me, and I'm not a big fan of it being told through data logs that I pick up (and what's the deal with having to go through a set of sub menus to see it...just let me push a button when I pick it up to read it). Part of that's my fault since since sci-fi is pretty hit or miss for me.

@loztdogs I didn't care for BotW, but I don't see this game as an improvement other than the absence of Zelda's atrocious fake British accent and weapons that break every 10 seconds. It just feels like Ubi open world design.

@benstylus I hope you enjoy it all the way through. Don't be a miserable old man like me.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Orlandu wrote:
> @benstylus I hope you enjoy it all the way through. Don't be a miserable old man
> like me.

laughing out loud

Well, I should clarify. I like the writing, but the fake accents do grate on me.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Kao The Kangaroo: Round 2. A 20 year old 3D platformer, when I started it I knew I wouldn't care if I had finished it or not.because my expectations weren't exactly high going into it.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> Kao The Kangaroo: Round 2. A 20 year old 3D platformer, when I started it I knew
> I wouldn't care if I had finished it or not.because my expectations weren't exactly
> high going into it.

I gotta admit I was kinda weirded out when Kao got a release on modern systems. Just thinking of all the oddball mascot plaformers IPs of the early aughties, why bring that one back?

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader
* 16-Jul-2023(#29)
Afrika PlayStation 3

It's kind of boring! It needs a remake or something on PS4 or PS5. On the PS3, the world feels small and not very lush with vegetation. The loading times also suck - just getting to my save game to play takes several minutes. I don't have the heart to sell or trade it - it's like I finally get to play a nature documentary! I just wish it was more interesting so I could get to the end of it.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
The Narrator is a DICK on Steam

I eventually could have beaten this, but didn't want to invest more time into it. It's not that long of a game, the length is just artificially extended by all the dying you will do.
Double Gold Good Trader
Gravity Circuit: Let's make a game that reminds everyone of Mega Man X but take away the gun and give it garbage grapple hook mechanics. My hands hurt after a single stage.
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Iron Fisticle Steam - had this twin stick shooter for a long while, finally spun into it this month. After a good 30+ failures to even clear the first board of 9 rooms in a 3x3 grid and you only need to go from 1 corner to the opposite one, I gave up. The game puts a ton of enemies into the room and after you clear it, or after a fairly short countdown, it spawns in a new foe 1 at a time that you can't kill. They're meant to push you out the door into the next room, but are really annoying because they shoot at you and when they appear before you kill all normally enemies, it's challenging to distinguish between them and the enemies you're required to kill.
I was gaining XP and very slowly leveling up my base stats, but it was just taking too long to feel like overall progress was being made. It ultimately wasn't enjoyable enough to keep grinding and I uninstalled it.

Double Gold Good Trader
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> The Narrator is a DICK on Steam
Okay, not all narrators are great. But what's the title of the game?
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
Iron Man 2 PlayStation Portable

This game really makes you feel like Iron Man in real life, in that you slowly lumber around smaller empty spaces mostly unable to fly, just like a heavy metal suit would feel like wearing.

The game is a curious one. It's a sequel to the movie, but only Don Cheadle and Samuel L Jackson reprise their roles. The soundalike for Downey is extremely convincing though. The levels are short, and you can only hover. There are on-rails shooting sections, which are ok, but also short. Enemy variety is low, but the story is decent. You never feel powerful as Iron Man, and that's the game's biggest folly.

The reason I quit is because I got stuck. I was about half to two-thirds of the way through the game in a hotel where the power needs to be re-established to rescue Pepper. Like I said, levels are smaller and linear, and though there's a compass with a waypoint on it, which is useless. I could not for the life of me find the spot to turn the power on. There was nothing. Iron Man has a scanner, but using that just produces a message saying there's nothing to scan. After going back and forth from the beginning of the level to where the game closes off the second area of the level a few times, and not finding a solution online, I gave up. The game isn't terribly interesting to begin with, but it's short enough I was going to stick it out, but it's not worth it.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Hyper Void on PSVR. I enjoy these types of arcade shooters, but I almost never actually finish them. In fact I don't even start them with the intention of finishing them, I just try and get a few hours of enjoyment out of them, and that's what I got out of this.

Triple Gold Good Trader
* 13-Aug-2023(#37)
Robotech: Battlecry and Atlas Fallen. Atlas Fallen open world and combat loop wasn't enjoyable put 2 hours in. The names for characters while having a in lore reason for being that way was an odd choice. Also the combat wasn't fast paced enough. It was easy enough using parry or Iron to freeze enemies and attack them. The dialogue, vertical objects and traversal didn't help either. Robotech Battlecry was an interesting concept but wasn't my cup of tea sadly. Hopefully my next PS2 games prove more interesting. I like the idea of switched modes between fighter hybrid and mech but the camera and reuse of defense missions made it tedious. It is pretty much fly here and destroy the enemy asap or prepare to lose due to the escort or the building you are suppose to protect dying. I was hoping for something more in the vein of Ace Combat honestly.
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 2-Sep-2023(#38)
Giving up on Armored Core 6 possibly. The game's shotgun and gatling guns are overpowered. Even after chapter 2 sniping or fighting from a far does little to no damage or isn't possible. Would be nice to have a laser sniper or physical sniper but so far after Chapter 2 that doesn't seem possible. Going to just rush and beat the game and get the three endings and sell it quick. Here is to hoping Starfield and MegaMan Dive is better. I really need to stop wasting money and just buy what I know I will like.
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (17 seconds ago)
428: Shibuya Scramble

I was pretty interested at first, but it just got so boring having to replay the same sequences over and over again to try to advance the story.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews
A couple of games I started over the last couple years but moved on for now:

DmC: Devil May Cry - Definitive Edition
God of War (2018)
Gravity Rush: Remastered
Red Dead Redemption II

Currently just started Star Wars Jedi: Survivor that I got from the library and need to return soon. Then it's back to Tears of the Kingdom to finish it (2 more temples). Then maybe I'll start Final Fantasy XVI. Unless Dead Space comes in from the library as well.
Double Gold Good Trader
* 8-Sep-2023(#41)
Sadly, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, for now anyway. I was a couple of hours in, but started feeling overwhelmed. Almost like the game was too big. Almost felt like I was forcing myself to want to enjoy it. Video games shouldn't feel like that. You're supposed to feel unforced fun.

And I very much enjoyed Breath of the Wild, so I was disappointed that I wasn't feeling this one. But I hope to return to it.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Air Conflicts - Secret Wars on PS3. Two missions I've had to restart because of the kinda poopy checkpoint system in the game. For example, in one of the missions I reached a checkpoint with just a sliver of health left, so when I'd die and respawn at the checkpoint I'd still only have a sliver of health left, so any time that kind of situation happened I was better off just restarting the level completely (not that big of a deal since most levels barely last 10 minutes anyway, but in a game like this that is pretty repetitive I don't want to replay stuff doing the same thing again and again more than I already have to). The other level had an objective towards the end that required me to fly a certain distance to reach a marker on the map and I had to do it before the 2 minute timer expired, and despite giving it about a dozen attempts I just couldn't get there fast enough no matter what I did. Maybe if I restarted the level and chose a faster plane I could do it, but I think I'm okay with just moving on from the game. I didn't dislike the game and I'm more than halfway through the campaign, so I kinda don't want to just give up on it, but I recently started Devil May Cry V and I'm enjoying it a lot more, so I want to focus more on that anyway. I think there are a couple of games in the Air Conflicts series in the PS+ Premium classic game catalog, so maybe I will try one of those instead.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Been playing some of the G.G series games for the DS courtesy of the G.G Series Collection + cartridge.

Originally a bunch of $2 DSi download games, this release compiles 30 of them (I think that's all of them) into one, with a few being available at the start, and a points and achievement system to buy more of them.

My two favorites so far are Ninja Karakuri Den (a single screen platform action game where the goal is to destroy all the gears and get to the exit, with a boss stage every few levels) and Wonderland (an Alice in wonderland themed vertical shooter that very heavily leans into Touhou style). Haven't beaten either of them yet but am moving on to try some more of the other games.

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
For the past few years, I've been pretty good about finishing games that I start. There are a few exceptions.

I bought Astral Chain when someone joked that it was going to be a Retro Talkshop Thread Game of the Month. I thought it was a really cool game and loved its flashy, over-the-top presentation, but I never got the hang of the control scheme, which requires a lot of asymmetric analog stick gymnastics. I would like to revisit it at some point when it can be a primary focus, but it's not on my radar right now.

SaGa Frontier is likely to end up here as well. It's a big nostalgia bomb for me, as it was something I watched my friend play after we finished Final Fantasy VII and needed another JRPG fix, but years later, it's absolutely impenetrable to me. I have a party full of random characters, none of which seem to be particularly helpful unless I burn through all their resources. I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong, but until I figure out what, I'll probably set this one aside.

Double Gold Good Trader
"I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong" should be part of the cover art of the SaGa series.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Orlandu wrote:
> "I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong" should be part of the cover art
> of the SaGa series.

Except Unlimited Saga, which should have "We did something fundamentally wrong, no probably about it" on the cover.

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Orlandu wrote:
> "I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong" should be part of the cover art
> of the SaGa series.

LOLing very, very hard at this right now

I hear that the Remastered release fixes a few of these unintuitive mechanics, but none of the explanations I've heard have convinced me that it'd make much difference.

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 2-Oct-2023(#48)
Renaissance2K wrote:
> For the past few years, I've been pretty good about finishing games that I start.
> There are a few exceptions.
> I bought Astral Chain when someone joked that it was going to be a Retro Talkshop
> Thread Game of the Month. I thought it was a really cool game and loved its flashy,
> over-the-top presentation, but I never got the hang of the control scheme, which
> requires a lot of asymmetric analog stick gymnastics. I would like to revisit it
> at some point when it can be a primary focus, but it's not on my radar right now.
> SaGa Frontier is likely to end up here as well. It's a big nostalgia bomb for
> me, as it was something I watched my friend play after we finished Final Fantasy
> VII and needed another JRPG fix, but years later, it's absolutely impenetrable to
> me. I have a party full of random characters, none of which seem to be particularly
> helpful unless I burn through all their resources. I'm probably doing something fundamentally
> wrong, but until I figure out what, I'll probably set this one aside.

That was me who nominated Astral Chain for RTT GotM. It actually won (same month it released) but Lunar changed it to something else since nobody was playing it. I ended up beating it later and it was pretty cool.

And I'm in the same boat with Saga Frontier. I bought the remastered version but was getting constantly defeated by the same boring boss. (Finished the sequel on PS1 a long time ago.) I'll probably just try another character next time I play.
Triple Gold Good Trader
I forgot about Astral Chain. I probably put about 12 hours into it before dropping it. The premise was cool, but I didn't like the gameplay at all. It felt like a chore.

Renaissance2K wrote:
> For the past few years, I've been pretty good about finishing games that I start.
> There are a few exceptions.
> I bought Astral Chain when someone joked that it was going to be a Retro Talkshop
> Thread Game of the Month. I thought it was a really cool game and loved its flashy,
> over-the-top presentation, but I never got the hang of the control scheme, which
> requires a lot of asymmetric analog stick gymnastics. I would like to revisit it
> at some point when it can be a primary focus, but it's not on my radar right now.
> SaGa Frontier is likely to end up here as well. It's a big nostalgia bomb for
> me, as it was something I watched my friend play after we finished Final Fantasy
> VII and needed another JRPG fix, but years later, it's absolutely impenetrable to
> me. I have a party full of random characters, none of which seem to be particularly
> helpful unless I burn through all their resources. I'm probably doing something fundamentally
> wrong, but until I figure out what, I'll probably set this one aside.
Double Gold Good Trader
@Renaissance2K The only SaGa game I finished was Romancing SaGa 3 back on Super Famicom. I played it in Japanese (a language I very much do not understand) with a guide. I'm not sure it would have been any easier in English. I beat the entire game without ever figuring out how to cast magic. I think you had to put your party in specific positions for it to work. In spite of all that I really enjoyed it. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing that little light bulb appear over one of your character's heads.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I've played most of the SaGa games but only finished Frontier 2 and Final Fantasy Legend 1. I have most of them downloaded to Switch so just have to get back to them eventually.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Orlandu wrote:
> "I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong" should be part of the cover art
> of the SaGa series.

laughing out loud
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I got a little frustrated with metroid prime remastered because I found out you NEED the artifacts to beat the game, and I was already a little tired of the mindless wandering. But I took a break for a couple of months and I just beat it. Proud of myself. Lol.

But I can add a couple non completes

Monkey Island 2 special edition
and because of that, sold Nintendo Switch Return to Monkey Island.

Triple Gold Good Trader
Gave up on Sonic Frontiers Final Horizon. Amy and Knuckles are okay. The start up animation for the glide and the amount of surfaces you can climb is a bit questionable to me but I made it a rule of thumb that red is climbable. Amy on the other hand can get high into the air with her triple jump and float. I question the lack of hammer and inclusion of tarot cards. Tails on the other hand was terrible. Flying wasn't to difficult but combat with him is. He has no homing attack and melee options and goes strictly ranged. It would be fine if it was better but at that point I gave up on it. It wasn't fun climbing and I heard the towers are even worse. Playing the base game was okay but Tails sadly ruined things for me.
Gold Good Trader
* 6-Oct-2023(#55)
Every Bethesda game ever made except Evil Within 1 & 2 which were only published by them. I lose interest in them.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews
Tales of Arise for me. Started and liked it, but I always feel like I could be playing something better when I’m playing it.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
* 6-Oct-2023(#57)
Chex Quest HD.
It's such a short game, and despite the levels not being very long I don't like having to start over if I die because there's no checkpoints. The main reason I don't like starting over is because of how sluggish everything in that game moves. I really hope the next console can run Unreal Engine 5 better than the current Switch can run Unreal Engine 4 because if I know ahead of time that a game runs on that engine I almost always skip buying it on Switch because I know it'll run like ass (and even with how the game runs on Switch, they still charge $5 for this in the eShop while it is completely free on Steam). Also since I've never played the original Chex Quest and have no nostalgia for it, I don't really care about not finishing this.

GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
Zombie Army 4: Dead War. Probably fun with friends. Tedious solo.

Double Gold Good Trader
* 13-Oct-2023(#59)
I want to unofficially say Omori. I put a nice amount of hours into it, but simply didn't continue. The game is fun enough, has humor, some nice music, and a story. Looks nice too. But I just haven't been gaming much lately.

Why unofficially saying Omori? Because I do want to finish the game sometime. Officially putting it here would be like throwing in the towel. Unofficially still leaves room to continue.
Silver Good Trader
I haven't come back to Yumi's Odd Oddyssey. One stage was super difficult, others are unlocked by finding secret exits that are barely documented online. Though I did get the credits a few times by clearing certain routes, so you could argue that I did beat it...?

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
I just wasted 17 minutes of my life playing what might rank pretty up there on the list of the worst games I've ever played, and that's saying something coming from someone who has bought plenty of eShop trash on purpose (I've tried to cut down on that these days, but I've owned this game for a few years now). I will never finish it, in fact I've already uninstalled it just before I started typing this post.
It was Ultra Off-Road Simulator 2019: Alaska on Nintendo Switch
The physics are awkward (my jeep would get stuck in a ditch and there's nothing I could do to get out), the frame-rate drops pretty hard at times and overall it is pretty easy to see why this game sits at a 25 on the critics of Meta. I might have even more complaints had I actually put more time into it. Also I didn't realize it at the time, but in the eShop it appears they are using screenshots of the PC version because in the Switch version the top left of the screen tells you to press the left analog stick for more vehicle options, but in the eShop screenshots it looks like it's telling you to push the T key.
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews
Gave Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon a shot. I’ve never played an Armored Core game. Not my cup of tea. I did enjoy both Zone of the Enders games though.
Double Gold Good Trader
SupremeSarna wrote:
> I haven't come back to Yumi's Odd Oddyssey. One stage was super difficult, others
> are unlocked by finding secret exits that are barely documented online. Though I
> did get the credits a few times by clearing certain routes, so you could argue that
> I did beat it...?
Hmmm, maybe you did beat it. You might have to post this in the last game you beat thread.

But if you post it there, just change the third to last word from did to didn't :)
Triple Gold Good Trader
Hi-Fi Rush may end up being on this list for me. The premise and story are cool, and the art direction is interesting, but I just don't have fun when I play it. There are so many tedious moments with the controls (particularly in timed instant death sequences where you have to remember the specific inputs to call in someone else to do something for you before you die).
Triple Gold Good Trader
Giving up on Robocop Rogue City. The shooting while fun made me feel way to overpowered which made sense considering the source material. The dialogue was great though some voice acting wasn't the best. Finding side objectives and needing to collect evidence and find secrets for bonus xp was annoying. I just didn't really mesh with the game. I feel if this was a choose your own adventure and combat sections were lessened it might be better. I gave up after finding out leg shots were really the only way to deal with most armored enemies. In the first level for example, enemies with head armor should be dealt with by a shot to the groin which is fairly unique but later enemies like in the prison pretty much required leg shots. I have a feeling it was only going to get worse from there. If you want a game true to the source material and some interesting dialogue options give it a try. Just be warned the combat gets stale quick. Your starting firearm can be upgraded, some items can be picked up and thrown along with enemies, repair kits or OCP energy is frequent, first boss is a damage sponge.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Legend of Nayuta. I just have so many games on my play list I wasn't feeling it immediately.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Body Of Evidence on Switch.
I got this last week in one of those giveaways No Gravity Games does in the eShop as an excuse to give away their bad games leading up to Halloween. I knew to keep my expectations low going into it, so I can't say was too disappointed in it, but I know I won't finish it. The whole game is that you are sent in to crime scene-like scenarios and have to hide the dead body (or bodies) and clean up the mess (blood, broken glass, bullets, etc.) before the cops arrive. This is far from one of No Gravity Games' worst games, but I still wouldn't call it "good", in fact I don't think I've played a single game by them that I would call "good", but I just don't want to play this anymore.

The eShop description says it has lots of "black humor", but I didn't really see much humor at all. They attempted a lame joke with some dude named Tyler that was a nod to Fight Club (never seen the movie but I got the reference). Other than that the controls are kinda crap, it has a very small circle in the center that you have to aim precisely over the object you're trying to interact with, which can be frustrating when they are tiny bullets you're trying to pick up off the floor. Plus the weird physics make disposing of bodies too difficult sometimes, especially since you have a time limit to deal with. I tried to stick with the game but it isn't worth it, I'm 10 levels into it and there are 20 more, I don't want to spend more time on it.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Pandemic Shooter on Switch.
Another "winner" by No Gravity Games. It's a first-person shooter where it's you against a buttload of zombies. The story starts out kinda funny, it's a group of lizard aliens that have landed on Earth and released a virus that turns people into mind-controlled zombies. Why they chose humans is because humans are dumb and will believe anything they read on the internet, like the Earth being flat, which is the premise of the first level. What the other levels are about, I couldn't tell ya because after two 20 minute sessions with the game where I failed to beat the boss at the end of the first level, I've decided I don't want to play anymore. But they take jabs at anti-maskers, and people who believe the moon landing was faked, things like that.
The controls need some touching up, I've tried adjusting the sensitivity but I couldn't get it to feel "right", and there's no gyro aiming which at this point should be a requirement for any shooter on Switch. The graphics are cel-shaded, which I usually like, but the environments and enemies look less detailed than how I remember even the PS3 version of Borderlands looking, so it's kind of a waste here.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Inner Voices on Nintendo Switch.
Okay, one last game brought from those fudgetards wonderful people at No Gravity Games. I saved this for last because as a first-person horror/puzzle game, I thought this game had the highest chance of me actually enjoying it. But it's just so janky. I knew within 30 seconds of booting it up and seeing that it runs on Unreal Engine 4 that I should expect some jank, because that engine doesn't play well with Switch unless you do some heavy optimizing, and indie devs working with low budgets are not going to bother doing that as you can see from the many, many of the trash games in the eShop running on UE4.

But in a way this dev did their own way of optimizing, by scaling it back so far from the PC version that it's almost a different game now. I got stumped on a puzzle early on and turned to ol' YouTube for help and could only find playthroughs of the PC version, and it looks nothing like what I'm seeing on my TV when I'm playing on the Switch. The PC version doesn't look to be any GotY contender or anything, but it looks far superior to what the Switch version turned out to be.
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 12-Dec(#70)
Put 4 hours into Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. Just isn't my type of game the collecting of items to build arrows at the start was probably a bad sign on my enjoyment level of the game. I also didn't like the navigation system. It seemed like abilities would make it better but you shouldn't have to unlock such important features in my opinion as navigating the world in a open world game is important. The combat wasn't that satisfying either. Human enemies die in one punch except for mechs and other pilotable vehicles and shooting wasn't the greatest to me which is understandable. Giving up on Undertale Yellow genocide run couldn't really enjoy doing it and found the pacifist run to be more enjoyable minus a few combat events. It is a fan made game though.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
* 13-Dec(#71)
ued222 wrote:
> Put 4 hours into Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. Just isn't my type of game the collecting
> of items to build arrows at the start was probably a bad sign on my enjoyment level
> of the game.

Crafting is fast becoming one of my least favorite things in gaming. It's down there with farming (which is basically a variation of crafting) and nearly everything "roguelike"/"roguelite".
It used to be cool to be able to make your own stuff instead of buying it, but then it morphed into being forced to make stuff because it wasn't available to buy and further evolved to you can't even buy materials so you gotta scrounge for them. It's turned into a cheap way to artificially pad a game's length.

The last game I enjoyed crafting in was Fantasy Life, and that was probably because (1) most of the materials can be purchased somewhere and (2) I was also playing it with sailorneorune and the streetpass feature allows you to gift rare materials to other people without losing them yourself. So we would go back and forth giving stuff for crafting and never running out.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
I won't argue that. All that crafting bullcrap is what ruined Animal Crossing: New Horizons for me. I mean they made a lot of other mistakes with that game too, but crafting is near the top.

450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
This year at least, mine is Fire Emblem Engage. I started it soon after launch in January and have put around 5 hours on it over a week's time every few months this year. I just can't get into it after the last few have felt mediocre (Three Houses, Fates, Valentia) and this feels no different. I find myself asking, "why bother with each new iteration of a series, when you can go back and play the ones that made the series amazing to begin with?"

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Eastward on Nintendo Switch I still want to return to it one day but it was just too slow paced for me to stick with it long term consistently.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I beat Eastward but thought it was pretty average overall. I actually thought the Game Boy style RPG in game was better.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 21-Dec(#76)
Yeah I expected a lot more from the developers. especially since I really enjoyed their previous game Timespinner.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Onimusha: Warlords on Nintendo Switch

In 2024 I really wanted to drop less games than last year once I've started them, so it sucks this early into the year I'm dropping this one already. I've read it's a 5 or 6 hour game, so I tried to stick with it, but I'm done with it.

I think I missed the boat on this and Devil May Cry, because instead of playing them when they each first released a little over 20 years ago (even though I owned one I missed out on a lot of PS2 exclusives because GameCube and Xbox were more of a priority), my first time is playing them when Capcom put out these low effort ports in the eShop instead of giving them a proper remaster treatment and fixing things that really needed to be fixed. Well, from what I've read they did make minor adjustments to the controls, so good on them for that. But other parts that needed fixing, like the ability to skip cutscenes (there's this one annoying part within the first hour of the game with two back-to-back puzzles and if you fail either one you're booted back to the title screen and have to reload your save) went ignored. I don't care one bit about the game's story, so without that it's just a generic hack-n-slash.

Since they released it at only $20 it's entirely possible they were just releasing it for people who were already fans of it but no longer had a PS2 to play it on. But if they were trying to win over new fans, I think some more work needed to be done.
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> Onimusha: Warlords on Nintendo Switch
> In 2024 I really wanted to drop less games than last year once I've started them,
> so it sucks this early into the year I'm dropping this one already. I've read it's
> a 5 or 6 hour game, so I tried to stick with it, but I'm done with it.
> I think I missed the boat on this and Devil May Cry, because instead of playing them
> when they each first released a little over 20 years ago (even though I owned one
> I missed out on a lot of PS2 exclusives because GameCube and Xbox were more of a
> priority), my first time is playing them when Capcom put out these low effort ports
> in the eShop instead of giving them a proper remaster treatment and fixing things
> that really needed to be fixed. Well, from what I've read they did make minor adjustments
> to the controls, so good on them for that. But other parts that needed fixing, like
> the ability to skip cutscenes (there's this one annoying part within the first hour
> of the game with two back-to-back puzzles and if you fail either one you're booted
> back to the title screen and have to reload your save) went ignored. I don't care
> one bit about the game's story, so without that it's just a generic hack-n-slash.
> Since they released it at only $20 it's entirely possible they were just releasing
> it for people who were already fans of it but no longer had a PS2 to play it on.
> But if they were trying to win over new fans, I think some more work needed to be
> done.

I'm guessing they were releasing it for fans and to gauge interest. According to leaked sales data, it sold over 300,000 copies. I'm still unsure why they didn't use 'Genma' though, since that version had some gameplay tweaks and more content. I agree, I think regardless of the version, some modernization would've helped.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Koral on Nintendo Switch

This reminds of that that PSP/PS3 game, flOw. It's a pretty pointless game that doesn't have much gameplay, and I'm not sure what the story is or if there even is one because despite this game having a US release in the eShop, all the text in this is in Japanese because that's the eShop I bought it from (in the past I've never not had a game I bought in the Japanese eShop automatically display all text in English when I change my account's region back to America). This game is much prettier than flOw was, but is equally as boring. I'm sure it's a short game too, and maybe I'll return to it later on, but for now I'm moving on to something else.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Great graphics, hit or miss on gameplay. The open world was very impressive to look at but once I reached the third major area I gave up. I may return to it down the line but like many Ubisoft games it's just too many things on too big of a map with not enough of a story to keep my interest. The gameplay is hit or miss, it had a few good story missions early on but the enemies in the clear the base missions were awful, on a few occasions when I sniped an enemy with a bow from a distance it triggered the entire base of enemies and they immediately knew my location.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Cyberpunk 2077 ce la vie

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Skully on Nintendo Switch

I'm halfway through level 14 out of 18 total, so I really didn't want to give up on the game while I'm so close to the end. But there is an annoying glitch that is not allowing me to make progress. I found a comment on the Steam discussion boards for the game from two years ago by someone else who experienced the same glitch, so clearly the devs didn't care enough to patch it.
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I'm so close to just dumping Shantae Half Genie Hero.

I beat the main campaign, but it has two additional ones, plus some extra game modes. And if I want to get all the achievements... I have to beat the game 21 times at least.

That's... insane.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Foxhack wrote:
> I beat the main campaign, but it has two additional ones, plus some extra game modes.
> And if I want to get all the achievements... I have to beat the game 21 times at
> least.

Is that hyperbole, or do you literally have to beat it 21 times?

350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 15-Mar(#85)
Renaissance2K wrote:
> Is that hyperbole, or do you literally have to beat it 21 times?

Not hyperbole. Basing myself on the achievements, it wants me to:

Beat the game, beat the game with 100%, beat the game on speedrun, beat the game on speedrun with 100%. That's for the main game, Risky Boots mode, and Friends mode (12 full game playthroughs);
Then I have to beat the game twice in the extra modes (Officer, Beach, Ninja) at 100% and on speedrun (6 playthroughs);
Beat the main game once with the alternate color costume (can be done with an existing save at the end, 1 playthrough);
Beat the Risky Boots mode with no upgrades (1 playthrough);
Beat the main game in hardcore mode (1 playthrough).

So 12 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 21.

Theoretically, I could clear the Speedrun + 100% runs and get several clears at once, but that's still 13 playthroughs at the very least.

That's insane.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Prince of Persia lost crown

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas on Nintendo Switch

It's not that it's a bad game, it's just that every now and then I go through this phase where I get so distracted and hooked on VR games that I feel like I've temporarily lost interest in flat games for the time being, and this is a victim of that (it happens the other way too sometimes and I'll go weeks or months without using VR). I went about a week without playing it and just went to resume from where I left off and I had no freaking idea where to go or what I was doing, so I'm just going to delete it. I was around 6 or 7 hours into it and I could easily just look up a walkthrough to refresh my memory, but I don't feel like it.
Double Gold Good Trader
Pepper Grinder. Controls didn't feel right, and the "search for hidden items in the stage" mechanic seemed at odds with the idea of smoothly flowing through the stage.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Looks like it’s gonna be Marvels midnight suns. I totally dig the card battles but the forced side stuff is starting to bug me. Going to take a break and see if I naturally gravitate back to it.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Runner3 on Nintendo Switch

I haven't given up on it completely just yet, but I know it's coming. I enjoy this series, with the first one being a WiiWare release, the sequel on Wii U and now this on Switch. While I enjoyed the two previous games over a decade ago, I can't recall if I ever actually finished them, or if I just played until the novelty wore off. This one warns you right off the bat when you boot the game up that it's the most difficult one in the series yet, and while you can adjust a few settings in the options menu to make things a little easier, I just don't wanna have to do that. So I'll play until I reach the inevitable level that I can't beat because I have no shortage of games in my backlog to move on to immediately.

Charles Martinet returns as the narrator (and as a playable character), and it's kinda nice to hear him with an actual speaking role with a script that has him doing more than just quips in a phony Italian accent.
Double Gold Good Trader
I bailed on Unicorn Overlord. Dialogue was just too amateurish for me, and there was very little actual gameplay. I enjoy pretty much everything else Vanillaware puts out, so this was a rare miss.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Korix on PSVR. It's a base-building/destroying/tower defense type game. The premise is pretty simple. (Build your base up and destroy the other one (or two or three) using a handful of unit and building types.) However, as you get further in the campaign, it gets crazy hard. The longer you take to beat a level, the stronger the enemy units get until you have planes flying overhead killing all your people while all sides of your base get bombarded by artillery and invaded by these cubes that can take down walls in seconds with their lasers. It was fun for awhile, but I eventually got frustrated. Maybe I'll pick it up again at some point, but I needed a break.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Raccoo Venture on Nintendo Switch

It claims it is going for a 90s retro platformer vibe and I think it kinda met its goal. It reminded me a bit of Super Mario 3D World too, but with way more indie jank and almost none of the Nintendo polish. It's way harder than Super Mario 3D World was tho, as I'm tapping out right before I could reach World 3 because it requires me to replay previous levels and hunt for a few more collectibles before the bridge to World 3 will allow me to cross. That kind of thing shouldn't be a requirement unless I was going for 100%
Triple Gold Good Trader
Atomic Heart. I got this from the library and had high hopes. The graphics look really nice, the scenery gave me a little bit of a Bioshock feel, and the storyline intrigued me. Unfortunately, the game is full of really tedious and annoying parts (platforming that just doesn't feel right, mediocre combat, doors with locks that require you to solve very obvious and conceptually easy puzzles that are obnoxious control-wise, and a number of puzzles required for advancement that are basically over-glorified fetch quests. At a certain point, I realized I was forcing myself to play this to avoid losing the sunk cost of having already played it for several hours. I wasn't really having any fun. So, I stopped, and now, playing Legendary Tales on PSVR2, I'm having a blast.
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 20-May(#95)
Baldur's Gate III

It seems like it would be exactly my type of game. I don't think I'm done with it and will eventually go back. It's just a little bit of wrong game at the wrong time I think. I just spent 100 hours on back to back new releases, FF7 and Unicorn Overlord. The thought of starting another 100+ hour adventure was exhausting. I went back to nostalgic/familiar territory.

A couple other points. After 10 hours or so, I still wasn't engrossed in the overall story. I wasn't far into it, but it was mostly uninteresting to me. The bigger issue for me is the silent protagonist. In a world so detail-oriented and having such lively characters, the player's character is just an empty shell. I get this is a D&D style, choose your own adventure, and you're meant to insert yourself into the story, but your main character is reduced to facial expressions only.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Ghostrunner on PlayStation 5
I wouldn't call it a bad game, but it just relies on a little too much trial and error than I want to put up with in my games.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 24-May(#97)
That it does. I got frustrated with Ghostrunner too but the frequent checkpoints made it tolerable. Enough where I finished it and got the sequel which is in my queue next to play after Alone In The Dark 2024, but I agree it all depends on how much you can tolerate the whole trial and error gameplay. If it wasn’t for those generous checkpoints I would have never finished it.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)
Gave up on another one already. Paper Beast on Sony PlayStation VR
I only put around 30-40 minutes into it before getting frustrated at not knowing what to do because it's one of those games where they don't tell you anything and just leave it to you to figure out. I ain't got time for that. Back to Yoshi's Island I go.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 31-May(#99)
Alone In The Dark 2024 Microsoft Xbox Series X|S

When the game works performance wise it’s like a blend of Alan Wake, Resident Evil and Evil Within but there’s just too many bugs and glitches, game breaking ones like what I just encountered shortly into the game in chapter 2, to recommend this game safely to anyone. What’s ironic is the devs just came out with an 11gb patch fixing a plethora of things but seems to have created a new set of problems like the progression bug I just had in my save file. For shame. This game could have been something great too if its quality were better and controls didn't feel so stiff and wonky. The acting is pretty good too from David Harbour and Jodie Comer so it’s one of those neat ideas with poor execution and severely poor quality assurance and testing. I was thinking about restarting it from the beginning after the new patch dropped as maybe old saves present were slightly corrupted after the new patch dropped but if I take that gamble and get up to the same part where the bug broke my progression and it’s still there I will be so damn pissed for wasting my time even more so in light of less aggravation I’m putting this one to bed. It is up for sale as well in my available list if anyone is interested in taking a shot. Hopefully you’ll have better luck than me in the buggy department.

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